FLTK 1.4.0
No Matches
Fl_Terminal Class Reference

Terminal widget supporting Unicode/utf-8, ANSI/xterm escape codes with full RGB color control. More...

#include <Fl_Terminal.H>

Inheritance diagram for Fl_Terminal:
Fl_Group Fl_Widget


class  CharStyle
class  Cursor
class  EscapeSeq
class  Margin
class  PartialUtf8Buf
class  RingBuffer
class  Selection
class  Utf8Char

Public Types

enum  Attrib {
  NORMAL = 0x00 , BOLD = 0x01 , DIM = 0x02 , ITALIC = 0x04 ,
  UNDERLINE = 0x08 , _RESERVED_1 = 0x10 , INVERSE = 0x20 , _RESERVED_2 = 0x40 ,
  STRIKEOUT = 0x80
 Bits for the per-character attributes, which control text features such as italic, bold, underlined text, etc. More...
enum  CharFlags {
  FG_XTERM = 0x01 , BG_XTERM = 0x02 , EOL = 0x04 , RESV_A = 0x08 ,
  RESV_B = 0x10 , RESV_C = 0x20 , RESV_D = 0x40 , RESV_E = 0x80 ,
 Per-character 8 bit flags (uchar) used to manage special states for characters. More...
enum  OutFlags { OFF = 0x00 , CR_TO_LF = 0x01 , LF_TO_CR = 0x02 , LF_TO_CRLF = 0x04 }
 Output translation flags for special control character translations. More...
enum  RedrawStyle { NO_REDRAW =0 , RATE_LIMITED , PER_WRITE }
 Determines when Fl_Terminal calls redraw() if new text is added. More...

