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STR #3106

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STR #3106

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Core Library
Summary:Fl_Tiled_Image class may draw incorrectly in multidisplay setup
Created By:manolo
Assigned To:manolo
Fix Version:1.3.3 (SVN: v10218)
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Trouble Report Files:

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#1 manolo
09:04 Jul 06, 2014

Trouble Report Comments:

Name/Time/Date Text  
#1 manolo
07:06 Jul 06, 2014
Fl_Tiled_Image uses Fl::w() and Fl::h() to give the largest possible
image width and height. This fails in a multi display configuration,
where a secondary display can be wider or taller than the main display,
whose dimensions are returned by Fl::w() and Fl::h().

To reproduce:
-run the tiled_image test program in a multidisplay setup in which
a secondary display is larger than the main display (e.g., connect
a large display to a laptop)
- click on the window title bar full-screen button
===> the large window is only partially covered by the tiling image.
#2 manolo
09:07 Jul 06, 2014
I believe the attached patch fixes this issue:
The constructor returns a tiled image of null width and height,
and the draw method sets the width and height of the tiling
to the size of the largest screen at the time of the draw operation.

#3 manolo
05:31 Jul 10, 2014
Fixed in Subversion repository.

Fixed using another solution than the attached patch file,
that relies on using Fl_Window::current().

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