FLTK 1.4.0
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CFlThe Fl is the FLTK global (static) class containing state information and global methods for the current application
 CFl_AdjusterWas stolen from Prisms, and has proven to be very useful for values that need a large dynamic range
 CFl_Anim_GIF_ImageSupports loading, caching, and drawing of animated Compuserve GIFSM images
 CFl_BitmapSupports caching and drawing of mono-color (bitmap) images
 CFl_BMP_ImageSupports loading, caching, and drawing of Windows Bitmap (BMP) image files
 CFl_BoxThis widget simply draws its box, and possibly its label
 CFl_BrowserDisplays a scrolling list of text lines, and manages all the storage for the text
 CFl_Browser_This is the base class for browsers
 CFl_ButtonButtons generate callbacks when they are clicked by the user
 CFl_Cairo_StateContains all the necessary info on the current cairo context
 CFl_Cairo_WindowThis defines an FLTK window with Cairo support
 CFl_Callback_User_DataA class prototype that allows for additional data in callbacks
 CFl_ChartFl_Chart displays simple charts
 CFL_CHART_ENTRYFor internal use only
 CFl_Check_BrowserDisplays a scrolling list of text lines that may be selected and/or checked by the user
 CFl_Check_ButtonA button with a "checkmark" to show its status
 CFl_ChoiceA button that is used to pop up a menu
 CFl_ClockThis widget provides a round analog clock display
 CFl_Clock_OutputThis widget can be used to display a program-supplied time
 CFl_Color_ChooserStandard RGB color chooser
 CFl_Copy_SurfaceSupports copying of graphical data to the clipboard
 CFl_CounterControls a single floating point value with button (or keyboard) arrows
 CFl_Device_PluginThis plugin socket allows the integration of new device drivers for special window or screen types
 CFl_DialCircular dial to control a single floating point value
 CFl_Display_DeviceThe computer's display
 CFl_Double_WindowThe Fl_Double_Window provides a double-buffered window
 CFl_EndThis is a dummy class that allows you to end a Fl_Group in a constructor list of a class:
 CFl_EPS_File_SurfaceEncapsulated PostScript drawing surface
 CFl_File_BrowserDisplays a list of filenames, optionally with file-specific icons
 CFl_File_ChooserDisplays a standard file selection dialog that supports various selection modes
 CFl_File_IconManages icon images that can be used as labels in other widgets and as icons in the FileBrowser widget
 CFl_File_InputThis widget displays a pathname in a text input field
 CFl_Fill_DialDraws a dial with a filled arc
 CFl_Fill_SliderWidget that draws a filled horizontal slider, useful as a progress or value meter
 CFl_FlexFl_Flex is a container (layout) widget for one row or one column of widgets
 CFl_Float_InputSubclass of Fl_Input that only allows the user to type floating point numbers (sign, digits, decimal point, more digits, 'E' or 'e', sign, digits)
 CFl_FormsBitmapForms compatibility Bitmap Image Widget
 CFl_FormsPixmapForms pixmap drawing routines
 CFl_FreeEmulation of the Forms "free" widget
 CFl_GIF_ImageSupports loading, caching, and drawing of Compuserve GIFSM images
 CFl_Gl_WindowSets things up so OpenGL works
 CFl_Glut_Bitmap_FontFltk glut font/size attributes used in the glutXXX functions
 CFl_Glut_WindowGLUT is emulated using this window class and these static variables (plus several more static variables hidden in glut_compatibility.cxx):
 CFl_GridFl_Grid is a container (layout) widget with multiple columns and rows
 CFl_GroupFLTK container widget
 CFl_Help_DialogDisplays a standard help dialog window using the Fl_Help_View widget
 CFl_Help_Font_StyleFl_Help_View font stack element definition
 CFl_Help_LinkDefinition of a link for the html viewer
 CFl_Help_TargetFl_Help_Target structure
 CFl_Help_ViewDisplays HTML text
 CFl_Hold_BrowserThe Fl_Hold_Browser is a subclass of Fl_Browser which lets the user select a single item, or no items by clicking on the empty space
 CFl_Hor_Nice_SliderSingle thumb tab slider
 CFl_Hor_SliderHorizontal Slider class
 CFl_ICO_ImageSupports loading, caching, and drawing of Windows icon (.ico) files
 CFl_ImageBase class for image caching, scaling and drawing
 CFl_Image_SurfaceDirects all graphics requests to an Fl_Image
 CFl_InputThis is the FLTK text input widget
 CFl_Input_This class provides a low-overhead text input field
 CFl_Input_ChoiceA combination of the input widget and a menu button
 CFl_Int_InputSubclass of Fl_Input that only allows the user to type decimal digits (or hex numbers of the form 0xaef)
 CFl_JPEG_ImageSupports loading, caching, and drawing of Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) File Interchange Format (JFIF) images
 CFl_LabelThis struct stores all information for a text or mixed graphics label
 CFl_Light_ButtonThis subclass displays the "on" state by turning on a light, rather than drawing pushed in
 CFl_Menu_Base class of all widgets that have a menu in FLTK
 CFl_Menu_BarThis widget provides a standard menubar interface
 CFl_Menu_ButtonThis is a button that when pushed pops up a menu (or hierarchy of menus) defined by an array of Fl_Menu_Item objects
 CFl_Menu_ItemThe Fl_Menu_Item structure defines a single menu item that is used by the Fl_Menu_ class
 CFl_Menu_WindowWindow type used for menus
 CFl_Multi_BrowserSubclass of Fl_Browser which lets the user select any set of the lines
 CFl_Multi_LabelAllows a mixed text and/or graphics label to be applied to an Fl_Menu_Item or Fl_Widget
 CFl_Multiline_InputThis input field displays '\n' characters as new lines rather than ^J, and accepts the Return, Tab, and up and down arrow keys
