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STR #3315

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STR #3315

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Subsystem:Build Files
Summary:makefile build broken under NetBSD
Created By:manolo
Assigned To:manolo
Fix Version:1.4-feature (SVN: v11872)
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#1 manolo
08:09 Jun 10, 2016
File src/Makefile uses this construct
CPPFILES += $(shell if test $(BUILD_X11) = Yes -a $(BUILD_XFT) = Yes; then echo $(XLIBXFTFILES); fi)
which does not work with NetBSD make.

It does work when gmake instead of make is used.

This construct has been introduced in 1.3.4
and is not used in 1.3.3
#2 AlbrechtS
10:49 Jun 10, 2016
Hi Manolo,

isn't this (XLIBXFTFILES) only used in the porting branch, i.e. 1.4.0 (or, since we don't have this version yet, "1.4-feature")?

In 1.3.4 (as of svn r 11768) I can only see:

$ grep shell src/Makefile
MMFILES = $(shell if test $(USEMMFILES) = Yes; then echo $(OBJCPPFILES); fi)

Well, this is similar to the statement you mentioned, but this has been there for a long time (at least since 2010-12-17, svn r 8051).

Two questions:

(1) Does the issue also concern branch-1.3 (i.e. 1.3.4) ?
(2) What is the error message?
#3 manolo
22:29 Jun 10, 2016
Yes, this post concerns only the porting branch
(so, there's no urgency to fix that),
and the problem occurs with NetBSD only.

What happens is that the test
performed by the construct is always negative under NetBSD.
Thus, the test aiming at adding to the list of c++ source
files those specific of X11 or X11+Xft do not add any
file under NetBSD, and the build aborts at the first link
because many symbols are absent from libfltk.

Under NetBSD, if gmake (instead of make) is used,
the build is OK.

I discovered after writing the STR that there's a similar
construct in the main branch too.
But it is meaningful only for Mac OS X.
A negative test result is OK for any Linux/Unix platform.

In the main branch, there's no platform variation of the list
of source files to be compiled. The variation is created by
#include statements within source files themselves
controlled by #if / #else / #endif directives.
One exception, as said above, is for objective-c++ files
on Mac OS X.

In a nutshell, the problem is how to create platform variation
in source file lists in a cross-platfom way for the make-based build.

CMake-based build is OK under NetBSD (so CMake has solved this problem).
#4 manolo
00:28 Jun 16, 2016
More about "how to create platform variation
in source file lists in a cross-platfom way":

The problem is that the construct
  CPPFILES += $(shell if test $(BUILD_X11) = Yes; \
      then echo $(XLIBCPPFILES); fi)
does not work on FreeBSD and NetBSD.

This blog post
explains this is a classic dilemma and proposes 2 solutions.
I propose here an implementation of the first solution,
based on substitution.

This simple Makefile allows to test the 4 combinations of positive/negative values for BUILD_X11 and BUILD_XFT.

In this implementation, positive is _Yes_ and negative is _No_.
Experience shows that Yes/No does not work, and that
yes/no could work but would fail if substring "no"
occurs in a filename.
_true_/_false_ works also, but true/false do not.

It has been tested OK on Darwin, FreeBSD and NetBSD.

===================== Makefile ==================


BUILD_X11=_Yes_  # change this value
BUILD_XFT=_No_   # change this value

#CPPFILES += $(shell if test $(BUILD_X11) = Yes; then echo $(XLIBCPPFILES); fi)

#CPPFILES += $(shell if test $(BUILD_X11) = Yes -a $(BUILD_XFT) = Yes; then echo $(XLIBXFTFILES); fi)
TMP_XFT := $(BUILD_X11:_Yes_=$(BUILD_XFT))

#CPPFILES += $(shell if test $(BUILD_X11) = Yes -a $(BUILD_XFT) != Yes; then echo $(XLIBFONTFILES); fi)
TMP_FONT := $(BUILD_X11:_No_=_empty_)


        echo 'CPPFILES='$(CPPFILES)


Thus, this is a solution, but rather hackish.
It would fail is any of substrings "_Yes_", "_No_" or "_empty_"
occurs in platform-specific filenames.