Public Member Functions

void ansi (bool val)
 Enable/disable the ANSI mode flag.
bool ansi (void) const
 Return the state of the ANSI flag.
void append (const char *s, int len=-1)
 Appends string s to the terminal at the current cursor position using the current text color/attributes.
void append_ascii (const char *s)
 Append NULL terminated ASCII string to terminal, slightly more efficient than append_utf8().
void append_utf8 (const char *buf, int len=-1)
 Append NULL terminated UTF-8 string to terminal.
void box (Fl_Boxtype val)
 Sets the box type, updates terminal margins et al.
Fl_Boxtype box (void) const
 Returns the current box type.
void clear (Fl_Color val)
 Clears the screen to a specific color val and homes the cursor.
void clear (void)
 Clears the screen to the current textbgcolor(), and homes the cursor.
void clear_history (void)
 Clears the scroll history buffer and adjusts scrollbar, forcing it to redraw().
void clear_screen (bool scroll_to_hist=true)
 Clear the terminal screen only; does not affect the cursor position.
void clear_screen_home (bool scroll_to_hist=true)
 Clear the terminal screen and home the cursor.
void color (Fl_Color val)
 Sets the background color for the terminal's Fl_Group::box().
Fl_Color color (void) const
 Return base widget Fl_Group's box() color()
int cursor_col (void) const
 Return the cursor's current column position on the screen.
void cursor_home (void)
 Move cursor to the home position (top/left).
int cursor_row (void) const
 Return the cursor's current row position on the screen.
void cursorbgcolor (Fl_Color val)
 Set the cursor's background color used for the cursor itself.
Fl_Color cursorbgcolor (void) const
 Get the cursor's background color used for the cursor itself.
void cursorfgcolor (Fl_Color val)
 Set the cursor's foreground color used for text under the cursor.
Fl_Color cursorfgcolor (void) const
 Get the cursor's foreground color used for text under the cursor.
void display_columns (int val)
 Set terminal's display width in columns of text characters.
int display_columns (void) const
 Return terminal's display width in columns of text characters.
void display_rows (int val)
 Set terminal's display height in lines of text (rows).
int display_rows (void) const
 Return terminal's display height in lines of text (rows).
void draw (void) FL_OVERRIDE
 Draws the entire Fl_Terminal.
 Fl_Terminal (int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L, int rows, int cols, int hist)
 Same as the default FLTK constructor, but lets the user force the rows, columns and history to specific sizes on creation.
 Fl_Terminal (int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *L=0)
 The constructor for Fl_Terminal.
int handle (int e) FL_OVERRIDE
 Handle FLTK events.
void history_lines (int val)
 Set the number of lines of screen history.
int history_lines (void) const
 Return the number of lines of screen history.
void history_rows (int val)
 Set terminal's scrollback history buffer size in lines of text (rows).
int history_rows (void) const
 Return terminal's scrollback history buffer size in lines of text (rows).
int history_use (void) const
 Returns how many lines are "in use" by the screen history buffer.
void margin_bottom (int val)
 Set the bottom margin; see Margins.
int margin_bottom (void) const
 Return the bottom margin; see Margins.
void margin_left (int val)
 Set the left margin; see Margins.
int margin_left (void) const
 Return the left margin; see Margins.
void margin_right (int val)
 Set the right margin; see Margins.
int margin_right (void) const
 Return the right margin; see Margins.
void margin_top (int val)
 Set the top margin; see Margins.
int margin_top (void) const
 Return the top margin; see Margins.
void output_translate (Fl_Terminal::OutFlags val)
 Sets the combined output translation flags to val.
Fl_Terminal::OutFlags output_translate (void) const
 Return the current combined output translation flags.
void print_char (char c)
 Prints single ASCII char c at current cursor position, and advances the cursor.
void print_char (const char *text, int len=-1)
 Prints single UTF-8 char text of optional byte length len at current cursor position, and advances the cursor if the character is printable.
void printf (const char *fmt,...)
 Appends printf formatted messages to the terminal.
void putchar (char c, int drow, int dcol)
 Print the ASCII character c at the terminal's display position (drow,dcol).
void putchar (const char *text, int len, int drow, int dcol)
 Print UTF-8 character text of length len at display position (drow,dcol).
void redraw_rate (float val)
 Set the maximum rate redraw speed in floating point seconds if redraw_style() is set to RATE_LIMITED.
float redraw_rate (void) const
 Get max rate redraw speed in floating point seconds.
void redraw_style (RedrawStyle val)
 Set how Fl_Terminal manages screen redrawing.
RedrawStyle redraw_style (void) const
 Get the redraw style.
void reset_terminal (void)
 Resets terminal to default colors, clears screen, history and mouse selection, homes cursor, resets tabstops.
void resize (int X, int Y, int W, int H) FL_OVERRIDE
 Handle widget resizing, such as if user resizes parent window.
int scrollbar_actual_size (void) const
 Returns the scrollbar's actual size; actual width for vertical scrollbars, actual height for horizontal scrollbars.
void scrollbar_size (int val)
 Set the width of the scrollbar's trough to val, in pixels.
int scrollbar_size (void) const
 Get the current size of the scrollbar's trough, in pixels.
void selectionbgcolor (Fl_Color val)
 Set mouse selection background color.
Fl_Color selectionbgcolor (void) const
 Get mouse selection background color.
void selectionfgcolor (Fl_Color val)
 Set mouse selection foreground color.
Fl_Color selectionfgcolor (void) const
 Get mouse selection foreground color.
void show_unknown (bool val)
 Set the "show unknown" flag.
bool show_unknown (void) const
 Return the "show unknown" flag.
uchar textattrib () const
 Get text attribute bits (underline, inverse, etc).
void textattrib (uchar val)
 Set text attribute bits (underline, inverse, etc).
void textbgcolor (Fl_Color val)
 Set text background color to fltk color val used by any new text added.
Fl_Color textbgcolor (void) const
 Return text's current background color.
void textbgcolor_default (Fl_Color val)
 Set the default text background color used by any new text added after a reset (<ESC>c, <ESC>[0m, or reset_terminal()).
Fl_Color textbgcolor_default (void) const
 Return text's default background color.
void textbgcolor_xterm (uchar val)
 Sets the background text color as one of the 8 'xterm color' values.
void textcolor (Fl_Color val)
 Set the text color for the terminal.
Fl_Color textcolor (void) const
 Return textcolor(). This is a convenience method that returns textfgcolor_default()
void textfgcolor (Fl_Color val)
 Set text foreground drawing color to fltk color val used by any new text added.
Fl_Color textfgcolor (void) const
 Return text's current foreground color.
void textfgcolor_default (Fl_Color val)
 Set the default text foreground color used by <ESC>c, <ESC>[0m, and reset_terminal().
Fl_Color textfgcolor_default (void) const
 Return text's default foreground color.
void textfgcolor_xterm (uchar val)
 Sets the foreground text color as one of the 8 'xterm color' values.
void textfont (Fl_Font val)
 Sets the font used for all text displayed in the terminal.
Fl_Font textfont (void) const
 Return text font used to draw all text in the terminal.
void textsize (Fl_Fontsize val)
 Sets the font size used for all text displayed in the terminal.
Fl_Fontsize textsize (void) const
 Return text font size used to draw all text in the terminal.
void vprintf (const char *fmt, va_list ap)
 Appends printf formatted messages to the terminal.
 ~Fl_Terminal (void)
 The destructor for Fl_Terminal.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Fl_Group
Fl_Widget *& _ddfdesign_kludge ()
 This is for forms compatibility only.
void add (Fl_Widget &)
 The widget is removed from its current group (if any) and then added to the end of this group.
void add (Fl_Widget *o)
 See void Fl_Group::add(Fl_Widget &w)
void add_resizable (Fl_Widget &o)
 Adds a widget to the group and makes it the resizable widget.
Fl_Widget *const * array () const
 Returns a pointer to the array of children.
Fl_Group const * as_group () const FL_OVERRIDE
Fl_Groupas_group () FL_OVERRIDE
 Returns an Fl_Group pointer if this widget is an Fl_Group.
void begin ()
 Sets the current group so you can build the widget tree by just constructing the widgets.
Fl_Widgetchild (int n) const
 Returns array()[n].
int children () const
 Returns how many child widgets the group has.
void clear ()
 Deletes all child widgets from memory recursively.
unsigned int clip_children ()
 Returns the current clipping mode.
void clip_children (int c)
 Controls whether the group widget clips the drawing of child widgets to its bounding box.
virtual int delete_child (int n)
 Removes the widget at index from the group and deletes it.
void end ()
 Exactly the same as current(this->parent()).
int find (const Fl_Widget &o) const
 See int Fl_Group::find(const Fl_Widget *w) const.
int find (const Fl_Widget *) const
 Searches the child array for the widget and returns the index.
 Fl_Group (int, int, int, int, const char *=0)
 Creates a new Fl_Group widget using the given position, size, and label string.
void focus (Fl_Widget *W)
void forms_end ()
 This is for forms compatibility only.
void init_sizes ()
 Resets the internal array of widget sizes and positions.
void insert (Fl_Widget &, int i)
 The widget is removed from its current group (if any) and then inserted into this group.
void insert (Fl_Widget &o, Fl_Widget *before)
 This does insert(w, find(before)).
void remove (Fl_Widget &)
 Removes a widget from the group but does not delete it.
void remove (Fl_Widget *o)
 Removes the widget o from the group.
void remove (int index)
 Removes the widget at index from the group but does not delete it.
Fl_Widgetresizable () const
 Returns the group's resizable widget.
void resizable (Fl_Widget &o)
 Sets the group's resizable widget.
void resizable (Fl_Widget *o)
 The resizable widget defines both the resizing box and the resizing behavior of the group and its children.
virtual ~Fl_Group ()
 The destructor also deletes all the children.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Fl_Widget
void _clear_fullscreen ()
void _set_fullscreen ()
void activate ()
 Activates the widget.
unsigned int active () const
 Returns whether the widget is active.
int active_r () const
 Returns whether the widget and all of its parents are active.
Fl_Align align () const
 Gets the label alignment.
void align (Fl_Align alignment)
 Sets the label alignment.
long argument () const
 Gets the current user data (long) argument that is passed to the callback function.
void argument (long v)
 Sets the current user data (long) argument that is passed to the callback function.
virtual class Fl_Gl_Windowas_gl_window ()
 Returns an Fl_Gl_Window pointer if this widget is an Fl_Gl_Window.
virtual class Fl_Gl_Window const * as_gl_window () const
virtual Fl_Windowas_window ()
 Returns an Fl_Window pointer if this widget is an Fl_Window.
virtual Fl_Window const * as_window () const
void bind_deimage (Fl_Image *img)
 Sets the image to use as part of the widget label when in the inactive state.
void bind_deimage (int f)
 Bind the inactive image to the widget, so the widget will delete the image when it is no longer needed.
void bind_image (Fl_Image *img)
 Sets the image to use as part of the widget label when in the active state.
void bind_image (int f)
 Bind the image to the widget, so the widget will delete the image when it is no longer needed.
Fl_Boxtype box () const
 Gets the box type of the widget.
void box (Fl_Boxtype new_box)
 Sets the box type for the widget.
Fl_Callback_p callback () const
 Gets the current callback function for the widget.
void callback (Fl_Callback *cb)
 Sets the current callback function for the widget.
void callback (Fl_Callback *cb, Fl_Callback_User_Data *p, bool auto_free)
 Sets the current callback function and managed user data for the widget.
void callback (Fl_Callback *cb, void *p)
 Sets the current callback function and data for the widget.
void callback (Fl_Callback0 *cb)
 Sets the current callback function for the widget.
void callback (Fl_Callback1 *cb, long p=0)
 Sets the current callback function for the widget.
unsigned int changed () const
 Checks if the widget value changed since the last callback.
void clear_active ()
 Marks the widget as inactive without sending events or changing focus.
void clear_changed ()
 Marks the value of the widget as unchanged.
void clear_damage (uchar c=0)
 Clears or sets the damage flags.
void clear_output ()
 Sets a widget to accept input.
void clear_visible ()
 Hides the widget.
void clear_visible_focus ()
 Disables keyboard focus navigation with this widget.
Fl_Color color () const
 Gets the background color of the widget.
void color (Fl_Color bg)
 Sets the background color of the widget.
void color (Fl_Color bg, Fl_Color sel)
 Sets the background and selection color of the widget.
Fl_Color color2 () const
 For back compatibility only.
void color2 (unsigned a)
 For back compatibility only.
int contains (const Fl_Widget *w) const
 Checks if w is a child of this widget.
void copy_label (const char *new_label)
 Sets the current label.
void copy_tooltip (const char *text)
 Sets the current tooltip text.
uchar damage () const
 Returns non-zero if draw() needs to be called.
void damage (uchar c)
 Sets the damage bits for the widget.
void damage (uchar c, int x, int y, int w, int h)
 Sets the damage bits for an area inside the widget.
int damage_resize (int, int, int, int)
 Internal use only.
void deactivate ()
 Deactivates the widget.
Fl_Imagedeimage ()
 Gets the image that is used as part of the widget label when in the inactive state.
const Fl_Imagedeimage () const
 Gets the image that is used as part of the widget label when in the inactive state.
void deimage (Fl_Image &img)
 Sets the image to use as part of the widget label when in the inactive state.
void deimage (Fl_Image *img)
 Sets the image to use as part of the widget label when in the inactive state.
int deimage_bound () const
 Returns whether the inactive image is managed by the widget.
void do_callback (Fl_Callback_Reason reason=FL_REASON_UNKNOWN)
 Calls the widget callback function with default arguments.
void do_callback (Fl_Widget *widget, long arg, Fl_Callback_Reason reason=FL_REASON_UNKNOWN)
 Calls the widget callback function with arbitrary arguments.
void do_callback (Fl_Widget *widget, void *arg=0, Fl_Callback_Reason reason=FL_REASON_UNKNOWN)
 Calls the widget callback function with arbitrary arguments.
void draw_label (int, int, int, int, Fl_Align) const
 Draws the label in an arbitrary bounding box with an arbitrary alignment.
int h () const
 Gets the widget height.
virtual void hide ()
 Makes a widget invisible.
Fl_Imageimage ()
 Gets the image that is used as part of the widget label when in the active state.
const Fl_Imageimage () const
 Gets the image that is used as part of the widget label when in the active state.
void image (Fl_Image &img)
 Sets the image to use as part of the widget label when in the active state.
void image (Fl_Image *img)
 Sets the image to use as part of the widget label when in the active state.
int image_bound () const
 Returns whether the image is managed by the widget.
int inside (const Fl_Widget *wgt) const
 Checks if this widget is a child of wgt.
int is_label_copied () const
 Returns whether the current label was assigned with copy_label().
const char * label () const
 Gets the current label text.
void label (const char *text)
 Sets the current label pointer.
void label (Fl_Labeltype a, const char *b)
 Shortcut to set the label text and type in one call.
Fl_Color labelcolor () const
 Gets the label color.
void labelcolor (Fl_Color c)
 Sets the label color.
Fl_Font labelfont () const
 Gets the font to use.
void labelfont (Fl_Font f)
 Sets the font to use.
Fl_Fontsize labelsize () const
 Gets the font size in pixels.
void labelsize (Fl_Fontsize pix)
 Sets the font size in pixels.
Fl_Labeltype labeltype () const
 Gets the label type.
void labeltype (Fl_Labeltype a)
 Sets the label type.
void measure_label (int &ww, int &hh) const
 Sets width ww and height hh accordingly with the label size.
bool needs_keyboard () const
 Returns whether this widget needs a keyboard.
void needs_keyboard (bool needs)
 Sets whether this widget needs a keyboard.
unsigned int output () const
 Returns if a widget is used for output only.
Fl_Groupparent () const
 Returns a pointer to the parent widget.
void parent (Fl_Group *p)
 Internal use only - "for hacks only".
void position (int X, int Y)
 Repositions the window or widget.
void redraw ()
 Schedules the drawing of the widget.
void redraw_label ()
 Schedules the drawing of the label.
Fl_Color selection_color () const
 Gets the selection color.
void selection_color (Fl_Color a)
 Sets the selection color.
void set_active ()
 Marks the widget as active without sending events or changing focus.
void set_changed ()
 Marks the value of the widget as changed.
void set_output ()
 Sets a widget to output only.
void set_visible ()
 Makes the widget visible.
void set_visible_focus ()
 Enables keyboard focus navigation with this widget.
int shortcut_label () const
 Returns whether the widget's label uses '&' to indicate shortcuts.
void shortcut_label (int value)
 Sets whether the widget's label uses '&' to indicate shortcuts.
virtual void show ()
 Makes a widget visible.
void size (int W, int H)
 Changes the size of the widget.
int take_focus ()
 Gives the widget the keyboard focus.
unsigned int takesevents () const
 Returns if the widget is able to take events.
int test_shortcut ()
 Returns true if the widget's label contains the entered '&x' shortcut.
const char * tooltip () const
 Gets the current tooltip text.
void tooltip (const char *text)
 Sets the current tooltip text.
Fl_Windowtop_window () const
 Returns a pointer to the top-level window for the widget.
Fl_Windowtop_window_offset (int &xoff, int &yoff) const
 Finds the x/y offset of the current widget relative to the top-level window.
uchar type () const
 Gets the widget type.
void type (uchar t)
 Sets the widget type.
int use_accents_menu ()
 Returns non zero if MAC_USE_ACCENTS_MENU flag is set, 0 otherwise.
void * user_data () const
 Gets the user data for this widget.
void user_data (Fl_Callback_User_Data *v, bool auto_free)
 Sets the user data for this widget.
void user_data (void *v)
 Sets the user data for this widget.
unsigned int visible () const
 Returns whether a widget is visible.
unsigned int visible_focus () const
 Checks whether this widget has a visible focus.
void visible_focus (int v)
 Modifies keyboard focus navigation.
int visible_r () const
 Returns whether a widget and all its parents are visible.
int w () const
 Gets the widget width.
Fl_When when () const
 Returns the conditions under which the callback is called.
void when (uchar i)
 Sets the flags used to decide when a callback is called.
Fl_Windowwindow () const
 Returns a pointer to the nearest parent window up the widget hierarchy.
int x () const
 Gets the widget position in its window.
int y () const
 Gets the widget position in its window.
virtual ~Fl_Widget ()
 Destroys the widget.

