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STR #2966

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STR #2966

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Subsystem:Core Library
Summary:Unable to compile fltk using Visual Studio 2012
Created By:mdickie
Assigned To:greg.ercolano
Fix Version:1.3-current
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Trouble Report Files:

Name/Time/Date Filename/Size  
#1 greg.ercolano
17:15 May 22, 2013

Trouble Report Comments:

Name/Time/Date Text  
#1 mdickie
04:11 May 21, 2013
The Support of Visual Studio must be updatet.  
#2 greg.ercolano
11:36 May 22, 2013
Assigning to me, investigating.

Installing VS 2012, will follow up.
#3 greg.ercolano
16:49 May 22, 2013
Cannot replicate with svn current.
Builds without errors In VS 2012 + Windows 7.

1) File > Open: <FLTK_DIR>\ide\VisualC2010\fltk.sln
2) When prompted, hit 'Update' button (converts 2010 -> 2012 project)
3) Change "Debug" -> "Release"
4) In "Solution Explorer", right click on "Solution 'fltk' (79 projects)", choose "Build Solution"
5) Builds, no warnings or errors.

What's the error that's preventing you from building?
#4 mdickie
08:27 May 23, 2013
1>------ Starting Build: Project: fltkzlib, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
2>------ Starting Build: Projekt: fltkjpeg, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
1>  adler32.c
1>  compress.c
1>  crc32.c
1>  deflate.c
1>  gzclose.c
1>  gzlib.c
1>  gzread.c
1>  gzwrite.c
1>  infback.c
1>  inffast.c
1>  inflate.c
1>  inftrees.c
1>  trees.c
1>  uncompr.c
1>  zutil.c
1>  Code will be generated...
2>  jcapimin.c
2>  jcapistd.c
2>  jccoefct.c
2>  jccolor.c
2>  jcdctmgr.c
2>  jchuff.c
2>  jcinit.c
2>  jcmainct.c
2>  jcmarker.c
2>  jcmaster.c
2>  jcomapi.c
2>  jcparam.c
2>  jaricom.c
2>  jcarith.c
2>  jdarith.c
2>  jcprepct.c
2>  jcsample.c
2>  jctrans.c
2>  jdapimin.c
2>  jdapistd.c
2>  Code will be generated...
2>  Compile...
2>  jdatadst.c
2>  jdatasrc.c
2>  jdcoefct.c
2>  jdcolor.c
2>  jddctmgr.c
2>  jdhuff.c
2>  jdinput.c
2>  jdmainct.c
2>  jdmarker.c
2>  jdmaster.c
2>  jdmerge.c
2>  jdpostct.c
2>  jdsample.c
2>  jdtrans.c
2>  jerror.c
1>  zlib.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\ide\VisualC2010\..\..\lib\fltkzlib.lib
2>  jfdctflt.c
2>  jfdctfst.c
2>  jfdctint.c
2>  jidctflt.c
2>  jidctfst.c
3>------ Starting Build: Project: fltkpng, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
2>  Code will be generated...
3>  png.c
2>  Compile...
2>  jidctint.c
3>  pngerror.c
2>  jmemmgr.c
2>  jmemnobs.c
2>  jquant1.c
2>  jquant2.c
2>  jutils.c
2>  Code will be generated...
3>  pngget.c
3>  pngmem.c
3>  pngpread.c
3>  pngread.c
2>  jpeg.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\ide\VisualC2010\..\..\lib\fltkjpeg.lib
4>------ Erstellen gestartet: Project: fltkforms, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
3>  pngrio.c
4>  forms_bitmap.cxx
3>  pngrtran.c
3>  pngrutil.c
4>  forms_compatability.cxx
3>  pngset.c
3>  pngtrans.c
4>  forms_free.cxx
4>  forms_fselect.cxx
3>  pngwio.c
3>  pngwrite.c
4>  forms_pixmap.cxx
3>  pngwtran.c
3>  pngwutil.c
4>  forms_timer.cxx
3>  Code will be generated...
4>  Code will be generated...
4>  fltkforms.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\ide\VisualC2010\..\..\lib\fltkforms.lib
5>------ Starting Build: Project: fltkgl, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
5>  Fl_Gl_Choice.cxx
3>  libpng.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\ide\VisualC2010\..\..\lib\fltkpng.lib
5>C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\FL/gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
