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STR #1712

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STR #1712

Application:FLTK Library
Duplicate Of:STR #1711
Status:4 - Pending
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:2 - Specific to an operating system
Subsystem:Core Library
Summary:RELEASE and DRAG events naver come into Widget::handle() at Windows
Created By:streetwind
Assigned To:matt
Fix Version:None
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#1 streetwind
20:21 Jun 18, 2007
I am FLTK user for Windows platform.

The problem is ...
When the mouse is pressed, PUSH event comes in.
But the mouse button is released, RELEASE event never comes in at Windows OS. (XP)
(Also I've never seen DRAG event come.)

Now I am working on some graphical editor.
The feature(button release event) is a must. (for some polygon editing, object dragging).

I think button pushing event and button releasing event are pairs.
Now when you press a mouse, just you get PUSH event and that's all.
I guess it is a big problem when you make some graphical contents editing tools. (2d, 3d modeler or something)

I don't know if this happens at Windows only or even don't know it is a bug or spec.
Because I've seen some thread in the forum that says DRAG event changes MOVE event. (It was 2-year ago thread)
But the problem is not fixed yet.
(What are those DRAG and RELEASE event for? I've really never seen those events come into Widget::handle() method)

Now I know how to support draging feature. (using MOVE and event_state() together)
But after looking into some code, I haven't found any good method for button releasing.

At least, please let me know that is a bug or spec.

Thank you for making some good library...
#2 spitzak
10:21 Jun 19, 2007
Make sure your handle() function returns non-zero for the PUSH event.  

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