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STR #164

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STR #164

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Config Files
Summary:configure: place HLINKS setting in own case statement
Created By:dmacks.netspace
Assigned To:mike
Fix Version:1.1.5rc1
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#1 dmacks.netspace
18:04 Sep 09, 2003
Currently, the setting of HLINKS in configure is part of a "case $uname" that handles a variety of platform-dependent
settings. Given that all the other things that are handled there are OS-related but this one is filesystem-related, might be sensible to place it in a separate case...esac block. In two cases so far this would be helpful: compiling on OS X ($uname=Darwin) but on UFS (which is case-sensitive so I don't want the Darwin HLINKS setting) and compiling for x11 on OS X o HFS+ (where I don't want the Darwin case but I do need to set HLINKS). Having the HLINKS stuff as a separate block from the OS options makes it easier to figure out how/where to figure out how to do the patches.

Okay, why not go a bit friendlier and have ./configure support --{with,without}-hlinks to force a particular behavior (overriding the guess based on $uname). Or else the more verbose but less geekily-named --set-case-insensitive-fs? Unfortunately there's no good way to actually test this, as the --prefix dir might not exist and might not be on the same FS as the srcdir.
#2 mike
07:27 Sep 14, 2003
Added --with-links/--without-links configure option, with the default as they were before.  

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