5>  Fl_Gl_Device_Plugin.cxx
6>------ Starting Build: Project: fltkdll, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
5>C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\FL/gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
5>  Fl_Gl_Overlay.cxx
5>C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\FL/gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
5>  Fl_Gl_Window.cxx
6>  case.c
6>  fl_utf.c
5>C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\FL/gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
5>  freeglut_geometry.cxx
6>  is_right2left.c
6>  is_spacing.c
6>  Code will be generated...
5>c:\users\mariusz\downloads\fltk-1.3.2\fl\gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
5>  freeglut_stroke_mono_roman.cxx
5>c:\users\mariusz\downloads\fltk-1.3.2\fl\gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
6>  filename_absolute.cxx
5>  freeglut_stroke_roman.cxx
6>  filename_expand.cxx
5>c:\users\mariusz\downloads\fltk-1.3.2\fl\gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
5>  freeglut_teapot.cxx
6>  filename_ext.cxx
6>  filename_isdir.cxx
5>c:\users\mariusz\downloads\fltk-1.3.2\fl\gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
5>  gl_draw.cxx
6>  filename_list.cxx
6>  filename_match.cxx
6>  filename_setext.cxx
6>  Fl.cxx
6>..\..\src\Fl.cxx(45): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "winsock2.h": No such file or directory
6>  Fl_abort.cxx
5>C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\FL/gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
5>  gl_start.cxx
6>  Fl_add_idle.cxx
5>C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\FL/gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
5>  glut_compatability.cxx
6>  Fl_Adjuster.cxx
5>c:\users\mariusz\downloads\fltk-1.3.2\fl\gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
5>  glut_font.cxx
6>  fl_arc.cxx
5>c:\users\mariusz\downloads\fltk-1.3.2\fl\gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
5>  Code wird generiert...
6>  fl_arci.cxx
7>------ Starting Build: Project: fltk, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
6>  Fl_arg.cxx
6>  fl_ask.cxx
6>  Fl_Bitmap.cxx
7>  case.c
7>  fl_call_main.c
7>  fl_utf.c
6>  Fl_BMP_Image.cxx
7>  flstring.c
7>  is_right2left.c
6>  Fl_Box.cxx
7>  is_spacing.c
7>  numericsort.c
6>  fl_boxtype.cxx
7>  scandir.c
7>  vsnprintf.c
7>  Code will be generated...
6>  Fl_Browser.cxx
6>  Code will be generated...
7>  filename_absolute.cxx
6>  Compile...
6>  Fl_Browser_.cxx
7>  filename_expand.cxx
6>  Fl_Browser_load.cxx
6>  Fl_Button.cxx
6>  Fl_Chart.cxx
7>  filename_ext.cxx
7>  filename_isdir.cxx
7>  filename_list.cxx
6>  Fl_Check_Browser.cxx
7>  filename_match.cxx
7>  filename_setext.cxx
7>  Fl.cxx
7>..\..\src\Fl.cxx(45): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "winsock2.h": No such file or directory
7>  Fl_abort.cxx
6>  Fl_Check_Button.cxx
6>  Fl_Choice.cxx
7>  Fl_add_idle.cxx
7>  Fl_Adjuster.cxx
6>  Fl_Clock.cxx
7>  fl_arc.cxx
6>  fl_color.cxx
7>  fl_arci.cxx
6>  Fl_Color_Chooser.cxx
7>  Fl_arg.cxx
6>  Fl_compose.cxx
7>  fl_ask.cxx
6>  Fl_Counter.cxx
6>  fl_cursor.cxx
7>  Fl_Bitmap.cxx
6>  fl_curve.cxx
7>  Fl_Box.cxx
7>  fl_boxtype.cxx
6>  Fl_Dial.cxx
7>  Fl_Browser.cxx
6>  fl_diamond_box.cxx
7>  Fl_Browser_.cxx
6>  Fl_display.cxx
6>  fl_dnd.cxx
7>  Code will be generated...
7>  Compile...
7>  Fl_Browser_load.cxx
7>  Fl_Button.cxx
6>c:\users\mariusz\downloads\fltk-1.3.2\src\fl_dnd_win32.cxx(49): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "shlobj.h": No such file or directory
6>  Fl_Double_Window.cxx
7>  Fl_Cairo.cxx
7>  Fl_Chart.cxx
6>  fl_draw.cxx
