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STR #3505

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STR #3505

Application:FLTK Library
Status:2 - Closed w/o Resolution
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Build Files
Summary:Add FLTK as package for the Hunter packaging system
Created By:GregK
Assigned To:AlbrechtS
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 GregK
06:20 Jan 04, 2019
Hunter is a cmake-driven package manager that is designed to minimize hassle with 3rd party libraries. If FLTK is added as a package to Hunter, initially setting up FLTK dependency for use in CMake projects would only take two additional lines of CMake code.

Adapting FLTK should be easy. See the guide here:

The only problem I see right now is that FLTK overwrites the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS variable (and possibly other variables which Hunter needs it to respect / not touch).
#2 matt
12:27 Feb 02, 2019
Hmm, I have read a few chapters of the documentation, and I am not sure how this applies to FLTK. We have no external dependencies, and the build process is a simple as we can make it. But maybe I am just too old.

What exactly does Hunter add to FLTK?

How does if make life easier for Core Devs, or App Devs, or Users?
#3 GregK
09:26 Feb 03, 2019
Hunter doesn't directly add anything to FLTK, since FLTK has, as Matthias said, no external dependencies.

I'm describing the potential of adding FLTK as a package to Hunter.
Motivation: it makes life easier for app developers who are using FLTK as an external dependency, since it allows an app developer to set up FLTK with their (cross-platform) CMake project by adding two lines of CMake code (or about 6-7, if they haven't been using Hunter).

Ease of set-up in cross-platform projects means a potentially greater FLTK user base, which in turn means more contributions in the long term.

To accomplish this, Hunter doesn't at all need to be used within the FLTK build system. The only thing that would need to change within the FLTK repository is (some) modernization of CMake code used by FLTK, i.e. avoiding modification of certain variables and such things. This would simplify the remainder of the process, i.e. generating a corresponding Hunter package with each new release of FLTK.

The complete instructions for making a new Hunter package (in our case) are listed here:
#4 AlbrechtS
10:57 Feb 03, 2019
Moved to 1.4-feature.

CMake support in FLTK 1.3 is incomplete and won't be changed since further development of FLTK 1.3 is closed (only serious bug fixes).

That said, I'm planning to improve and modernize the CMake code in FLTK 1.4 anyway, so if this is all we need I can take it into account when working on the future CMake support. Thanks for the heads-up.
#5 GregK
18:31 Feb 03, 2019
Thank you, this is much appreciated!  
#6 AlbrechtS
09:42 Feb 05, 2019
Assigned to myself.

If anyone else feels inclined to do this, please drop a note.

Patch proposals would be appreciated (but not necessary).
#7 AlbrechtS
10:23 Aug 04, 2023
FTR: the links given above (domain: hunter.sh) are stale (hunter.sh appears now to be owned by a domain grabber).

Some new links as of today (Aug 4, 2023) are:

- Documentation: https://hunter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

- GitHub: https://github.com/cpp-pm/hunter/
  - appears to be active, was forked from:

- https://github.com/ruslo/hunter (read-only according to GitHub):
  "This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 15, 2020."

This is only some info I found today. No guarantees about correctness or usefulness.
#8 AlbrechtS
10:27 Aug 04, 2023
The links given above should very likely be replaced by this link:

#9 AlbrechtS
05:13 Nov 17, 2023
Note: this STR will be resolved (or maybe not) when CMake support will be updated in the near future - before the release of FLTK 1.4.0.

If this needs more changes after 1.4 has been released please open a GitHub issue with more details about:

- what needs to be changed and
- how it needs to be changed and
- why this has to be changed.

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