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STR #904

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STR #904

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Summary:FLTK on Unix/XWindows: Fluid requires X-Windows to batch compile FLD files.
Created By:chaircrusher
Assigned To:matt
Fix Version:1.1-current (SVN: v4422)
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#1 chaircrusher
10:04 Jun 06, 2005
Fluid requires the environment variable DISPLAY to be set, and pointing to a valid X Server, even when it's just generating .cxx/.h/strings files in a batch process -- i.e. 'fluid -c'

Platform RedHat Linux (though I think this is a problem on ANY system that uses FLTK with X Windows)

CVS Snapshot fltk-1.1.x-r4373


If you don't define DISPLAY -- or if DISPLAY doesn't point to a running X Display -- then Fluid exits with the message "Can't open display:"

In fluid.cxx, nearly the first thing that happens is a call to the function 'make_main_window.'  This in turn calls 'make_settings_window', which calls 'scheme_cb'

Within scheme_cb, if the environment variable "FLTK_SCHEME" is not defined, than scheme_cb calls fl_open_display, and then calls XGetDefault to retrieve the "scheme" value.

I thought that I could simply test the compile_only flag and suppress calling make_main_window, but that ends up causing a segmentation fault, because in file.cxx:read_file makes calls that eventually invoke Fl_Widget::redraw().

This is a pretty tangled web to unravel -- it appears that Fluid works by making 'live' versions of the widgets, attached to the top-level widget of the Fluid UI.  Even though in batch mode, Fluid is creating it's whole user interface, but never displaying it.
#2 chaircrusher
08:03 Jun 07, 2005
More detail -- the alignment_panel widget in fluid has a scheme menu.  It needs to be set up such that the currently selected scheme is selected in the menu.

If you have a scheme selected in your fluid.prefs, or a scheme specified in the environment variable "FLTK_SCHEME", then you don't call fltk_open_display.

If I ruled the universe, I'd put a check in Fl::scheme() to see whether DISPLAY is defined in the environment. If it isn't just set the scheme to "none", otherwise, try the fl_open_display and the call to XGetDefault.  I don't think that would cause any trouble in the normal course of events -- if we're in an interactive Fluid session, or if DISPLAY is defined, the XGetDefault will succeed.

The fl_open_display happens in setting up the scheme_choice widget in alignment_panel.fl:

    Fl_Choice scheme_choice {
      label {Scheme:}
      callback scheme_cb
      xywh {116 10 115 25} down_box BORDER_BOX labelfont 1
      code0 {int s;}
      code1 {fluid_prefs.get("scheme", s, 0);}
      code2 {scheme_choice->value(s);}
      code3 {scheme_cb(0, 0);}
    } {


void scheme_cb(Fl_Choice *, void *) {
  switch (scheme_choice->value()) {
    case 0 : // Default
    case 1 : // None
    case 2 : // Plastic

  fluid_prefs.set("scheme", scheme_choice->value());

int Fl::scheme(const char *s) {
  if (!s) {
    if ((s = getenv("FLTK_SCHEME")) == NULL) {
#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__)
      const char* key = 0;
      if (Fl::first_window()) key = Fl::first_window()->xclass();
      if (!key) key = "fltk";
      s = XGetDefault(fl_display, key, "scheme");
#endif // !WIN32 && !__APPLE__
#3 matt
02:49 Jul 15, 2005
Fixed in Subversion repository.

Avoiding the Scheme calls.

Since I am not on an X11 machine at this moment, would someone please verify that this patch was sufficient? Thanks.

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