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STR #2151

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STR #2151

Application:FLTK Library
Status:2 - Closed w/o Resolution
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:1 - Specific to a machine/printer
Subsystem:Build Files
Summary:allow building fltk-1.1 with X11 on cygwin
Created By:a.rburgers.quicknet
Assigned To:AlbrechtS
Fix Version:Will Not Fix
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Trouble Report Files:

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#1 a.rburgers.quicknet
06:39 Feb 14, 2009

Trouble Report Comments:

Name/Time/Date Text  
#1 a.rburgers.quicknet
06:39 Feb 14, 2009
This is a backport of str 2147 to fltk-1.1

#2 matt
13:06 Apr 12, 2009
This would be a new feature for 1.1 which we do not allow anymore. I added it to the 1.4 feature list which will include a drive-style setup for all platforms. That way, an FLTK app from any platform can use an X11 server (or VNC or whatever else is out there).

Thanks for the patch. It *will* come in handy.
#3 a.rburgers.quicknet
14:24 Apr 12, 2009
Matthias wrote:

> This would be a new feature for 1.1 which we do not allow anymore. I added
> it to the 1.4 feature list which will include a drive-style setup for all
> platforms.

It is already included in 1.3 (STR 2147), so it does not need
to be on the 1.4 feature list?

It is in my view not really a new feature, it is exposing
a feature that was already present in fltk, but not easily
accessible. It is making porting easier for people who are
interested in building the cygwin version for x11, and
there are. See e.g. here


and here


btw, this part of the patch (the -DUSE_OPENGL32) is
a bugfix. When both X11 and windows opengl headers
are present, this #define is needed when building the
cygwin GDI version.

- CFLAGS="-mwindows -DWIN32 $CFLAGS"
- CXXFLAGS="-mwindows -DWIN32 $CXXFLAGS"

Also this STR needs to be applied to make an X11 version
install on cygwin. This should be backported to 1.1 as well
if we decide to include this patch.

I'd be happy to revise my patch to include str 2183 and
check it against current svn.

#4 AlbrechtS
14:12 Sep 28, 2014
As has been said, FLTK 1.1 will not be updated anymore.
Since this has been included in FLTK 1.3, this STR is obsolete.

If there are still issues that should be fixed in FLTK 1.3 or later, please feel free to file another STR against FLTK 1.3.

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