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STR #30

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STR #30

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Core Library
Summary:menu shortcut bugs
Created By:mgrinberg.yahoo
Assigned To:mike
Fix Version:1.1.4
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#1 mgrinberg.yahoo
06:16 May 09, 2003
I've found two bugs that relate to menu shortcuts.

First, the shortcut strings that appear to the right of the menu item are displayed using the default font and size, regardless of what has been set in the Fl_Menu_Item structure. To fix this I changed Fl_Menu.cxx lines 357 and 358 from:
    Fl_Font f = button ? button->textfont : FL_HELVETICA;
    fl_font(f, button ? button->textsize : FL_NORMAL_SIZE);
    Fl_Font f = (Fl_Font)m->labelfont_;
    fl_font(f, m->labelsize_);

Second bug, on Windows and Mac (haven't tested on Unix) when the space bar is used as shortcut, an invisible space character was being displayed. I think it makes sense to show the word "Space" in that case so I added an entry into the table array in fl_shortcut.cxx line 80:

static Keyname table[] = {
  {' ', "Space"},
  {FL_BackSpace, "Backspace"},



#2 mike
08:26 May 20, 2003
Thanks for the changes; they will be applied to CVS in the near future for the 1.1.4 release.  
#3 mike
18:50 May 20, 2003
Commited to CVS for 1.1.4.  

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