Public Attributes

 Vertical scrollbar.

Protected Member Functions

void clear_eod (void)
 Clear from cursor to End Of Display (EOD), like "<ESC>[J<ESC>[0J".
void clear_eol (void)
 Clear from cursor to End Of Line (EOL), like "<ESC>[K".
void clear_line (int row)
 Clear entire line for specified row.
void clear_line (void)
 Clear entire line cursor is currently on.
void clear_mouse_selection (void)
 Clear any current mouse selection.
void clear_sod (void)
 Clear from cursor to Start Of Display (EOD), like "<ESC>[1J".
void clear_sol (void)
 Clear from cursor to Start Of Line (SOL), like "<ESC>[1K".
void current_style (const CharStyle &sty)
 Set current style for rendering text.
const CharStylecurrent_style (void) const
 Return current style for rendering text.
void cursor_col (int col)
 Move cursor to the specified column col.
void cursor_cr (void)
 Move cursor as if a CR (\r) was received.
void cursor_crlf (int count=1)
 Move cursor as if a CR/LF pair (\r\n) was received.
void cursor_down (int count=1, bool do_scroll=false)
 Moves cursor down count lines.
void cursor_eol (void)
 Move cursor to the last column (at the far right) on the current line.
void cursor_left (int count=1)
 Moves cursor left count columns, and cursor stops (does not wrap) if it hits screen edge.
void cursor_right (int count=1, bool do_scroll=false)
 Moves cursor right count columns.
void cursor_row (int row)
 Move cursor to the specified row row.
void cursor_sol (void)
 Move cursor to the first column (at the far left) on the current line.
void cursor_tab_left (int count=1)
 Tab left, do not wrap beyond left edge.
void cursor_tab_right (int count=1)
 Tab right, do not wrap beyond right edge.
void cursor_up (int count=1, bool do_scroll=false)
 Moves cursor up count lines.
void delete_chars (int drow, int dcol, int rep)
 Delete char(s) at (drow,dcol) for 'rep' times.
void delete_chars (int rep)
 Delete char(s) at cursor position for 'rep' times.
void delete_rows (int count)
 Delete (count) rows at cursor position.
int disp_cols (void) const
 Return the number of columns in the display area.
int disp_erow (void) const
 Return the ending row# in the display area.
int disp_rows (void) const
 Return the number of rows in the display area.
int disp_srow (void) const
 Return the starting row# in the display area.
void draw_buff (int Y) const
 Draws the buffer position we are scrolled to onto the FLTK screen starting at pixel position Y.
void draw_row (int grow, int Y) const
 Draw the specified global row, which is the row in ring_chars[].
void draw_row_bg (int grow, int X, int Y) const
 Draw the background for the specified ring_chars[] global row grow starting at FLTK coords X and Y.
bool get_selection (int &srow, int &scol, int &erow, int &ecol) const
 Return mouse selection's start/end position in the ring buffer, if any.
int h_to_row (int H) const
 Given a height in pixels, return number of rows that "fits" into that area.
int handle_unknown_char (void)
 Handle an unknown char by either emitting an error symbol to the tty, or do nothing, depending on the user configurable value of show_unknown().
int hist_cols (void) const
 Return the number of columns in the scrollback history.
int hist_erow (void) const
 Return the ending row# of the scrollback history.
int hist_rows (void) const
 Return the number of rows in the scrollback history.
int hist_srow (void) const
 Return the starting row# of the scrollback history.
int hist_use (void) const
 Return number of rows in use by the scrollback history.
int hist_use_srow (void) const
 Return the starting row of the "in use" scrollback history.
void insert_char (char c, int rep)
 Insert char 'c' at the current cursor position for 'rep' times.
void insert_char_eol (char c, int drow, int dcol, int rep)
 Insert char 'c' for 'rep' times at display row 'drow' and column 'dcol'.
void insert_rows (int count)
 Insert (count) rows at current cursor position.
bool is_inside_selection (int row, int col) const
 Is global row/column inside the current mouse selection?
bool is_selection (void) const
 Returns true if there's a mouse selection.
int offset (void) const
 Returns the current offset into the ring buffer.
void restore_cursor (void)
 Restore previously saved cursor position, if any. Used by ESC [ u.
int ring_cols (void) const
 Return the number of columns in the ring buffer.
int ring_erow (void) const
 Return the ending row# in the ring buffer (Always ring_rows()-1)
int ring_rows (void) const
 Return the number of rows in the ring buffer.
int ring_srow (void) const
 Return the starting row# in the ring buffer. (Always 0)
void save_cursor (void)
 Save current cursor position. Used by ESC [ s.
void scroll (int rows)
 Scroll the display up(+) or down(-) the specified rows.
int scrollbar_width (void) const
 Return scrollbar width if visible, or 0 if not visible.
bool selection_extend (int X, int Y)
 Extend selection to FLTK coords X,Y.
const char * selection_text (void) const
 Return text selection (for copy()/paste() operations)
int selection_text_len (void) const
 Return byte length of all UTF-8 chars in selection, or 0 if no selection.
Utf8Charu8c_cursor (void)
 Return the Utf8Char* for character under cursor.
Utf8Charu8c_disp_row (int drow)
 Return pointer to the first u8c character in row drow of the display.
const Utf8Charu8c_disp_row (int drow) const
 See docs for non-const version of u8c_disp_row(int)
Utf8Charu8c_hist_row (int hrow)
 Return u8c for beginning of a row inside the scrollback history.
const Utf8Charu8c_hist_row (int hrow) const
 See docs for non-const version of u8c_hist_row(int)
const Utf8Charu8c_hist_use_row (int hrow) const
 See docs for non-const version of u8c_hist_use_row(int)
Utf8Charu8c_hist_use_row (int hurow)
 Return u8c for beginning of row hurow inside the 'in use' part of the scrollback history.
Utf8Charu8c_ring_row (int grow)
 Return UTF-8 char for row grow in the ring buffer.
const Utf8Charu8c_ring_row (int grow) const
 See docs for non-const version of u8c_ring_row(int)
int w_to_col (int W) const
 Given a width in pixels, return number of columns that "fits" into that area.
const Utf8Charwalk_selection (const Utf8Char *u8c, int &row, int &col) const
 Walk the mouse selection one character at a time from beginning to end, returning a Utf8Char* to the next character in the selection, or NULL if the end was reached, or if there's no selection.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Fl_Group
Fl_Rectbounds ()
 Returns the internal array of widget sizes and positions.
void draw_child (Fl_Widget &widget) const
 Forces a child to redraw.
void draw_children ()
 Draws all children of the group.
void draw_outside_label (const Fl_Widget &widget) const
 Parents normally call this to draw outside labels of child widgets.
virtual int on_insert (Fl_Widget *, int)
 Allow derived groups to act when a widget is added as a child.
virtual int on_move (int, int)
 Allow derived groups to act when a widget is moved within the group.
virtual void on_remove (int)
 Allow derived groups to act when a child widget is removed from the group.
int * sizes ()
 Returns the internal array of widget sizes and positions.
void update_child (Fl_Widget &widget) const
 Draws a child only if it needs it.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Fl_Widget
void clear_flag (unsigned int c)
 Clears a flag in the flags mask.
void draw_backdrop () const
 If FL_ALIGN_IMAGE_BACKDROP is set, the image or deimage will be drawn.
void draw_box () const
 Draws the widget box according its box style.
void draw_box (Fl_Boxtype t, Fl_Color c) const
 Draws a box of type t, of color c at the widget's position and size.
void draw_box (Fl_Boxtype t, int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Color c) const
 Draws a box of type t, of color c at the position X,Y and size W,H.
void draw_focus () const
 Draws a focus rectangle around the widget.
void draw_focus (Fl_Boxtype t, int X, int Y, int W, int H) const
 Draws a focus rectangle around the widget.
void draw_focus (Fl_Boxtype t, int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Color bg) const
 Draws a focus box for the widget at the given position and size.
void draw_label () const
 Draws the widget's label at the defined label position.
void draw_label (int, int, int, int) const
 Draws the label in an arbitrary bounding box.
 Fl_Widget (int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *label=0L)
 Creates a widget at the given position and size.
unsigned int flags () const
 Gets the widget flags mask.
void h (int v)
 Internal use only.
void set_flag (unsigned int c)
 Sets a flag in the flags mask.
void w (int v)
 Internal use only.
void x (int v)
 Internal use only.
void y (int v)
 Internal use only.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Fl_Group
static Fl_Groupcurrent ()
 Returns the currently active group.
static void current (Fl_Group *g)
 Sets the current group.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Fl_Widget
static void default_callback (Fl_Widget *widget, void *data)
 The default callback for all widgets that don't set a callback.
static unsigned int label_shortcut (const char *t)
 Returns the Unicode value of the '&x' shortcut in a given text.
static int test_shortcut (const char *, const bool require_alt=false)
 Returns true if the given text t contains the entered '&x' shortcut.
- Protected Types inherited from Fl_Widget
enum  {
  INACTIVE = 1<<0 , INVISIBLE = 1<<1 , OUTPUT = 1<<2 , NOBORDER = 1<<3 ,
  FORCE_POSITION = 1<<4 , NON_MODAL = 1<<5 , SHORTCUT_LABEL = 1<<6 , CHANGED = 1<<7 ,
  OVERRIDE = 1<<8 , VISIBLE_FOCUS = 1<<9 , COPIED_LABEL = 1<<10 , CLIP_CHILDREN = 1<<11 ,
  MENU_WINDOW = 1<<12 , TOOLTIP_WINDOW = 1<<13 , MODAL = 1<<14 , NO_OVERLAY = 1<<15 ,
  MAXIMIZED = 1<<24 , POPUP = 1<<25 , USERFLAG3 = 1<<29 , USERFLAG2 = 1<<30 ,
  USERFLAG1 = 1<<31
 flags possible values enumeration. More...

