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STR #2794

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STR #2794

Application:FLTK Library
Status:5 - New
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Summary:Fluid hacked
Created By:mingodad
Assigned To:Unassigned
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 mingodad
08:25 Dec 10, 2011

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#1 mingodad
08:25 Dec 10, 2011
Here is my latest fluid hacked just in case someone else want's a bit more from teh stock fluid.

-Alphabetical view of all elements.
-Double click on source viewer select the correspondent component on the tree view.
-Optional Lua interpreter (the fluid.exe provided has lua static linked).
-Can generate code that doesn't create new widget but just add it to the actual group. When a widget name starts with @ then instead of generate "AnyWidgetClass *o = new AnyWidgetClass(x,y,w,h,l);" create "Fl_Group::current()->add(widget_name); widget_name->resize(x,y,w,h); ...", this allow reuse an existing class/widget_group and give it a different layout. If the @ is followed by & then instead of use pointer indirection "a->b" the code is generated without pointer "a.b".
-On the extra code lines when the first character is '"' then some macro substitutions are done when generating the code "=doIt($(class), $(name));"
-Generate constructors without arguments for all widget_classes.
-New options on the Layout menu "Make same size as parent->Width,Height,Both"
-The code editor for a function has a line on top with the function declaration, facilitating see the parameters and it's types.
-Code->Declaration is multiline.
-Patched to generate class menus instead of static global menus, this permits menu labels to be translated at class creation, other way the translation code is called before any chance to load translations first.

Well I'll apreciate any other sugestion/improvement to it and hope it can be usefull to other people too.
#2 mingodad
08:28 Dec 10, 2011
Type correction '"' by '=':

-On the extra code lines when the first character is '=' then some macro substitutions are done when generating the code "=doIt($(class), $(name));"

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