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STR #2482

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STR #2482

Application:FLTK Library
Status:5 - New
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:GLUT Emulation
Summary:glutKeyboardUpFunc, glutSpecialUpFunc, glutLeaveMainLoop
Created By:ingvar
Assigned To:Unassigned
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 ingvar
23:08 Dec 13, 2010
Hello, people!
I have been using freeglut for a while, and there are three functions I really miss in FLTK's glut "emulation":

glutKeyboardUpFunc, glutSpecialUpFunc and glutLeaveMainLoop

The "up" functions are very nice for keeping an array of what keys are pressed when the mouse is moved. I.e.:
void keyup( unsigned char key, int x, int y)
  if (key < NUM_KEYS)
    w.keydown[key] = 0;

and then at mousemove one can do a check, and if the user is pressing "m" the object would be moved, etc.
I suppose this can be done in other ways with FLTK, but I think the freeglut team came up with a couple of good ideas I'd be happy to see in FLTK.

I tried to make my own key-up callback function, and calling it from the handle:
int UI::handle() {
  switch (Fl::event()) {
  case FL_KEYUP:
    //printf("You released: %c\n", Fl::event_key());
    callMyKeyboardUpFunc(Fl::event_key(), 0, 0); //TODO: FIX, TEST!!

But for some reason, the handle function is not receiving any events since I added my glut code.

I'm using version 1.1.10 but I checked glut.h in ver 1.3-current as well, and the functions I am longing for are absent there too.

Thanks for a great library!
#2 greg.ercolano
09:08 Dec 14, 2010
The devs will chime in here on the addition of the three glut functions.

Meanwhile, let's take your separate question regarding the use of
handle() over to the fltk.general newsgroup/forum, to prevent noise
in our bug report system.

I've opened a thread on fltk.general for you entitled
"glut + handle() (Re: STR#2482)" with a possible answer.
#3 matt
01:20 Dec 19, 2010
Moved to 1.4. No new featured right before a release.  

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