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STR #3153

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STR #3153

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Unicode support
Summary:fl_nonspacing() contains questionable code
Created By:AlbrechtS
Assigned To:AlbrechtS
Fix Version:1.3.4 (SVN: v10758)
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#1 AlbrechtS
08:16 Nov 15, 2014
fl_nonspacing is defined in src/fl_utf8.cxx (currently line #357++):

  returns true if the character is non-spacing.
  \todo explain what non-spacing means.
unsigned int fl_nonspacing(unsigned int ucs)
#ifdef __APPLE__
  return (ucs==0x20); // FIXME: what does this really do?
  return (unsigned int) XUtf8IsNonSpacing(ucs);

This code is questionable for several reasons that should be checked...
#2 AlbrechtS
08:19 Nov 15, 2014
#ifdef __APPLE__
  return (ucs==0x20); // FIXME: what does this really do?

This seems to return the wrong value. It should probably read:

  return (ucs != 0x20); // FIXME: what does this really do?

Also I'm not sure if this function is called at all under Mac OS X (__APPLE__). I got the impression that it is not. Needs to be investigated.
#3 AlbrechtS
08:31 Nov 15, 2014
Furthermore there seems to be no reason not to call XUtf8IsNonSpacing() under Mac OS X. Despite its name this function is probably not X11 related, but only UTF-8, and should be called on all platforms, if needed.

The file src/xutf8/README states that libXutf8 must be linked with the application (-lXutf8) an gives a tip how to use autoconf to find the lib and the function within that lib. However, I think this is obsolete because FLTK doesn't use an extra library for these UTF-8 functions.
#4 ianmacarthur
14:21 May 28, 2015
Agree with Albrecht; we should just call XUtf8IsNonSpacing on all platforms.

The stuff about libXutf8 is archaic and dates back to oksid's old utf8 patches for 1.1.6; we have merged much of that code in the interim.
#5 AlbrechtS
07:32 Jun 15, 2015
Fixed in Subversion repository.

Note: comment #2 is now moot since there is no distinction of platforms anymore.

@Ian: please feel free to correct my explanation of "non-spacing". You may have more insights than I have.

STR closed anyway.
#6 AlbrechtS
08:23 Jun 15, 2015
Reopening. Docs need some fixes.  
#7 AlbrechtS
08:45 Jun 15, 2015
@Manolo: Thanks for fixing the typos and character encoding. I missed to check the docs (as I had intended, but I forgot).

There are still some references in the docs with questions like " [What are non-spacing characters?]". We should fix this as well...
#8 AlbrechtS
16:10 Jun 28, 2015
Documentation was fixed in svn r 10759.

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