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STR #351

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STR #351

Application:FLTK Library
Status:2 - Closed w/o Resolution
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Core Library
Summary:Fl_Text_Display: horizontal scrollbar appears unnecessarily
Created By:greg.ercolano
Assigned To:mike
Fix Version:Not Applicable
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#1 greg.ercolano
14:40 Apr 11, 2004
Even if there is no text going beyond the right edge of the text window, the horizontal scrollbar can appear.

It seems if the vertical scrollbar appears, the horizontal scrollbar will also automatically appear.


    1) Run the editor.cxx application (no scrollbars)
    2) Enter many short lines of text (no wider than screen)
       until text scrolls off bottom; vert AND horiz scrollbar appear

Horiz scroll bar should not appear unless there's somewhere to scroll to.

#2 mike
17:42 Apr 11, 2004
Looking into this; I suspect this was done to avoid an infinite loop, but I'll check.  
#3 mike
15:20 May 15, 2004
Comments from the Fl_Text_Display::resize() code:

  Decide if the horizontal scroll bar needs to be visible.  If there
  is a vertical scrollbar, a horizontal is always created too.  This
  is because the alternatives are unatractive:

  * Dynamically creating a horizontal scrollbar based on the currently
    visible lines is what the original nedit does, but it always wastes
    space for the scrollbar even when it's not used.  Since the FLTK
    widget dynamically allocates the space for the scrollbar and
    rearranges the widget to make room for it, this would create a very
    visually displeasing "bounce" effect when the vertical scrollbar is
    dragged.  Trust me, I tried it and it looks really bad.
  * The other alternative would be to keep track of what the longest
    line in the entire buffer is and base the scrollbar on that.  I
    didn't do this because I didn't see any easy way to do that using
    the nedit code and this could involve a lengthy calculation for
    large buffers.  If an efficient and non-costly way of doing this
    can be found, this might be a way to go.

So, unless you can think of a good algorithm for quickly calculating the maximum line width, the code will stay as-is.
#4 greg.ercolano
10:07 May 18, 2004
>  * Dynamically creating a horizontal scrollbar based on the currently
>    visible lines is what the original nedit does, but it always wastes
>    space for the scrollbar even when it's not used.  Since the FLTK
>    widget dynamically allocates the space for the scrollbar and
>   rearranges the widget to make room for it, this would create a very
>    visually displeasing "bounce" effect when the vertical scrollbar is
>    dragged.  Trust me, I tried it and it looks really bad.

Maybe the bounce effect can be avoided if the calculation for detecting the hscroll isn't run during scrolling, ie. if the mouse is in the scrollbar, and one of the buttons is down, don't do the calculation.. just schedule the calcuation to occur when the mouse is released.

>  * The other alternative would be to keep track of what the longest
>    line in the entire buffer is and base the scrollbar on that.  I
>    didn't do this because I didn't see any easy way to do that using
>    the nedit code and this could involve a lengthy calculation for
>    large buffers.  If an efficient and non-costly way of doing this
>    can be found, this might be a way to go.

This sounds like the right solution, as it seems like what most editors do; I'm used to seeing the hscroll's tabsize indicate the widest line in the file.

It's also consistent with how the vscroll tab works; it shows the longest line count in the file. eg. the Mozilla 'Edit|View Source' window, and 'kedit' to name a few examples.

I can see where whenever a large block of text is added, a complete char-by-char scan would be needed to determine maximum line width. For optimization, a public method that allows the caller to pass in the max line length could help that, eg:

    add(const char *text, int maxlen = -1 );

In my app, I have to parse through the file anyway before adding the lines to the widget, so I can include the maxlen calculation as an optimization, so the widget doesn't have to do it.

Then it's just a matter of making sure the widget detects max line widths while the user types new lines of text.
#5 mike
05:54 May 21, 2004
We're open to patches... :)  
#6 mike
08:04 Jul 27, 2004
Please open a new STR if you come up with a solution (patch)...


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