 CFl_Multiline_OutputThis widget is a subclass of Fl_Output that displays multiple lines of text
 CFl_Native_File_ChooserThis class lets an FLTK application easily and consistently access the operating system's native file chooser
 CFl_OutputThis widget displays a piece of text
 CFl_Overlay_WindowThis window provides double buffering and also the ability to draw the "overlay" which is another picture placed on top of the main image
 CFl_PackThis widget was designed to add the functionality of compressing and aligning widgets
 CFl_Paged_DeviceRepresents page-structured drawing surfaces
 CFl_PixmapSupports caching and drawing of colormap (pixmap) images, including transparency
 CFl_PluginFl_Plugin allows link-time and run-time integration of binary modules
 CFl_Plugin_ManagerFl_Plugin_Manager manages link-time and run-time plugin binaries
 CFl_PNG_ImageSupports loading, caching, and drawing of Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image files
 CFl_PNM_ImageSupports loading, caching, and drawing of Portable Anymap (PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM) image files
 CFl_PositionerThis class is provided for Forms compatibility
 CFl_PostScript_File_DeviceTo send graphical output to a PostScript file
 CFl_PreferencesFl_Preferences store user settings between application starts
 CFl_PrinterOS-independent print support
 CFl_ProgressDisplays a progress bar for the user
 CFl_RectRectangle with standard FLTK coordinates (X, Y, W, H)
 CFl_Repeat_ButtonThe Fl_Repeat_Button is a subclass of Fl_Button that generates a callback when it is pressed and then repeatedly generates callbacks as long as it is held down
 CFl_Return_ButtonThe Fl_Return_Button is a subclass of Fl_Button that generates a callback when it is pressed or when the user presses the Enter key
 CFl_RGB_ImageSupports caching and drawing of full-color images with 1 to 4 channels of color information
 CFl_Roller"dolly" control commonly used to move 3D objects
 CFl_Round_ButtonButtons generate callbacks when they are clicked by the user
 CFl_Round_ClockA clock widget of type FL_ROUND_CLOCK
 CFl_ScrollThis container widget lets you maneuver around a set of widgets much larger than your window
 CFl_ScrollbarDisplays a slider with arrow buttons at the ends of the scrollbar
 CFl_Secret_InputSubclass of Fl_Input that displays its input as a string of placeholders
 CFl_Select_BrowserThe class is a subclass of Fl_Browser which lets the user select a single item, or no items by clicking on the empty space
 CFl_Shared_ImageThis class supports caching, loading, and drawing of image files
 CFl_Shortcut_ButtonA button that allows the user to type a key combination to create shortcuts
 CFl_Simple_CounterThis widget creates a counter with only 2 arrow buttons
 CFl_Single_WindowThis is the same as Fl_Window
 CFl_SliderSliding knob inside a box
 CFl_SpinnerThis widget is a combination of a numerical input widget and repeat buttons
 CFl_Surface_DeviceA drawing surface that's susceptible to receive graphical output
 CFl_SVG_File_SurfaceA drawing surface producing a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file
 CFl_SVG_ImageSupports loading, caching and drawing of scalable vector graphics (SVG) images
 CFl_Sys_Menu_BarA class to create and modify menus that appear on macOS in the menu bar at the top of the screen
 CFl_TableA table of widgets or other content
 CFl_Table_RowA table with row selection capabilities
 CFl_TabsContainer widget that displays a set of tabs, with each tab representing a different child widget
 CFl_TerminalTerminal widget supporting Unicode/utf-8, ANSI/xterm escape codes with full RGB color control
 CFl_Text_BufferThis class manages Unicode text displayed in one or more Fl_Text_Display widgets
 CFl_Text_DisplayRich text display widget
 CFl_Text_EditorThis is the FLTK text editor widget
 CFl_Text_SelectionThis is an internal class for Fl_Text_Buffer to manage text selections
 CFl_TileLets you resize its children by dragging the border between them
 CFl_Tiled_ImageThis class supports tiling of images over a specified area
 CFl_TimeoutThe internal class Fl_Timeout handles all timeout related functions
 CFl_TimerThis is provided only to emulate the Forms Timer widget
 CFl_Toggle_ButtonThe toggle button is a push button that needs to be clicked once to toggle on, and one more time to toggle off
 CFl_TooltipTooltip support for all FLTK widgets
 CFl_TreeTree widget
 CFl_Tree_ItemTree widget item
 CFl_Tree_Item_ArrayManages an array of Fl_Tree_Item pointers
 CFl_Tree_PrefsTree widget's preferences
 CFl_ValuatorControls a single floating-point value and provides a consistent interface to set the value, range, and step, and insures that callbacks are done the same for every object
 CFl_Value_InputDisplays a numeric value
 CFl_Value_OutputDisplays a floating point value
 CFl_Value_SliderFl_Slider widget with a box displaying the current value
 CFl_WidgetFl_Widget is the base class for all widgets in FLTK
 CFl_Widget_SurfaceA surface on which any FLTK widget can be drawn
 CFl_Widget_TrackerThis class should be used to control safe widget deletion
 CFl_WindowThis widget produces an actual window
 CFl_WizardThis widget is based off the Fl_Tabs widget, but instead of displaying tabs it only changes "tabs" under program control
 CFl_XBM_ImageSupports loading, caching, and drawing of X Bitmap (XBM) bitmap files
 CFl_XPM_ImageSupports loading, caching, and drawing of X Pixmap (XPM) images, including transparency