7>  Fl_Check_Browser.cxx
6>  Code will be generated...
7>  Fl_Check_Button.cxx
7>  Fl_Choice.cxx
6>  Compile...
6>  fl_draw_image.cxx
7>  Fl_Clock.cxx
6>  fl_draw_pixmap.cxx
7>  fl_color.cxx
6>  fl_engraved_label.cxx
6>  Fl_File_Browser.cxx
7>  Fl_Color_Chooser.cxx
6>  Fl_File_Chooser.cxx
7>  Fl_compose.cxx
6>  Fl_File_Chooser2.cxx
7>  Fl_Counter.cxx
6>  fl_file_dir.cxx
6>  Fl_File_Icon.cxx
7>  fl_cursor.cxx
7>  fl_curve.cxx
6>  Fl_File_Icon2.cxx
6>  Fl_File_Input.cxx
7>  Fl_Device.cxx
6>  fl_font.cxx
7>  Fl_Dial.cxx
6>  Fl_get_key.cxx
7>  fl_diamond_box.cxx
6>  Fl_get_system_colors.cxx
7>  Fl_display.cxx
7>  fl_dnd.cxx
6>  Fl_GIF_Image.cxx
6>  Fl_Gl_Choice.cxx
7>c:\users\mariusz\downloads\fltk-1.3.2\src\fl_dnd_win32.cxx(49): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "shlobj.h": No such file or directory
7>  Fl_Double_Window.cxx
6>C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\FL/gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
6>  Fl_Gl_Overlay.cxx
6>C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\FL/gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
6>  Fl_Gl_Window.cxx
7>  Code will be generated...
7>  Compile...
7>  fl_draw.cxx
6>C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\FL/gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
6>  Fl_grab.cxx
6>  Fl_Group.cxx
7>  fl_draw_image.cxx
6>  Fl_Help_Dialog.cxx
7>  fl_draw_pixmap.cxx
6>  Code will be generated...
6>  Compile...
6>  Fl_Help_View.cxx
7>  fl_engraved_label.cxx
7>  Fl_File_Browser.cxx
6>  Fl_Image.cxx
6>  fl_images_core.cxx
7>  Fl_File_Chooser.cxx
6>  Fl_Input.cxx
7>  Fl_File_Chooser2.cxx
6>  Fl_Input_.cxx
6>  Fl_JPEG_Image.cxx
6>  fl_labeltype.cxx
7>  fl_file_dir.cxx
7>  Fl_File_Icon.cxx
6>  Fl_Light_Button.cxx
7>  Fl_File_Input.cxx
6>  fl_line_style.cxx
7>  fl_font.cxx
6>  Fl_lock.cxx
7>  Fl_get_key.cxx
6>  Fl_Menu.cxx
7>  Fl_get_system_colors.cxx
6>  Fl_Menu_.cxx
6>  Fl_Menu_add.cxx
6>  Fl_Menu_Bar.cxx
7>  Fl_grab.cxx
7>  Fl_Group.cxx
6>  Fl_Menu_Button.cxx
6>  Fl_Menu_global.cxx
6>  Fl_Menu_Window.cxx
7>  fl_gtk.cxx
6>  Fl_Multi_Label.cxx
6>  fl_oval_box.cxx
7>  Fl_Help_View.cxx
6>  fl_overlay.cxx
7>  Fl_Image.cxx
6>  Code will be generated...
7>  Fl_Input.cxx
6>  Compile...
6>  fl_overlay_visual.cxx
6>  Fl_Overlay_Window.cxx
7>  Fl_Input_.cxx
6>  Fl_own_colormap.cxx
6>  Fl_Pack.cxx
7>  Code will be generated...
6>  Fl_Paged_Device.cxx
7>  Compile...
6>  Fl_Pixmap.cxx
7>  fl_labeltype.cxx
6>  fl_plastic.cxx
7>  Fl_Light_Button.cxx
6>  Fl_PNG_Image.cxx
6>  Fl_PNM_Image.cxx
6>  Fl_Positioner.cxx
7>  fl_line_style.cxx
6>  Fl_Preferences.cxx
7>  Fl_lock.cxx
6>  Fl_Progress.cxx
6>  fl_rect.cxx
7>  Fl_Menu.cxx
6>  Fl_Repeat_Button.cxx
6>  Fl_Return_Button.cxx
7>  Fl_Menu_.cxx
6>  Fl_Roller.cxx
7>  Fl_Menu_add.cxx
7>  Fl_Menu_Bar.cxx
6>  fl_round_box.cxx
7>  Fl_Menu_Button.cxx
6>  Fl_Round_Button.cxx
6>  fl_rounded_box.cxx
7>  Fl_Menu_global.cxx
7>  Fl_Menu_Window.cxx
6>  Fl_Scroll.cxx
6>  Code will be generated...
7>  Fl_Multi_Label.cxx
7>  Fl_Native_File_Chooser.cxx
6>  Compile...
6>  fl_scroll_area.cxx
7>C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\FL/Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H(36): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "shlobj.h": No such file or directory
7>  fl_open_uri.cxx
6>  Fl_Scrollbar.cxx
7>  fl_oval_box.cxx
6>  fl_set_font.cxx
6>  fl_set_fonts.cxx
7>  fl_overlay.cxx
6>  fl_shadow_box.cxx
7>  fl_overlay_visual.cxx
7>  Fl_Overlay_Window.cxx
6>  Fl_Shared_Image.cxx
7>  Fl_own_colormap.cxx
6>  fl_shortcut.cxx
7>  Fl_Pack.cxx
6>  fl_show_colormap.cxx
7>  Code will be generated...
6>  Fl_Single_Window.cxx
