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STR #912

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STR #912

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:1 - Specific to a machine/printer
Summary:Fluid: Widget_Browser not redrawn
Created By:Portale
Assigned To:matt
Fix Version:1.1.7 (SVN: v4429)
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#1 Portale
12:20 Jun 14, 2005
I have the widget browser and the property dialog with the "C++" tab open. When I change the subtype of a selected Window or press the "public" toggle button, this change is not reflected in the widget browser. The widget browser window is only redrawn if it receives the focus. This could confuse the user.

Not irritating:
Usually, a changement is immediately shown in the widget browser. For example when changing the name of the widget, the widget browser is actualized as soon as the focus leaves the text input. If the label of a widget is edited, the widget browser is even actualized for each key press... Maybe this could be more consistent, but it does not hurt.
#2 matt
02:15 Jul 16, 2005
Fixed in Subversion repository.  

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