Detailed Description

Terminal widget supporting Unicode/utf-8, ANSI/xterm escape codes with full RGB color control.


Fl_Terminal widget showing a linux manual page

Fl_Terminal is an output-only text widget supporting ASCII and UTF-8/Unicode. It supports most terminal text features, such as most VT100/xterm style escape sequences (see The Escape Codes Fl_Terminal Supports), text colors/attributes, scrollback history, mouse selection, etc.

It is recommended that accessing features such as setting text colors and cursor positioning is best done with ANSI/XTERM escape sequences. But if one sets ansi(false) then this is not possible, so the public API can be used for common operations, e.g.

Public API ESC code equivalent Description
clear_screen_home() ESC [ H ESC [ 2 J Clear screen, home cursor
cursor_home() ESC [ H Home the cursor
clear_history() ESC [ 3 J Clear scrollback history
reset_terminal() ESC [ c Reset terminal

To access more advanced API calls, one can derive a class from Fl_Terminal to access protected methods manipulate the terminal more directly, e.g.

Protected API ESC code equiv. Description
current_style() ESC [ # m Set text attributes
clear_eod() ESC [ 0 J Clear from cursor to end of display
clear_sod() ESC [ 1 J Clear from cursor to start of display
clear_eol() ESC [ 0 K Clear from cursor to end of line
clear_sol() ESC [ 1 K Clear from cursor to start of line
clear_line() ESC [ 2 K Clear line cursor is on
scroll(int) // >0 for up ESC [ 1 S Scroll up one line
scroll(int) // <0 for down ESC [ 1 T Scroll down one line
cursor_left() ESC [ 1 D Move cursor left (no wrap)
cursor_right() ESC [ 1 C Move cursor right (no wrap)
cursor_up() ESC [ 1 B Move cursor up (no scroll or wrap)
cursor_down() ESC [ 1 A Move cursor down (no scroll or wrap)
cursor_row() cursor_col() ESC [ # ; # H Move cursor to row# / column#
insert_char() ESC [ # @ Insert a char at cursor position
delete_chars() ESC [ # P Delete chars at cursor position
insert_rows() ESC [ # L Insert rows at cursor position
delete_rows() ESC [ # M Delete rows at cursor position
etc... etc... etc...

Many commonly used API functions are public, such as textfgcolor() for setting text colors. Others, such as cursor_up() are protected to prevent common misuse, and are available only to subclasses.

For applications that need input support, the widget can be subclassed to provide keyboard input, and advanced features like pseudo ttys, termio, serial port I/O, etc., as such features are beyond the scope of FLTK.


// Fl_Terminal: Simple Use
Fl_Terminal *tty = new Fl_Terminal(...);
tty->append("Hello world.\n"); // simple strings
tty->append("\033[31mThis text is red.\033[0m\n"); // colored text
tty->append("\033[32mThis text is green.\033[0m\n");
tty->printf("The value of x is %.02f\n", x); // printf() formatting
Terminal widget supporting Unicode/utf-8, ANSI/xterm escape codes with full RGB color control.
Definition Fl_Terminal.H:311
void printf(const char *fmt,...)
Appends printf formatted messages to the terminal.
Definition Fl_Terminal.cxx:3813
void append(const char *s, int len=-1)
Appends string s to the terminal at the current cursor position using the current text color/attribut...
Definition Fl_Terminal.cxx:3094
int x() const
Gets the widget position in its window.
Definition Fl_Widget.H:353
There are also public methods for doing what most "\033[" escape codes do, so that if ansi(bool) is set to "false", one can still change text colors or clear the screen via application control, e.g.
tty->home(); // home the cursor
tty->clear_screen(); // clear the screen
tty->textfgcolor(0xff000000); // change the text color to RED
tty->textbgcolor(0x0000ff00); // change the background color to BLUE
// ├┘├┘├┘
// R G B
void textfgcolor(Fl_Color val)
Set text foreground drawing color to fltk color val used by any new text added.
Definition Fl_Terminal.cxx:1624
void textbgcolor(Fl_Color val)
Set text background color to fltk color val used by any new text added.
Definition Fl_Terminal.cxx:1648
void clear_screen(bool scroll_to_hist=true)
Clear the terminal screen only; does not affect the cursor position.
Definition Fl_Terminal.cxx:1771
When creating the widget, the width/height determine the default column and row count for the terminal's display based on the current font size. The column width determines where text will wrap.
You can specify wider column sizes than the screen using display_columns(colwidth). When this value is larger than the widget's width, text will wrap off-screen, and can be revealed by resizing the widget wider.

Writing To Terminal From Applications

An application needing terminal output as part of its user interface can instance Fl_Terminal, and write text strings with:
Single character output can be done with:
  • print_char() to print a single ASCII/UTF-8 char at the cursor
  • putchar() to put single ASCII/UTF-8 char at an x,y position

Text Attributes

The terminal's text supports these attributes:
  • Italic - italicized text: \033[3m
  • Bold - brighter/thicker text: \033[1m
  • Dim - lower brightness text: \033[2m
  • Underline - text that is underlined: \033[4m
  • Strikeout - text that has a line through the text: \033[9m
  • Inverse - text whose background and foreground colors are swapped: \033[7m
  • Normal - normal text: \033[0m
Fl_Terminal screen

Text and Background Colors

There's at least two ways to specify colors for text and background colors:
  • 3 bit / 8 Color Values
  • Full 24 bit R/G/B colors
Example of 3 bit colors:
Fl_Terminal 3 bit colors
Example application source code using 3 bit colors:
// Text colors
tty->append("\033[31m Red text.\033[0m\n"); // Print red text..
tty->append("\033[32m Green text.\033[0m\n");
tty->append("\033[36m Cyan text.\033[0m\n");
tty->append("\033[37m White text.\033[0m\n");
// Background colors
tty->append("\033[41m Red Background.\033[0m\n"); // background will be red
tty->append("\033[42m Green Background.\033[0m\n");
tty->append("\033[46m Cyan Background.\033[0m\n");
tty->append("\033[47m White Background.\033[0m\n");
Example of 24 bit colors:
Fl_Terminal 24 bit colors
Example application source code using 24 bit colors:
// 24 bit Text Color
tty->append("\033[38;2;0;0;255m Text is BLUE.\033[0m\n"); // RGB: R=0, G=0, B=255
tty->append("\033[38;2;255;0;0m Text is RED.\033[0m\n"); // RGB: R=255, G=0, B=0
tty->append("\033[38;2;127;64;0m Text is DARK ORANGE.\033[0m\n"); // RGB: R=127, G=64, B=0
// 24 bit Background Color
tty->append("\033[48;2;0;0;255m Background is BLUE.\033[0m\n"); // RGB: R=0, G=0, B=255
tty->append("\033[48;2;255;0;0m Background is RED.\033[0m\n"); // RGB: R=255, G=0, B=0
tty->append("\033[48;2;127;64;0m Background is DARK ORANGE.\033[0m\n"); // RGB: R=127, G=64, B=0
For more on the ANSI escape codes, see The Escape Codes Fl_Terminal Supports.


