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STR #3170

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STR #3170

Application:FLTK Library
Status:5 - New
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Subsystem:Core Library
Summary:Fl_Table_Row callback not called
Created By:AlainBandon
Assigned To:greg.ercolano
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 AlainBandon
08:47 Dec 26, 2014
When declaring a callback with a Table_Row, the following situation doesn't trigger the callback, either with FL_WHEN_RELEASE or even FL_WHEN_RELEASE_ALWAYS set :

- Clic on any row of a table configured on Fl_Table_Row::SELECT_SINGLE.
- While the clic is still pressed, move the mouse on another row
- Finally release the mouse on another row

What occurs is that the display function using row_selected() to highlight the currently selected row will change while the mouse is pressed without any call to the callback.

void FilterTable::event_callback(Fl_Widget*, void* data) {
  FilterTable *o = (FilterTable*)data;

void FilterTable::event_callback2() {
  int R = callback_row(),
      C = callback_col();
  TableContext context = callback_context();
  printf("'%s' callback: ", (label() ? label() : "?"));
  printf("Row=%d Col=%d Context=%d Event=%d InteractiveResize? %d\n",
      R, C, (int)context, (int)Fl::event(), (int)is_interactive_resize());

What is really strange is that the callback is called if the mouse is released over the same row as the one pressed (moving (out and then in again) or not), whatever the value FL_WHEN_RELEASE or FL_WHEN_RELEASE_ALWAYS being used.

For now I have no workaround to fix this inconsistency between the behaviour and the display axcept moving the code of the callback inside the display (erk!). This is why I raised the priority to 4. But feel free to change it.

My system used is Windows seven using fltk 1.3.2. I didn't test the parent Table class but I suppose the bug could be similar.
#2 AlbrechtS
06:10 Dec 27, 2014
Reduced priority to 3 (Moderate).

Please test with FLTK 1.3.3 or current svn. ISTR that something related to item selection and maybe callbacks has been changed in 1.3.3, and 1.3.2 is really outdated now.

I can't say anything to the details though. I'll leave this to others.
#3 AlainBandon
07:04 Dec 27, 2014
Tested with 1.3.3 and the bug is the same : changing row while click is maintained changes the inner selection of the table (obtained with row_selected(R) ) without calling the callback of the table.

void FilterTable::draw_cell(TableContext context, int R, int C, int X, int Y, int W, int H) {
  char s[1024] = "";
  sprintf(s, "%d/%d", R, C); // text for each cell
  switch ( context )
          fl_font(FL_HELVETICA, 16);
          fl_push_clip(X, Y, W, H);
                  fl_draw_box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX, X, Y, W, H, col_header_color());
                  fl_draw(s, X, Y, W, H, FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
          fl_push_clip(X, Y, W, H);
                  fl_draw_box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX, X, Y, W, H, row_header_color());
                  fl_draw(s, X, Y, W, H, FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
                  fl_push_clip(X, Y, W, H);
                          // BG COLOR
                          fl_color( /*(callback_row() == R)*/row_selected(R) ? selection_color() : cell_bgcolor);
                          fl_rectf(X, Y, W, H);
                          // TEXT
                          fl_draw(s, X, Y, W, H, FL_ALIGN_CENTER);
                          // BORDER
                          fl_rect(X, Y, W, H);
          fprintf(stderr, "TABLE CONTEXT CALLED\n");

void FilterTable::event_callback(Fl_Widget*, void* data) {
  FilterTable *o = (FilterTable*)data;

void FilterTable::event_callback2() {
  int R = callback_row(),
          C = callback_col();
  TableContext context = callback_context();
  printf("'%s' callback: ", (label() ? label() : "?"));
  printf("Row=%d Col=%d Context=%d Event=%d InteractiveResize? %d\n",
  R, C, (int)context, (int)Fl::event(), (int)is_interactive_resize());

The only way I found to fix the problem is to use callback_row() == R instead of row_selected(R) in the draw function to keep consistency between the callback and the display.

For me the click release processing in the callback is just totally broken, doing the same result whatever the value you set in the when().
#4 greg.ercolano
13:38 Dec 28, 2014
(Changing subject from Table_Row -> Fl_Table_Row so dev search for
"Fl_Table" finds this msg)

Looking into this. Yes; Fl_Table does need some attention
with respect to how the callback() is invoked on events more
complex than simple click/release.

Workarounds would I think involve subclassing Fl_Table, and implementing
your own handle() method to intercept and handle events, using e.g.
Fl_Table::cursor2rowcol() to determine the row/column the event
occurred on, similar to what Fl_Table::handle() does.

Be sure not to eclipse events from Fl_Table and/or Fl_Table_Row's
own handle() methods; pass all events through to the subclass.

Will follow up.
#5 greg.ercolano
13:47 Dec 28, 2014
Assigning to me, changing "Software Version" 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3
since the issue can be replicated in the more recent release.

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