6>  Fl_Slider.cxx
7>  Compile...
7>  Fl_Paged_Device.cxx
6>  fl_symbols.cxx
7>  Fl_Pixmap.cxx
6>  Fl_Table.cxx
7>  fl_plastic.cxx
6>  Fl_Table_Row.cxx
7>  Fl_Positioner.cxx
6>  Fl_Tabs.cxx
7>  Fl_Preferences.cxx
6>  Fl_Text_Buffer.cxx
6>  Fl_Text_Display.cxx
6>  Fl_Text_Editor.cxx
7>  Fl_Printer.cxx
6>  Fl_Tile.cxx
7>C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\FL/Fl_Native_File_Chooser.H(36): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "shlobj.h": No such file or directory
7>  Fl_Progress.cxx
6>  Fl_Tiled_Image.cxx
6>  Fl_Tooltip.cxx
7>  fl_read_image.cxx
6>  Code wird generiert...
7>  fl_rect.cxx
6>  Compile...
7>  Fl_Repeat_Button.cxx
6>  Fl_Tree.cxx
7>  Fl_Return_Button.cxx
6>  Fl_Tree_Item.cxx
7>  Fl_Roller.cxx
6>  Fl_Tree_Item_Array.cxx
6>  Fl_Tree_Prefs.cxx
7>  fl_round_box.cxx
6>  Fl_Valuator.cxx
6>  Fl_Value_Input.cxx
7>  Fl_Round_Button.cxx
6>  Fl_Value_Output.cxx
7>  fl_rounded_box.cxx
6>  Fl_Value_Slider.cxx
7>  Fl_Scroll.cxx
6>  fl_vertex.cxx
7>  fl_scroll_area.cxx
6>  Fl_visual.cxx
7>  Fl_Scrollbar.cxx
6>  Fl_Widget.cxx
7>  fl_set_font.cxx
6>  Fl_Window.cxx
7>  fl_set_fonts.cxx
6>  Fl_Window_fullscreen.cxx
7>  Code will be generated...
7>  Compile...
7>  fl_shadow_box.cxx
6>  Fl_Window_hotspot.cxx
7>  Fl_Shared_Image.cxx
6>  Fl_Window_iconize.cxx
7>  fl_shortcut.cxx
6>  Fl_Wizard.cxx
6>  Fl_x.cxx
7>  fl_show_colormap.cxx
6>  Fl_XBM_Image.cxx
6>  Fl_XPM_Image.cxx
7>  Fl_Single_Window.cxx
7>  Fl_Slider.cxx
6>  forms_bitmap.cxx
7>  fl_symbols.cxx
6>  Code will generated...
6>  Compile...
6>  forms_compatability.cxx
7>  Fl_Table.cxx
7>  Fl_Table_Row.cxx
6>  forms_free.cxx
6>  forms_fselect.cxx
7>  Fl_Tabs.cxx
6>  forms_pixmap.cxx
7>  Fl_Text_Buffer.cxx
7>  Fl_Text_Display.cxx
6>  forms_timer.cxx
7>  Fl_Text_Editor.cxx
6>  gl_draw.cxx
7>  Fl_Tile.cxx
6>C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\FL/gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
7>  Fl_Tiled_Image.cxx
6>  gl_start.cxx
7>  Fl_Tooltip.cxx
6>C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\FL/gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
6>  glut_compatability.cxx
7>  Fl_Tree.cxx
6>c:\users\mariusz\downloads\fltk-1.3.2\fl\gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
6>  glut_font.cxx
6>c:\users\mariusz\downloads\fltk-1.3.2\fl\gl.h(60): fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h": No such file or directory
6>  screen_xywh.cxx
7>  Fl_Tree_Item.cxx
6>  Code will be generated...
7>  Fl_Tree_Item_Array.cxx
7>  Fl_Tree_Prefs.cxx
7>  Code will be generated...
7>  Compile...
7>  fl_utf8.cxx
7>  Fl_Valuator.cxx
7>  Fl_Value_Input.cxx
7>  Fl_Value_Output.cxx
8>------ Starting Build: Project: fltkimages, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
8>  Fl_BMP_Image.cxx
8>  Fl_File_Icon2.cxx
7>  Fl_Value_Slider.cxx
8>  Fl_GIF_Image.cxx
7>  fl_vertex.cxx
8>  Fl_Help_Dialog.cxx
7>  Fl_visual.cxx
8>  fl_images_core.cxx
7>  Fl_Widget.cxx
8>  Fl_JPEG_Image.cxx
8>  Fl_PNG_Image.cxx
7>  Fl_Window.cxx
8>  Fl_PNM_Image.cxx
8>  Code will be generated...
7>  Fl_Window_fullscreen.cxx
8>  fltkimages.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Mariusz\Downloads\fltk-1.3.2\ide\VisualC2010\..\..\lib\fltkimages.lib
7>  Fl_Window_hotspot.cxx
7>  Fl_Window_iconize.cxx
7>  Fl_Wizard.cxx
7>  Fl_x.cxx
7>  Fl_XBM_Image.cxx
7>  Fl_XPM_Image.cxx
7>  ps_image.cxx
7>  screen_xywh.cxx
7>  Code will be generated...
========== Build: 5 successful, 3 broken, 0 skipped ==========
#5 mdickie
08:28 May 23, 2013
Oops, I forgot that I could attach this log.  
#6 greg.ercolano
12:36 May 23, 2013
OK, so this seems to be the error causing your build problems:

fatal error C1083: File (Include) couldn't open: "GL/gl.h":
No such file or directory

gl.h should be part of the VS install. On my system it's in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\include\um\gl\gl.h
..which is part of the INCLUDE path in VS 2012. e.g.

Start ->
   All Programs ->
     Microsoft Studio 2012 ->
       Visual Studio Tools ->
         Developer Command prompt..

and then in the resulting DOS window, to see what the INCLUDE directories are:

C:\>echo %INCLUDE%
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\INCLUDE;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\include\shared;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\include\um;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\include\winrt;

..the path in question being the third path in that list, ie:

C:\>dir "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\include\um\gl"
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 348A-1965

 Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\include\um\gl

05/22/2013  11:38 AM    <DIR>          .
05/22/2013  11:38 AM    <DIR>          ..
06/02/2012  07:41 AM            69,285 GL.h   <--
06/02/2012  07:41 AM            18,482 GLU.h
               2 File(s)         87,767 bytes

Check your VS install. FWIW, others have run into this.. not sure the cause:
#7 greg.ercolano
12:40 May 23, 2013
I should add: I installed VS 2012 yesterday; I downloaded the VS2012_WDX_ENU.iso, burned it to a CD, and installed it.

No extra steps, other than the 'registration' steps to get a
"registration key".

There are other VS compilers installed on this machine, though I wouldn't
think there'd be crosstalk between them.
#8 mdickie
12:34 May 24, 2013
Close, Thanks it works. Although I think it should be documentated that you need the Visual Studio Edition for Windows Desktop because I only had it for Windows 8.  
#9 greg.ercolano
16:47 May 24, 2013
OK -- I don't think anyone knew there was a dependence one way or
the other.

Apparently the available 'products' for VS 2012 Express are:

    Express For Web
    Express for Windows 8
    Express For Windows Desktop
    Express For Windows Phone
    Team Foundation Server Express

I definitely used the "Windows Desktop" choice, not knowing any better
other than everything else sounded wrong for my situation.

I'm surprised that there's a special "Windows 8" version of the
compiler, and that this version apparently lacks opengl support
(from the sound of it).

Is it really the case the Windows 8 version of VS has no GL?
#10 mdickie
22:47 May 24, 2013
Seems so because I think it is intended to develop Windows 8 apps for the app store.  
#11 ianmacarthur
16:17 Mar 11, 2014
Is this STR OK to close now?  
#12 ianmacarthur
03:20 Sep 05, 2014
Fixed in Subversion repository.  

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