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STR #3307

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STR #3307

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Summary:Post to Github. please!
Created By:qcdong
Assigned To:AlbrechtS
Fix Version:None
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#1 qcdong
03:03 May 19, 2016
Post to Github. please!  
#2 AlbrechtS
08:22 May 19, 2016
Post to Github ... what?

If you mean FLTK 3.0, then you should know that its state is not only pre-alpha, but it's also abandoned and will never be released.

The current (stable) development version is FLTK 1.3(.4), the next version after the release of 1.3.4 will then be FLTK 1.4.0.

NO OTHER FLTK versions are currently maintained.

If you mean "Post FLTK sources to Github", then ... it's done, and you can use this for testing purposes, but please do not base real work on the current Github repository because it may be deleted and replaced by a new one with different hashes, so your work might be difficult to recover. Github clones may be rendered useless because of the different hashes etc., but if you know all that you can use it.

Our test Github repository is at:

FLTK 1.3 is now, and upcoming FLTK 1.4 will soon be the 'master' branch. Other branches are available, but only of historical value - please do not use for new FLTK development.

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