Most standard terminal behaviors are supported, e.g.
  • ASCII + UTF-8/Unicode
  • scrollback history management
  • mouse selection + copy/paste (^C, ^A)
  • autoscroll during selection
Most popular ANSI/DEC VT100/Xterm escape sequences are supported (see The Escape Codes Fl_Terminal Supports), including:
  • per-character colors for text and background
  • per-character text attributes: bold/dim, underline, strikeout
  • scrolling up/down
  • character insert/delete for characters/rows/screen
  • clearing characters/rows/screen
Does not (yet) support:
  • programmable regions (scroll regions and attribute blocks)
  • dynamic line wrap (where resizing display dynamically re-wraps long lines)
Will likely never implement as part of this widget:
  • pty/termio management (such features should be subclassed)
  • Different per-character font family + sizes (font family/size is global only)
  • variable width fonts
Regarding the font family+size; the way the terminal is currently designed, the font family and size must not vary within text; rows have to be consistent height. Varying widths are tricky too, esp. when it comes to moving the cursor up/down within a column; varying widths are supported (due to Unicode characters sometimes being "wide", but not heights.


The margins define the amount of space (in pixels) around the outside of the text display area, the space between the widget's inner edge (inside the box()) and the text display area's outer edge. The margins can be inspected and changed with the margin_left(), margin_right(), margin_top() and margin_bottom() methods.
┃ ↑ margin_top ┃ ┃
┃ ┌┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬─▴─┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┐ ┃ ┃
┃ ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼ │ ┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ ┃ S ┃
┃ ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼ │ ┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ ┃ c ┃
┃ ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼ display_rows ┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ ┃ r ┃
┃ ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼ │ ┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ ┃ o ┃
┃ ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼ │ ┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ ┃ l ┃
┃ ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼ │ ┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ ┃ l ┃
┃ │◄── display_columns ─────────┼───────────────────────────►│ ┃ ┃
┃ ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼ │ ┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ ┃ B ┃
┃ ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼ │ ┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ ┃ a ┃
┃ ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼ │ ┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ ┃ r ┃
┃ ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼ │ ┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ ┃ ┃
┃ ├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼ │ ┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤ ┃ ┃
┃◄─┬─►├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼ │ ┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤◄─┬─►┃ ┃
┃ │ └┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴─▾─┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┘ │ ┃ ┃
margin_leftmargin_right ┃ ┃
┃ ↓ margin_bottom ┃ ┃
Fl_Terminal Margins
░░░░░░::###:::###::╲░░░░░ ╲
░░░░░░::####:####::░╲░░░░ color()
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╲░░░░░░ textbgcolor()
Fl_Color color(void) const
Return base widget Fl_Group's box() color()
Definition Fl_Terminal.H:1078
int margin_left(void) const
Return the left margin; see Margins.
Definition Fl_Terminal.H:1053
int display_columns(void) const
Return terminal's display width in columns of text characters.
Definition Fl_Terminal.cxx:1408
int margin_bottom(void) const
Return the bottom margin; see Margins.
Definition Fl_Terminal.H:1059
int margin_top(void) const
Return the top margin; see Margins.
Definition Fl_Terminal.H:1057
Fl_Color textfgcolor(void) const
Return text's current foreground color.
Definition Fl_Terminal.H:1082
Fl_Color textbgcolor(void) const
Return text's current background color.
Definition Fl_Terminal.H:1084
int margin_right(void) const
Return the right margin; see Margins.
Definition Fl_Terminal.H:1055
int display_rows(void) const
Return terminal's display height in lines of text (rows).
Definition Fl_Terminal.cxx:1384


  • This widget is not a full terminal emulator; it does not do stdio redirection, pseudo ttys/termios/character cooking, keyboard input processing, full curses(3) support. However, such features CAN be implemented with subclassing.
  • The printf() and vprintf() functions are limited to strings no longer than 1024 characters (including NULL). For printing longer strings, use append() which has no string limits.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Attrib

Bits for the per-character attributes, which control text features such as italic, bold, underlined text, etc.

NOTE: enum names with a leading underbar must not be used, and are reserved for future use.


all attributes off


bold text: uses bold font, color brighter than normal


dim text; color slightly darker than normal


italic font text


underlined text


(reserved for internal future use)


inverse text; fg/bg color are swapped


(reserved for internal future use)


strikeout text

◆ CharFlags

Per-character 8 bit flags (uchar) used to manage special states for characters.


this char's fg color is an XTERM color; can be affected by Dim+Bold


this char's bg color is an XTERM color; can be affected by Dim+Bold


TODO: char at EOL, used for line re-wrap during screen resizing.

◆ OutFlags

Output translation flags for special control character translations.


no output translation


carriage return generates a vertical line-feed (\r -> \n)


line-feed generates a carriage return (\n -> \r)


line-feed generates a carriage return line-feed (\n -> \r\n)

◆ RedrawStyle

Determines when Fl_Terminal calls redraw() if new text is added.

RATE_LIMITED is the recommended setting, using redraw_rate(float) to determine the maximum rate of redraws.

See also
redraw_style(), redraw_rate()

app must call redraw() as needed to update text to screen


timer controlled redraws. (DEFAULT)


redraw triggered after every append() / printf() / etc. operation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Fl_Terminal() [1/2]

Fl_Terminal::Fl_Terminal ( int  X,
int  Y,
int  W,
int  H,
const char *  L = 0 

The constructor for Fl_Terminal.

This creates an empty terminal with defaults:

Note: While Fl_Terminal derives from Fl_Group, it's not intended for user code to use it as a parent for other widgets, so end() is called.

[in]X,Y,W,Hposition and size.
[in]Llabel string (optional), may be NULL.

◆ Fl_Terminal() [2/2]

Fl_Terminal::Fl_Terminal ( int  X,
int  Y,
int  W,
int  H,
const char *  L,
int  rows,
int  cols,
int  hist 

Same as the default FLTK constructor, but lets the user force the rows, columns and history to specific sizes on creation.

Since the row/cols/hist are specified directly, this prevents the widget from auto-calculating the initial text buffer size based on the widget's pixel width/height, bypassing calls to the font system before the widget is displayed.

fluid uses this constructor internally to avoid font calculations that opens the display, useful for when running in a headless context. (issue 837)

◆ ~Fl_Terminal()

Fl_Terminal::~Fl_Terminal ( void  )

The destructor for Fl_Terminal.

Destroys the terminal display, scroll history, and associated widgets.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ansi() [1/2]

void Fl_Terminal::ansi ( bool  val)

Enable/disable the ANSI mode flag.

If true, ANSI and VT100/xterm codes will be processed. If false, these codes won't be processed and will either be ignored or print the error character "¿", depending on the value of show_unknown().

See also
show_unknown(), The Escape Codes Fl_Terminal Supports

◆ ansi() [2/2]

bool Fl_Terminal::ansi ( void  ) const

Return the state of the ANSI flag.

See also

◆ append()

void Fl_Terminal::append ( const char *  s,
int  len = -1 

Appends string s to the terminal at the current cursor position using the current text color/attributes.

If s is NULL, the UTF-8 character cache is cleared, which is recommended before starting a block reading loop, and again after the block loop has completed.

If len is not specified, it's assumed s is a NULL terminated string. If len IS specified, it can be used for writing strings that aren't NULL terminated, such as block reads on a pipe, network, or other block oriented data source.

Redraws of the terminal widget are by default handled automatically, but can be changed with redraw_rate() and redraw_style().

Block I/O

When reading block oriented sources (such as pipes), append() will handle partial UTF-8 chars straddling the block boundaries. It does this using an internal byte cache, which should be cleared before and after block I/O loops by calling append(NULL) as shown in the example below, to prevent the possibilities of partial UTF-8 characters left behind by an interrupted or incomplete block loop.

// Example block reading a command pipe in Unix
// Run command and read as a pipe
FILE *fp = popen("ls -la", "r");
if (!fp) { ..error_handling.. }
// Enable non-blocking I/O
int fd = fileno(fp);
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
// Clear UTF-8 character cache before starting block loop
G_tty->append(NULL); // prevents leftover partial UTF-8 bytes
// Block read loop
while (1) {
Fl::wait(0.05); // give fltk .05 secs of cpu to manage UI
ssize_t bytes = read(fd, s, sizeof(s)); // read block from pipe
if (bytes == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) continue; // no data yet? continue
if (bytes > 0) G_tty->append(s); // append output to terminal
else break; // end of pipe?
// Flush cache again after block loop completes
// Close pipe, done
static int wait()
Waits until "something happens" and then returns.
Definition Fl.cxx:625
  • String can contain ASCII or UTF-8 chars
  • len is optional; if unspecified, expects s to be a NULL terminated string
  • Handles partial UTF-8 chars split between calls (e.g. block oriented writes)
  • If s is NULL, this clears the "partial UTF-8" character cache
  • Redraws are managed automatically by default; see redraw_style()

◆ append_ascii()

void Fl_Terminal::append_ascii ( const char *  s)

Append NULL terminated ASCII string to terminal, slightly more efficient than append_utf8().

  • If s is NULL, behavior is to do nothing
  • Redraws are triggered automatically, depending on redraw_style()

◆ append_utf8()

void Fl_Terminal::append_utf8 ( const char *  buf,
int  len = -1 

Append NULL terminated UTF-8 string to terminal.

  • If buf is NULL, UTF-8 cache buffer is cleared
  • If optional len isn't specified or is -1, strlen(text) is used.
  • If len is 0 or <-1, no changes are made
  • Handles UTF-8 chars split across calls (e.g. block writes from pipes, etc)
  • Redraws are triggered automatically, depending on redraw_style()

◆ box()

void Fl_Terminal::box ( Fl_Boxtype  val)

Sets the box type, updates terminal margins et al.

