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  • flPlug 0.1.1

    flPlug is a library whose purpose is to bring a type-safe interface for the event callback system of the Fast Light ToolKit (FLTK) library. It provides callbacks that can be private member functions and a type-safe interface. It has been tested with FLTK versions 1.1.* and 1.3.*.

  • flPlug 0.1.2

    flPlug is a library whose purpose is to bring a type-safe interface for the event callback system of the Fast Light ToolKit (FLTK) library. It provides callbacks that can be private member functions and a type-safe interface. It has been tested with FLTK versions 1.1.* and 1.3.*.

  • FLTKCallback++ 0.1.0

    FLTKCallback++ is small package which adds more C++ in fltk callback system. It uses templates which are now full supported by leading compilers. Idea was to extend current callback system with possibility to use nonstatic member functions in your callbacks. This enables you to use class members directly.

  • [Stale links 2023-11-11] Cygwin environment for FLTK .

    Installation files and instructions needed to easily create a complete and current version of the Cygwin/Mingw32 development environment that can be used for FLTK.

    If you want to write programs using FLTK under Windows but don't want to buy a compiler, you want this.

    It includes the following:

    • Cygwin B20.1 updated to 20000227

    • Minw32 20000203 (MSVCRT)

    • Binutils 19990818-1 (fixed)

    • GCC 2.95.2-1

    • Insight 19991101 graphical debugger

  • [Stale links 2023-11-11] fltk makefiles for Borland C++ v5.5 .

    The combination of Borland's freely available command line C++ compiler with the FLTK   GUI toolkit (LGPL) is an excellent way to develop software for the Windows platform that is also easily portable to Unix or Linux. Unfortunately FLTK does not ship with makefiles for Borland, so we decided to translate the unix makefiles for this compiler. Inside the archive you can find a readme file that explains how to adapt them to your system.

  • [Stale links 2023-11-11] fltk-1.1.4 & Borland Commandline Tools .

    Makefiles for building fltk-1.1.4 with Borland free commandline tools.


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