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STR #3155

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STR #3155

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:4 - High, e.g. key functionality not working
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Summary:fltk 1.3.3 breaks control keys within vnc-sessions
Created By:graysky
Assigned To:AlbrechtS
Fix Version:None
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#1 graysky
16:54 Nov 19, 2014
I am running Arch Linux.  The 1.3.3-1 release breaks any combination of ctrl + another key when connected to a tigervnc server. Downgrading to 1.3.2-5 fixes the problem. The Arch devs believe this to be an upstream issue.  See this bug report on the distro: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/42796

Steps to reproduce:
1) Install tigervnc and a DE ... on my box it runs lxde.
2) My ~/.vnc/xstartup contains online 1 line: exec startlxde and is started with this command: vncserver -geometry 1792x1008 -alwaysshared
3) Connect to the vncserver and try to ctrl+f or ctrl+t in chromium for example. Nothing happens.

Now downgrade fltk and restart the vncserver. The ctrl+x combinations work as expected.
#2 AlbrechtS
03:46 Nov 21, 2014
Thanks for the report.

This is not a FLTK bug though. It will be resolved in TigerVNC 1.4.0. See this comment in an unrelated TigerVNC bug report:


"We rely on a lot of patches for FLTK 1.3.2 to get things right. All of them are included in FLTK 1.3.3, but unfortunately some things changed a bit. Meaning that TigerVNC 1.3.1 and FLTK 1.3.3 won't get a fully functional keyboard. TigerVNC 1.4.0 should work fine though, so please test the beta we just released."

I hope this helps.

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