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Article #285: Gmsh 1.53

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Article #285: Gmsh 1.53

Created at 00:40 Jun 05, 2004 by geuzaine.acm.caltech

Gmsh 1.53 is out! This version contains fairly big changes, so please report any bugs that might have crept in... The three largest modifications are:

  • big (huge?) improvements in the way Gmsh renders tri/quad meshes and scalar post-processing views, with speedups of more than an order of magnitude on large data sets (and as a side effect, transparency is now fully supported)

  • new geometrical entity selection with undo capability

  • full support for second order elements in the mesh module (3-node lines, 6-node triangles, 9-node quads, 10-node tets, 27-node hexas, 18-node prisms and 14-node pyramids)

See below for a summary of the other additions and bug fixes.

Downloads, mailing lists, etc.: http://www.geuz.org/gmsh/

New in 1.53: completed support for second order elements in the mesh module (lines, triangles, quadrangles, tetrahedra, hexahedra, prisms and pyramids); various background mesh fixes and enhancements; major performance improvements in mesh and post-processing drawing routines (OpenGL vertex arrays for tri/quads); new Plugin(Evaluate) to evaluate arbitrary expressions on post-processing views; generalized Plugin(Extract) to handle any combination of components; generalized "Coherence" to handle transfinite surface/volume attributes; plugin options can now be set in the option file (like all other options); added "undo" capability during geometry creation; rewrote the contour guessing routines so that entities can be selected in an arbitrary order; Mac users can now double click on geo/msh/pos files in the Finder to launch Gmsh; removed support for fltk 1.0; rewrote most of the code related to quadrangles; fixed 2d elliptic algorithm; removed all OpenGL display list code and options; fixed light positioning; new BoundingBox command to set the bounding box explicitly; added support for inexpensive "fake" transparency mode + many code cleanups.

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From Anonymous, 11:31 Jul 09, 2004 (score=2)

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From Anonymous, 11:31 Jul 09, 2004 (score=1)

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