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STR #602

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STR #602

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Summary:Fl_Gl_Windows in nested tabs damage other tabs' contents
Created By:derek.signalmarketing
Assigned To:matt
Fix Version:1.1.7 (SVN: v4448)
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#1 derek.signalmarketing
14:22 Nov 04, 2004

Trouble Report Comments:

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#1 derek.signalmarketing
14:22 Nov 04, 2004
Under OS-X, when a tabset is nested in another tabset, and the inner tabset contains Fl_Gl_Windows, the contents of the default tab in the inner tabset will be improperly drawn the first time it is displayed.

The attached program exhibits the problem on a mac, but works as expected on a remote linux box displaying to the same mac.
#2 mike
14:43 Nov 09, 2004
I'm not sure if there is any way we can fix this on OSX, as the mechanism for emulating subwindows on OSX doesn't handle multiple OpenGL contexts within a single window.

Assigning to Matthias, but I'm not hopeful that a fix will be possible in 1.1.x.
#3 matt
14:20 Mar 09, 2005

#4 matt
05:23 Jul 23, 2005
Fixed in Subversion repository.

Thanks for finding this!

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