Many other blogs conclude complex portable makefiles
just do not exist, and suggest to use a portable make program,
that is, gmake.
#5 AlbrechtS
09:01 Aug 06, 2016
Note: modified Software Version to 1.4-feature.

I propose to change configure slightly and use solution 2 (indirection) from the blog post cited above. If this works on *BSD then I believe that this solution is much clearer and shorter, hence much better maintainable. This would also be true if we added even more build variations.

Side note: I can read this Makefile (see below) and understand it w/o knowing

(1) configure should be changed to set only one variable (BUILD) instead of BUILD_X11, BUILD_XFT etc.. This variable could also be called PLATFORM, but I used BUILD in my tests. BUILD would be one of:

WIN: Windows (GDI)
X11: X11 without Xft
XFT: X11 with Xft
more to come, if needed.

(2) With these changes in place (not implemented yet, but should be easy to do), the (test) Makefile could be:

# ===================== Makefile ==================

# assume configure was changed to set only one variable:
#   X11 means: X11 w/o Xft
#   XFT means: X11 with Xft

# change this or run with "BUILD=value make"
# BUILD=OSX  # change this value to one of {WIN|X11|XFT|OSX}

# used always, no matter what BUILD is
CPPFILES = always.cxx

# used for Windows
CPPFILES_WIN = Win32.cxx

# used for Mac OS (BUILD=OSX)

# used for X11 always (BUILD=X11 _or_ BUILD=XFT)
CPPFILES_X   = X11_always.cxx

# used for X11 w/o Xft (BUILD=X11)

# used for X11 with Xft (BUILD=XFT)

# add BUILD-specific files to CPPFILES


        echo 'CPPFILES='$(CPPFILES)

# =================================================

To test, cut'n'paste these four lines:

BUILD=X11 make

My test results on Windows and Linux:

$ BUILD=WIN make
CPPFILES=always.cxx Win32.cxx
$ BUILD=OSX make
CPPFILES=always.cxx Mac.cxx
$ BUILD=X11 make
CPPFILES=always.cxx X11_always.cxx X11.cxx
$ BUILD=XFT make
CPPFILES=always.cxx X11_always.cxx Xft.cxx

Manolo, can you please test on *BSD and Mac OS ?
What do you think?
#6 AlbrechtS
09:04 Aug 06, 2016
Sorry, that incomplete sentence should read:

Side note: I can read this Makefile (see below) and understand it w/o knowing this special substitution syntax.
#7 manolo
09:36 Aug 08, 2016
The makefile given at #5 above
Runs OK under FreeBSD
Cppfiles += $(cppfiles_$(build))
Seems an excellent idea.
#8 manolo
01:39 Aug 09, 2016
The makefile given at #5 above runs OK also under NetBSD.  
#9 AlbrechtS
15:14 Aug 11, 2016
Okay, I think we need two or maybe three such variables then, because we have system and graphics drivers and maybe more (OpenGL?). Changes would be in configure.in and Makefile(s), but that should be it.

Would you like me to take a stab on it, or would you like to do it yourself?
#10 manolo
02:02 Aug 12, 2016
Ok I'll do it  
#11 manolo
10:45 Aug 12, 2016
With r11872, configure build runs OK on
NetBSD, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, MSWindows10, Mac OS X.

Thanks to Albrecht for finding the solution.
#12 manolo
10:48 Aug 12, 2016
Fixed in Subversion repository.  
#13 AlbrechtS
06:58 Aug 13, 2016
Manolo wrote:
> Thanks to Albrecht for finding the solution.

Thanks to you, Manolo, for finding and reporting the bug, researching, finding a potential solution in the 'net, proposing a solution with a small test case, and finally implementing the solution.

My part was tiny compared with that.

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