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  • fltklayout 0.1

    A small C++11 library for managing widget layouts with a WYSIWYG designer

  • Gled 1.2.5

    Gled is a C++ framework for rapid development of applications with support for GUI (using FLTK), 3D-graphics and distributed computing. It extends the ROOT framework (standard data-analysis tool in high-energy physics) with mechanisms for object collection management & serialization, multi-threaded execution, GUI auto-generation (object browser & editor) and dynamic visualization (OpenGL).

    Distributed computing model of Gled is a hierarchy of nodes connected via TCP/IP sockets. Gled provides authentication & access control, data exchange, proxying of object collections and remote method-call propagation & execution.

    Gled can be dynamically extended with library sets. Their creation is facilitated by a set of scripts for creation of user-code stubs. Simple tasks and application configuration can be efficiently done via the interactive C++ interpreter (CINT).

    Gled is used for development of programs in high energy physics and as a research tool in distributed and grid computing.

    GUI features:

    • auto-generated object control widgets presenting controls for all exported object members variables, methods and aggregation-facilites (object-pointers and containers)
    • browser for arbitrary object graphs with editing facilities and drag-and-drop support
    • integrated mechanisms for (remote) object instantiation
    • object context-menu for browsing & execution of (remote) method invocation requests
    • GUI control over server-client-viewer system and clustering (using Gled introspection where server-client tree is represented as a Gled object graph)
    • zoom control for all fonts and widgets (laptop-friendly)
  • HarfTanı-Letter Recognizer by ANN 0.1

    [Home page OK, stale download] LETTER RECOGNATION SYSTEM Simple ANN application

  • OpenExposition 0.3.1

    [STALE webpage, Download OK] OpenExposition is a library for automatic construction of user interfaces. After specifying the variables/methods that should be exposed through the UI, it automatically generates a graphical (FLTK or Cocoa), programmatic (Python), and speech-based UI.

  • [STALE] DADBIZ Business Management 1.05 beta

    An initial working version of an application to manage small business, right now only products, clients and invoicing (screen in English,Spanish,Portuguese). It's made with FLTK, ruby, and sqlite. Only the win32 installer - I'll put the complete source code up soon. LINUX binaries : http://dad-it.com:8080/dadbiz-linux-dist.tgz

  • [STALE] Multiplot 0.4

    Multiplot allows for fast plotting of simple two dimensional graphs. It is simple, uses opengl for visualisation and automatically scales your graphs such that they fit into the plot-window.

  • [STALE] Sudoku Solver 1.0

    Everyone else seems to be writing Sudoku playing programmes now... This is  intended for anyone (like me) who gets half way through a Sudoku and thinks "Why am I doing this? This is exactly the sort of thing computers are good at..."  Anyway, tested on OSX, linux, WinXP. And it is much faster at solving sudoku puzzles than I am.

  • [STALE] YapBib beta 0.99r1

    Yapbib is Your Annotated Personal Bibliography. This program allows you to manage your body of literature research, include annotations per author and per literature-entry, organize and categorize the entries for your specific projects, perform queries on the entries, and export contents on the bibliograpy database in BibTex form. Yapbib uses no external database to keep the software small and manageable. It's database is in ASCII form that is easily read into other programs or modified by hand. It also stores a cached copy of each article in PDF format making YapBib your "one-stop-shop to your bibliography!"


Comments are owned by the poster. All other content is copyright 1998-2024 by Bill Spitzak and others. This project is hosted by The FLTK Team. Please report site problems to 'erco@seriss.com'.