Default is FL_DOWN_FRAME.

FL_XXX_FRAME types are handled in a special way by this widget, and guarantee the background is a flat field.

FL_XXX_BOX may draw gradients as inherited by Fl::scheme().

◆ clear() [1/2]

void Fl_Terminal::clear ( Fl_Color  val)

Clears the screen to a specific color val and homes the cursor.

See also
clear_screen(), clear_screen_home(), cursor_home()

◆ clear() [2/2]

void Fl_Terminal::clear ( void  )

Clears the screen to the current textbgcolor(), and homes the cursor.

See also
clear_screen(), clear_screen_home(), cursor_home()

◆ clear_screen()

void Fl_Terminal::clear_screen ( bool  scroll_to_hist = true)

Clear the terminal screen only; does not affect the cursor position.

Also clears the current mouse selection.

If 'scroll_to_hist' is true, the screen is cleared by scrolling the contents into the scrollback history, where it can be retrieved with the scrollbar. This is the default behavior. If false, the screen is cleared and the scrollback history is unchanged.

Similar to the escape sequence "<ESC>[2J".

See also

◆ clear_screen_home()

void Fl_Terminal::clear_screen_home ( bool  scroll_to_hist = true)

Clear the terminal screen and home the cursor.

Also clears the current mouse selection.

If 'scroll_to_hist' is true, the screen is cleared by scrolling the contents into the scrollback history, where it can be retrieved with the scrollbar. This is the default behavior. If false, the screen is cleared and the scrollback history is unchanged.

Similar to the escape sequence "<ESC>[2J<ESC>[H".

See also

◆ color()

void Fl_Terminal::color ( Fl_Color  val)

Sets the background color for the terminal's Fl_Group::box().

If the textbgcolor() and textbgcolor_default() are set to the special "see through" color 0xffffffff when any text was added, changing color() affects the color that shows through behind that existing text.

Otherwise, whatever specific background color was set for existing text will persist after changing color().

To see the effects of a change to color(), follow up with a call to redraw().

The default value is 0x0.

◆ cursor_col()

void Fl_Terminal::cursor_col ( int  col)

Move cursor to the specified column col.

This value is clamped to the range (0..display_columns()-1).

◆ cursor_cr()

void Fl_Terminal::cursor_cr ( void  )

Move cursor as if a CR (\r) was received.

Same as cursor_sol()

◆ cursor_down()

void Fl_Terminal::cursor_down ( int  count = 1,
bool  do_scroll = false 

Moves cursor down count lines.

If cursor hits screen bottom, it either stops (does not wrap) if do_scroll is false, or wraps and scrolls up if do_scroll is true.

countNumber of lines to move cursor down
do_scrollEnable scrolling if set to true

◆ cursor_right()

void Fl_Terminal::cursor_right ( int  count = 1,
bool  do_scroll = false 

Moves cursor right count columns.

If cursor hits right edge of screen, it either stops (does not wrap) if do_scroll is false, or wraps and scrolls up one line if do_scroll is true.

◆ cursor_row()

void Fl_Terminal::cursor_row ( int  row)

Move cursor to the specified row row.

This value is clamped to the range (0..display_rows()-1).

◆ cursor_up()

void Fl_Terminal::cursor_up ( int  count = 1,
bool  do_scroll = false 

Moves cursor up count lines.

If cursor hits screen top, it either stops (does not wrap) if do_scroll is false, or scrolls down if do_scroll is true.

◆ delete_rows()

void Fl_Terminal::delete_rows ( int  count)

Delete (count) rows at cursor position.

Causes rows to scroll up, and empty lines created at bottom of screen. Lines deleted by scroll up are NOT moved into the scroll history.

◆ display_columns() [1/2]

void Fl_Terminal::display_columns ( int  dcols)

Set terminal's display width in columns of text characters.

This value is normally managed automatically by resize() based on the current font size, and should not be changed.

You CAN make the display_columns() larger than the width of the widget; text in the terminal will simply run off the screen edge and be clipped; the only way to reveal that text is if the user enlarges the widget, or the font size made smaller.

To change the display width, it is best to use resize() instead.

◆ display_columns() [2/2]

int Fl_Terminal::display_columns ( void  ) const

Return terminal's display width in columns of text characters.

This value is normally managed automatically by resize() based on the current font size.

◆ display_rows() [1/2]

void Fl_Terminal::display_rows ( int  drows)

Set terminal's display height in lines of text (rows).

This value is normally managed automatically by resize() based on the current font size, and should not be changed.

To change the display height, use resize() instead.

◆ display_rows() [2/2]

int Fl_Terminal::display_rows ( void  ) const

Return terminal's display height in lines of text (rows).

This value is normally managed automatically by resize() based on the current font size.

◆ draw()

void Fl_Terminal::draw ( void  )

Draws the entire Fl_Terminal.

Lets the group draw itself first (scrollbar should be only member), followed by the terminal's screen contents.

Reimplemented from Fl_Group.

◆ draw_buff()

void Fl_Terminal::draw_buff ( int  Y) const

Draws the buffer position we are scrolled to onto the FLTK screen starting at pixel position Y.

This can be anywhere in the ring buffer, not just the 'active diplay'; depends on what position the scrollbar is set to.

Handles attributes, colors, text selections, cursor.

◆ draw_row()

void Fl_Terminal::draw_row ( int  grow,
int  Y 
) const

Draw the specified global row, which is the row in ring_chars[].

The global row includes history + display buffers.

◆ draw_row_bg()

void Fl_Terminal::draw_row_bg ( int  grow,
int  X,
int  Y 
) const

Draw the background for the specified ring_chars[] global row grow starting at FLTK coords X and Y.

Note we may be called to draw display, or even history if we're scrolled back. If there's any change in bg color, we draw the filled rects here.

If the bg color for a character is the special "see through" color 0xffffffff, no pixels are drawn.

◆ get_selection()

bool Fl_Terminal::get_selection ( int &  srow,
int &  scol,
int &  erow,
int &  ecol 
) const

Return mouse selection's start/end position in the ring buffer, if any.

Ensures (start < end) to allow walking 'forward' thru selection, left-to-right, top-to-bottom. The row/col values are indexes into the entire ring buffer.

Example: walk the characters of the mouse selection:

// Get selection
int srow,scol,erow,ecol;
if (get_selection(srow,scol,erow,ecol)) { // mouse selection exists?
// Walk entire selection from start to end
for (int row=srow; row<=erow; row++) { // walk rows of selection
const Utf8Char *u8c = u8c_ring_row(row); // ptr to first character in row
int col_start = (row==srow) ? scol : 0; // start row? start at scol
int col_end = (row==erow) ? ecol : ring_cols(); // end row? end at ecol
u8c += col_start; // include col offset (if any)
for (int col=col_start; col<=col_end; col++,u8c++) { // walk columns
..do something with each char at *u8c..
Definition Fl_Terminal.H:508
const Utf8Char * u8c_ring_row(int grow) const
See docs for non-const version of u8c_ring_row(int)
Definition Fl_Terminal.cxx:1019
int ring_cols(void) const
Return the number of columns in the ring buffer.
Definition Fl_Terminal.H:994
bool get_selection(int &srow, int &scol, int &erow, int &ecol) const
Return mouse selection's start/end position in the ring buffer, if any.
Definition Fl_Terminal.cxx:1931


  • true – valid selection values returned
  • false – no selection was made, returned values undefined
See also
walk_selection(), is_selection()
srowstarting row for selection
scolstarting column for selection
erowending row for selection
ecolending column for selection

◆ h_to_row()

int Fl_Terminal::h_to_row ( int  H) const

Given a height in pixels, return number of rows that "fits" into that area.

This is used by the constructor to size the row/cols to fit the widget size.

◆ handle()

int Fl_Terminal::handle ( int  e)

Handle FLTK events.

Reimplemented from Fl_Group.

◆ handle_unknown_char()

int Fl_Terminal::handle_unknown_char ( void  )

Handle an unknown char by either emitting an error symbol to the tty, or do nothing, depending on the user configurable value of show_unknown().

Returns 1 if tty modified, 0 if not.

See also

◆ history_lines()

void Fl_Terminal::history_lines ( int  val)

Set the number of lines of screen history.

Large values can be briefly heavy on cpu and memory usage.

◆ history_use()

int Fl_Terminal::history_use ( void  ) const

Returns how many lines are "in use" by the screen history buffer.

This value will be 0 if history was recently cleared with e.g. clear_history() or "<ESC>c".

Return value will be in the range 0 .. (history_lines()-1).

◆ insert_char()

void Fl_Terminal::insert_char ( char  c,
int  rep 

Insert char 'c' at the current cursor position for 'rep' times.

Does not wrap; characters at end of line are lost.

◆ insert_rows()

void Fl_Terminal::insert_rows ( int  count)

Insert (count) rows at current cursor position.

Causes rows below to scroll down, and empty lines created. Lines deleted by scroll down are NOT moved into the scroll history.

◆ is_inside_selection()

bool Fl_Terminal::is_inside_selection ( int  grow,
int  gcol 
) const

Is global row/column inside the current mouse selection?

  • true – (grow, gcol) is inside a valid selection.
  • false – (grow, gcol) is outside, or no valid selection.

