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STR #891

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STR #891

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Summary:Fluid: HIG conformance
Created By:Portale
Assigned To:matt
Fix Version:1.1-current
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#1 Portale
15:56 May 27, 2005

Trouble Report Comments:

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#1 Portale
15:56 May 27, 2005
Now, that FLTK 1.1 is on the verge of being perfect, I got granular on FLUID. There are some small HIG issues.

I would have been faster creating directly the patches for the .fl files myself rather than create the attached .pdf file. But it would be even more work for Michael and Matthias to verify and commit those patches.

Not sure, is such a dogmatic pixel related feedback welcome? Or is it getting boring? :)

See the screenshots.
#2 matt
15:40 May 29, 2005
Most issues are resolved at this point. The widget bin need a little more polishing, but all other panels should be shiny and perfect now. Please let me know if I missed a spot.  
#3 Portale
17:00 May 29, 2005

That's such an improvement! Even the size ranges are set... Now it makes even much more fun to work with fluid. Thank you very much.
I am sure that the other FLTK users will notice that boost, too :)

> Please let me know if I missed a spot.
Actually I am very happy and can't and will not complain anymore about HIG in FLUID, after this STR# is closed.

But... as long as the iron is hot:    :)

1) "Function Properties" and "Comment Properties" could each have 2 pixels less of width and height. I only say that because all the other dialogs are 105% HIG, now.

2) Many dialogs in FLTK and FLUID are Double buffered, but the Properties dialogs are not. Could the class of these be set to Double?

And again, thanks!

Edit of my pdf:
That the Label type choice in Properties/GUI is smaller than its widest entry seems ok for me, now. Otherwise the "Label:" input would be too short.
#4 matt
00:37 May 30, 2005
I beleive that all issues are fixed now.

I did not change the layout in the Widget Bin though. The original idea was to group them in a two dimensional way, which is not possible in the pulldowns. That probably did not work well all the time, but the benefit of not confusing our 1.1.6 users is IMHO greater than rearranging those icons.

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