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STR #110

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STR #110

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:4 - High, e.g. key functionality not working
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Summary:Fl_Menu_Item ignores font
Created By:dicuccio.earthlink.net
Assigned To:matthiaswm
Fix Version:1.1-current
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#1 dicuccio.earthlink.net
08:46 Jul 18, 2003
Fl_Menu_Item::draw() / Fl_Menu_Item::measure(), inc reating a label to render, incorrectly checks the labelsize_ value to set the label's font:

l.font    = labelsize_ ? labelfont_ : uchar(m ? m->textfont() : FL_HELVETICA);
#2 matt
15:38 Jul 18, 2003
Unfortunatly the default setting and HELVETICA share the same value: 0. I modified the code to force a new menuitem font if it is not zero (not Helvetica). If a user wants to force HELVETICA, he *must* also set the font heigt.

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