◆ output_translate()

void Fl_Terminal::output_translate ( Fl_Terminal::OutFlags  val)

Sets the combined output translation flags to val.

val can be sensible combinations of the OutFlags bit flags.

The default is LF_TO_CRLF, so that \n will generate both carriage-return (CR) and line-feed (LF).

For \r and \n to be handled literally, use output_translate(Fl_Terminal::OutFlags::OFF);

To disable all output translations, use 0 or Fl_Terminal::OutFlags::OFF.

◆ print_char() [1/2]

void Fl_Terminal::print_char ( char  c)

Prints single ASCII char c at current cursor position, and advances the cursor.

The character is displayed at the current cursor position using the current text color/attributes.

  • c must be ASCII, not utf-8
  • Does not trigger redraws

◆ print_char() [2/2]

void Fl_Terminal::print_char ( const char *  text,
int  len = -1 

Prints single UTF-8 char text of optional byte length len at current cursor position, and advances the cursor if the character is printable.

Handles ASCII and control codes (CR, LF, etc).

The character is displayed at the current cursor position using the current text color/attributes.

Handles control codes and can be used to construct ANSI/XTERM escape sequences.

  • If optional len isn't specified or <0, strlen(text) is used.
  • text must not be NULL.
  • len must not be 0.
  • text must be a single char only (whether UTF-8 or ASCII)
  • text can be an ASCII character, though not as efficent as print_char()
  • Invalid UTF-8 chars show the error character (¿) depending on show_unknown(bool).
  • Does not trigger redraws
See also
show_unknown(bool), handle_unknown_char()

◆ printf()

void Fl_Terminal::printf ( const char *  fmt,

Appends printf formatted messages to the terminal.

The string can contain UTF-8, crlf's, and ANSI sequences are also supported. Example:

#include <FL/Fl_Terminal.H>
int main(..) {
// Create a terminal, and append some messages to it
Fl_Terminal *tty = new Fl_Terminal(..);
// Append three lines of formatted text to the buffer
tty->printf("The current date is: %s.\nThe time is: %s\n", date_str, time_str);
tty->printf("The current PID is %ld.\n", (long)getpid());
Fl_Terminal widget.
The expanded string is currently limited to 1024 characters (including NULL). For longer strings use append() which has no string limits.

◆ putchar() [1/2]

void Fl_Terminal::putchar ( char  c,
int  drow,
int  dcol 

Print the ASCII character c at the terminal's display position (drow,dcol).

The character MUST be printable (in range 0x20 - 0x7e), and is displayed using the current text color/attributes. Characters outside that range are either ignored or print the error character (¿), depending on show_unknown(bool).

This is a very low level method.

No range checking is done on drow,dcol:

  • drow must be in range 0..(display_rows()-1)
  • dcol must be in range 0..(display_columns()-1)
  • Does not trigger redraws
  • Does NOT handle control codes, ANSI or XTERM escape sequences.
See also
show_unknown(bool), handle_unknown_char(), is_printable()

◆ putchar() [2/2]

void Fl_Terminal::putchar ( const char *  text,
int  len,
int  drow,
int  dcol 

Print UTF-8 character text of length len at display position (drow,dcol).

The character is displayed using the current text color/attributes.

This is a very low level method.

No range checking is done on drow,dcol:

  • drow must be in range 0..(display_rows()-1)
  • dcol must be in range 0..(display_columns()-1)
  • Does not trigger redraws
  • Does not handle ANSI or XTERM escape sequences
  • Invalid UTF-8 chars show the error character (¿) depending on show_unknown(bool).
See also

◆ redraw_rate()

void Fl_Terminal::redraw_rate ( float  val)

Set the maximum rate redraw speed in floating point seconds if redraw_style() is set to RATE_LIMITED.

When output is sent to the terminal, rather than calling redraw() right away, a timer is started with this value indicating how long to wait before calling redraw(), causing the output to be shown. 0.10 is recommended (1/10th of a second), to limit redraws to no more than 10 redraws per second.

The value that works best depends on how fast data arrives, and how fast the font system can draw text at runtime.

Values too small cause too many redraws to occur, causing the terminal to get backlogged if large bursts of data arrive quickly. Values too large cause realtime output to be too "choppy".

◆ redraw_style() [1/2]

void Fl_Terminal::redraw_style ( RedrawStyle  val)

Set how Fl_Terminal manages screen redrawing.

This setting is relevant when Fl_Terminal is used for high bandwidth data; too many redraws will slow things down, too few cause redraws to be 'choppy' when realtime data comes in.

Redrawing can be cpu intensive, depending on how many rows/cols are being displayed; worst case: large display + small font. Speed largely depends on the end user's graphics hardware and font drawing system.

RedrawStyle enum Description
NO_REDRAW App must call redraw() as needed to update text to screen
RATE_LIMITED Rate limited, timer controlled redraws. (DEFAULT) See redraw_rate()
PER_WRITE Redraw triggered every call to append() / printf() / etc.

The default style is RATE_LIMITED, which is the easiest to use, and automates redrawing to be capped at 10 redraws per second max. See redraw_rate(float) to control this automated redraw speed.

See also
redraw_rate(), RedrawStyle

◆ redraw_style() [2/2]

Fl_Terminal::RedrawStyle Fl_Terminal::redraw_style ( void  ) const

Get the redraw style.

This determines when the terminal redraws itself while text is being added to it.

Value will be one of the Fl_Terminal::RedrawStyle enum values.

See also

◆ reset_terminal()

void Fl_Terminal::reset_terminal ( void  )

Resets terminal to default colors, clears screen, history and mouse selection, homes cursor, resets tabstops.

Same as "<ESC>c"

◆ resize()

void Fl_Terminal::resize ( int  X,
int  Y,
int  W,
int  H 

Handle widget resizing, such as if user resizes parent window.

This may increase the column width of the widget if the width of the widget is made larger than it was.

Resizing currently does not rewrap existing text. Currently enlarging makes room for longer lines, and shrinking the size lets long lines run off the right edge of the display, hidden from view. This behavior may change in the future to rewrap.

Reimplemented from Fl_Group.

◆ scroll()

void Fl_Terminal::scroll ( int  rows)

Scroll the display up(+) or down(-) the specified rows.

  • Negative value scrolls "down", clearing top line, and history unaffected.
  • Postive value scrolls "up", clearing bottom line, rotating top line into history.

◆ scrollbar_size() [1/2]

void Fl_Terminal::scrollbar_size ( int  val)

Set the width of the scrollbar's trough to val, in pixels.

Only use this method if you need to override the global scrollbar size.

Setting val to the special value 0 causes the widget to track the global Fl::scrollbar_size().

See also

◆ scrollbar_size() [2/2]

int Fl_Terminal::scrollbar_size ( void  ) const

Get the current size of the scrollbar's trough, in pixels.

If this value is zero (default), this widget will use the Fl::scrollbar_size() value as the scrollbar's width.

Scrollbar size in pixels, or 0 if the global Fl::scrollbar_size() is being used.
See also

◆ selection_extend()

bool Fl_Terminal::selection_extend ( int  X,
int  Y 

Extend selection to FLTK coords X,Y.

Returns true if extended, false if nothing done (X,Y offscreen)

◆ selection_text()

const char * Fl_Terminal::selection_text ( void  ) const

Return text selection (for copy()/paste() operations)

  • Returns allocated NULL terminated string for entire selection.
  • Caller must free() this memory when done.
  • Unicode safe.

◆ selection_text_len()

int Fl_Terminal::selection_text_len ( void  ) const

Return byte length of all UTF-8 chars in selection, or 0 if no selection.

NOTE: Length includes trailing white on each line.

◆ show_unknown() [1/2]

void Fl_Terminal::show_unknown ( bool  val)

Set the "show unknown" flag.

If true, unknown escape sequences and unprintable control characters will be shown with the error character "¿".

If false, those sequences and characters will be ignored.

See also

◆ show_unknown() [2/2]

bool Fl_Terminal::show_unknown ( void  ) const

Return the "show unknown" flag.

See show_unknown(bool) for more info.

◆ textattrib() [1/2]

uchar Fl_Terminal::textattrib ( ) const

Get text attribute bits (underline, inverse, etc).

This is the default attribute used for all newly printed text.

See also
textattrib(uchar), Fl_Terminal::Attrib

◆ textattrib() [2/2]

void Fl_Terminal::textattrib ( uchar  val)

Set text attribute bits (underline, inverse, etc).

This will be the default attribute used for all newly printed text.

See also

◆ textbgcolor()

void Fl_Terminal::textbgcolor ( Fl_Color  val)

Set text background color to fltk color val used by any new text added.

Use this for temporary color changes, similar to <ESC>[48;2;<R>;<G>;<B>m

This setting does not affect the 'default' text colors used by <ESC>[0m, <ESC>c, reset_terminal(), etc. To set that too, also set textbgcolor_default(Fl_Color), e.g.

// Set both 'current' and 'default' colors
Fl_Color darkamber = 0x20100000;
tty->textbgcolor(darkamber); // set 'current' bg color
tty->textbgcolor_default(darkamber); // set 'default' bg color used by ESC[0m reset
unsigned int Fl_Color
An FLTK color value; see also Colors
Definition Enumerations.H:1101

The special color value 0xffffffff (all ff's) is the "see through" color, which lets the widget's own Fl_Group::color() show through behind the text. This special text background color is the default, and is what most situations need.

