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STR #2892

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STR #2892

Application:FLTK Library
Status:5 - New
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Core Library
Summary:Fl_Text_Display::position_to_line(): Consistency check ptvl failed
Created By:corvid
Assigned To:Unassigned
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 corvid
17:17 Nov 24, 2012

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#1 corvid
17:17 Nov 24, 2012
As erco wrote on fltk.general:
>        Getting these errors on the terminal for every character I type:
> Fl_Text_Display::position_to_line(): Consistency check ptvl failed
> Fl_Text_Display::position_to_line(): Consistency check ptvl failed
> Fl_Text_Display::position_to_line(): Consistency check ptvl failed
> Fl_Text_Display::position_to_line(): Consistency check ptvl failed
>         Also, even though the screen appears to be large enough, it
>         doesn't show the line being typed, but seems scrolled down
>         to an empty line beyond the end of the buffer.

...which pretty much covers it.

It seems like the Fl_Text_Display needs to have room for two lines and use WRAP_AT_BOUNDS wrap mode.

I'm amazed that I haven't tripped over this before with textareas in dillo, but maybe two lines tall is uncommon enough...

Code to reproduce attached.
#2 corvid
17:30 Nov 24, 2012
Oh, also at one point I tried "#define DEBUG 1" in Fl_Text_Display.cxx, and then I was getting "*** display_insert/position_to_xy # GIVE UP !\n" from line 985 without changing wrap mode from the default, so it may be that wrap mode is not strictly necessary for position_to_line() unhappiness.  

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