Simple Drawing
[Drawing Functions]


void fltk::drawline (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1)
void fltk::drawline (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
void fltk::drawpoint (float x, float y)
void fltk::drawpoint (int x, int y)
void fltk::fillrect (const Rectangle &)
void fltk::strokerect (const Rectangle &)

Detailed Description

These functions bypass the path construction mechanism to draw some common shapes more quickly with calls to Xlib or GDI32. Only the x,y coordinates are transformed and in most cases they are rounded to the nearest integer.

Function Documentation

void fillrect const Rectangle r  ) 

Fill the rectangle with the current color.

void strokerect const Rectangle r  ) 

Draw a line inside this bounding box (currently correct only for 0-thickness lines).

void drawpoint int  x,
int  y

Draw a dot at the given point.

void drawpoint float  X,
float  Y

Draw a dot at the given point.

void drawline int  x,
int  y,
int  x1,
int  y1

Draw a straight line between the two points.

void drawline float  X,
float  Y,
float  X1,
float  Y1

Draw a straight line between the two points.

Sun May 8 21:48:57 2005. FLTK ©2004 Bill Spitzak and others. See Main Page for details.