See also

◆ textbgcolor_default() [1/2]

void Fl_Terminal::textbgcolor_default ( Fl_Color  val)

Set the default text background color used by any new text added after a reset (<ESC>c, <ESC>[0m, or reset_terminal()).

Does not affect the 'current' text background color; use textbgcolor(Fl_Color) to set that.

The special color value 0xffffffff (all ff's) is the "see through" color, which lets the widget's own Fl_Group::color() show through behind the text. This special text background color is the default, and is what most situations need.

See also

◆ textbgcolor_default() [2/2]

Fl_Color Fl_Terminal::textbgcolor_default ( void  ) const

Return text's default background color.

See also

◆ textbgcolor_xterm()

void Fl_Terminal::textbgcolor_xterm ( uchar  val)

Sets the background text color as one of the 8 'xterm color' values.

This will be the foreground color used for all newly printed text, similar to the <ESC>[#m escape sequence, where # is between 40 and 47.

This color will be reset to the default bg color if reset_terminal() is called, or by <ESC>c, <ESC>[0m, etc.

The xterm color intensity values can be influenced by the Dim/Bold/Normal modes (which can be set with e.g. <ESC>[1m, textattrib(), etc), so the actual RGB values of these colors allow room for Dim/Bold to influence their brightness. For instance, "Normal Red" is not full brightness to allow "Bold Red" to be brighter. This goes for all colors except 'Black', which is not influenced by Dim or Bold; Black is always Black.

The 8 color xterm values are:

  • 0 = Black
  • 1 = Red
  • 2 = Green
  • 3 = Yellow
  • 4 = Blue
  • 5 = Magenta
  • 6 = Cyan
  • 7 = White
See also

◆ textcolor()

void Fl_Terminal::textcolor ( Fl_Color  val)

Set the text color for the terminal.

This is a convenience method that sets both textfgcolor() and textfgcolor_default(), ensuring both are set to the same value.

◆ textfgcolor()

void Fl_Terminal::textfgcolor ( Fl_Color  val)

Set text foreground drawing color to fltk color val used by any new text added.

Use this for temporary color changes, similar to <ESC>[38;2;<R>;<G>;<B>m

This setting does not affect the 'default' text colors used by <ESC>[0m, <ESC>c, reset_terminal(), etc. To change both the current and default fg color, also use textfgcolor_default(Fl_Color). Example:

// Set both 'current' and 'default' colors
Fl_Color amber = 0xd0704000;
tty->textfgcolor(amber); // set 'current' fg color
tty->textfgcolor_default(amber); // set 'default' fg color used by ESC[0m reset
See also

◆ textfgcolor_default() [1/2]

void Fl_Terminal::textfgcolor_default ( Fl_Color  val)

Set the default text foreground color used by <ESC>c, <ESC>[0m, and reset_terminal().

Does not affect the 'current' text foreground color; use textfgcolor(Fl_Color) to set that.

See also

◆ textfgcolor_default() [2/2]

Fl_Color Fl_Terminal::textfgcolor_default ( void  ) const

Return text's default foreground color.

See also

◆ textfgcolor_xterm()

void Fl_Terminal::textfgcolor_xterm ( uchar  val)

Sets the foreground text color as one of the 8 'xterm color' values.

This will be the foreground color used for all newly printed text, similar to the <ESC>[#m escape sequence, where # is between 30 and 37.

This color will be reset to the default fg color if reset_terminal() is called, or by <ESC>c, <ESC>[0m, etc.

The xterm color intensity values can be influenced by the Dim/Bold/Normal modes (which can be set with e.g. <ESC>[1m, textattrib(), etc), so the actual RGB values of these colors allow room for Dim/Bold to influence their brightness. For instance, "Normal Red" is not full brightness to allow "Bold Red" to be brighter. This goes for all colors except 'Black', which is not influenced by Dim or Bold; Black is always Black.

The 8 color xterm values are:

  • 0 = Black
  • 1 = Red
  • 2 = Green
  • 3 = Yellow
  • 4 = Blue
  • 5 = Magenta
  • 6 = Cyan
  • 7 = White
See also

◆ textfont()

void Fl_Terminal::textfont ( Fl_Font  val)

Sets the font used for all text displayed in the terminal.

This affects all existing text (in display and history) as well as any newly printed text.

Only monospace fonts are recommended, such as FL_COURIER or FL_SCREEN. Custom fonts configured with Fl::set_font() will also work, as long as they are monospace.

◆ textsize()

void Fl_Terminal::textsize ( Fl_Fontsize  val)

Sets the font size used for all text displayed in the terminal.

This affects all existing text (in display and history) as well as any newly printed text.

Changing this will affect the display_rows() and display_columns().

◆ u8c_disp_row()

Fl_Terminal::Utf8Char * Fl_Terminal::u8c_disp_row ( int  drow)

Return pointer to the first u8c character in row drow of the display.

  • 'drow' is indexed relative to the beginning of the display buffer.
  • This can be used to walk all columns in the specfied row, e.g.
    // Print all chars in first row of display (ASCII and UTF-8)
    Utf8Char *u8c = u8c_disp_row(0); // first char of first display row
    int scol = 0, ecol = disp_cols(); // start/end for column loop
    for (int col=scol; col<ecol; col++,u8c++) { // loop from first char to last
    char *text = u8c->text_utf8(); // text string for char
    int len = u8c->length(); // text string length for char
    ::printf("<%.*s>", len, text); // print potentially multibyte char
    const Utf8Char * u8c_disp_row(int drow) const
    See docs for non-const version of u8c_disp_row(int)
    Definition Fl_Terminal.cxx:1031
    int disp_cols(void) const
    Return the number of columns in the display area.
    Definition Fl_Terminal.H:1014

◆ u8c_hist_row()

Fl_Terminal::Utf8Char * Fl_Terminal::u8c_hist_row ( int  hrow)

Return u8c for beginning of a row inside the scrollback history.

'hrow' is indexed relative to the beginning of the scrollback history buffer.

See also
u8c_disp_row(int) for example use.

◆ u8c_hist_use_row()

Fl_Terminal::Utf8Char * Fl_Terminal::u8c_hist_use_row ( int  hurow)

Return u8c for beginning of row hurow inside the 'in use' part of the scrollback history.

'hurow' is indexed relative to the beginning of the 'in use' part of the scrollback history buffer. This may be a different from u8c_hist_row(int) if the history was recently cleared, and there aren't many (or any) rows in the history buffer that have been populated with scrollback text yet.

See also
u8c_disp_row(int) for example use.

◆ u8c_ring_row()

Fl_Terminal::Utf8Char * Fl_Terminal::u8c_ring_row ( int  grow)

Return UTF-8 char for row grow in the ring buffer.

grow is globally indexed relative to the beginning of the ring buffer, so this method can access ANY character in the entire ring buffer (hist or disp) by the global index.

Scrolling offset is NOT applied; this is raw access to the ring's rows.

Should really ONLY be used for making a complete copy of the ring.


// Walk ALL rows and cols in the ring buffer..
for (int row=0; row<ring.rows(); row++) {
Utf8Char *u8c = ring.u8c_ring_row(row);
for (int col=0; col<ring.cols(); col++,u8c++) {
..make use of u8c->xxx() methods..

◆ vprintf()

void Fl_Terminal::vprintf ( const char *  fmt,
va_list  ap 

Appends printf formatted messages to the terminal.

Subclasses can use this to implement their own printf() functionality.

The string can contain UTF-8, crlf's, and ANSI sequences are also supported when ansi(bool) is set to 'true'.

The expanded string is currently limited to 1024 characters (including NULL). For longer strings use append() which has no string limits.
fmtis a printf format string for the message text.
apis a va_list created by va_start() and closed with va_end(), which the caller is responsible for handling.

◆ w_to_col()

int Fl_Terminal::w_to_col ( int  W) const

Given a width in pixels, return number of columns that "fits" into that area.

This is used by the constructor to size the row/cols to fit the widget size.

◆ walk_selection()

const Fl_Terminal::Utf8Char * Fl_Terminal::walk_selection ( const Utf8Char u8c,
int &  row,
int &  col 
) const

Walk the mouse selection one character at a time from beginning to end, returning a Utf8Char* to the next character in the selection, or NULL if the end was reached, or if there's no selection.

This is easier to use for walking the selection than get_selection().

u8c should start out as NULL, rewinding to the beginning of the selection. If the returned Utf8Char* is not NULL, row and col return the character's row/column position in the ring buffer.

// EXAMPLE: Walk the entire mouse selection, if any
int row,col; // the returned row/col for each char
Utf8Char *u8c = NULL; // start with NULL to begin walk
while ((u8c = walk_selection(u8c, row, col))) { // loop until end char reached
..do something with *u8c..
const Utf8Char * walk_selection(const Utf8Char *u8c, int &row, int &col) const
Walk the mouse selection one character at a time from beginning to end, returning a Utf8Char* to the ...
Definition Fl_Terminal.cxx:1878
See also
get_selection(), is_selection()
u8cNULL on first iter
rowreturned row#
colreturned col#

Member Data Documentation

◆ scrollbar

Fl_Scrollbar* Fl_Terminal::scrollbar

Vertical scrollbar.

Public, so that it can be accessed directly.

Support scrollbar_left/right() - See Fl_Browser_::scrollbar docs

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