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STR #3185

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STR #3185

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Image Support
Summary:add Fl_Image::draw_scaled(X,Y,W,H) to print high resolution images
Created By:manolo
Assigned To:manolo
Fix Version:1.3.4 (SVN: v10615)
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Trouble Report Files:

Name/Time/Date Filename/Size  
#1 manolo
23:19 Feb 07, 2015
#2 manolo
06:52 Feb 12, 2015
#3 manolo
10:14 Feb 15, 2015
#4 manolo
06:11 Feb 23, 2015
#5 manolo
08:33 Feb 24, 2015

Trouble Report Comments:

Name/Time/Date Text  
#1 manolo
23:19 Feb 07, 2015
Roman remarked that FLTK doesn't allow to print high resolution
images. I propose to add a new member function to the Fl_Image class
  Fl_Image::draw_scaled(x, y, w, h)
which draws the image in the current drawing surface
scaling it to the x,y,w,h rectangle. This effectively allows
to send to the drawing surface all the pixel data of a large image,
so high resolution laser printers can use all that pixel information.

The attached pach does that, in an ABI-compatible way.

Run the modified pixmap_browser demo to test it, opening a large
photo. If you print the photo-containing window to a PostScript
printer, or to a resolution-independant file (e.g., .ps or .pdf)
you'll see that the full pixel density of the photo is available.
#2 manolo
06:58 Feb 12, 2015
Attached file #2 proposes a complete solution to handling high
resolution images with a new class, Fl_Scalable_Image,
derived from Fl_Image, which, therefore, integrates seamlessly
with FLTK.

Doxygen description of this class:

The Fl_Scalable_Image class can re-scale a source image when drawing it.
An Fl_Scalable_Image can be useful to draw an image on a drawing
surface whose resolution is higher than the drawing unit for this
surface. Examples of such drawing surfaces: laser printers,
PostScript files, PDF printers, retina displays on Apple hardware.
The Fl_Scalable_Image class allows to draw within a rectangle of the
drawing surface a source image that has its own size, independently
from the rectangle size. The source image is typically larger
than the drawing rectangle, so its pixels can 'fill' high resolution
drawing surfaces.
Example code: use an Fl_Scalable_Image as the background
image of a box.
 Fl_Shared_Image *source = ...; // the source image.
 Fl_Box *box = ...;    // a box
 // create the scalable image from the source image, give it the size
 // of the box and keep it proportionally scaled
 Fl_Scalable_Image *scalable = new Fl_Scalable_Image(source, box->w(), box->h(), 1);
 box->image(scalable); // make the scalable image the box's image
#3 manolo
10:16 Feb 15, 2015
Attached patch #3 improves memory handling by the
new Fl_Scalable_Image class.
Attached files #1 and #2 are deprecated by #3.
#4 manolo
06:15 Feb 23, 2015
Attached file #4 is a new implementation of scaled image drawing,
that does not involve a new class. Instead, it adds a new member
function Fl_Shared_Image::scale(int width, int height) that sets
the drawing size of the shared image which becomes deconnected
from the size of the underlying image.
Function Fl_Shared_Image::draw() uses the drawing size of the
shared image, that may differ from that of the underlying image
if Fl_Shared_Image::scale() was used.

All previous patches are deprecated by the new one.
#5 manolo
08:37 Feb 24, 2015
Attached patch #5 modifies #4 as follows:

1) the new functionality requires FLTK_ABI_VERSION=10304,
so the implementation is not ABI compatible but entirely
source-compatible with current software.

2) function Fl_Graphics_Driver::draw_scaled(Fl_RGB_Image*,...)
returns 0 to indicate the implementation is missing.
#6 manolo
14:11 Mar 10, 2015
Fixed in Subversion repository.

A new member function was added
Fl_Shared_Image::scale(width, height).

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