TextEditor Class Reference

Inherits TextDisplay.

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef int(* Key_Func )(int key, TextEditor *editor)

Public Member Functions

 TextEditor (int X, int Y, int W, int H, const char *l=0)
virtual int handle (int e)
void insert_mode (bool b)
bool insert_mode () const
void add_key_binding (int key, int state, Key_Func f, Key_Binding **list)
void add_key_binding (int key, int state, Key_Func f)
void remove_key_binding (int key, int state, Key_Binding **list)
void remove_key_binding (int key, int state)
void remove_all_key_bindings (Key_Binding **list)
void remove_all_key_bindings ()
void add_default_key_bindings (Key_Binding **list)
Key_Func bound_key_function (int key, int state, Key_Binding *list)
Key_Func bound_key_function (int key, int state)
void default_key_function (Key_Func f)

Static Public Member Functions

int kf_default (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_ignore (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_backspace (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_enter (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_move (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_shift_move (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_ctrl_move (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_c_s_move (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_home (int, TextEditor *e)
int kf_end (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_left (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_up (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_right (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_down (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_page_up (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_page_down (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_insert (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_delete (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_copy (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_cut (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_paste (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_select_all (int c, TextEditor *e)
int kf_undo (int c, TextEditor *e)

Static Public Attributes


Protected Member Functions

int handle_key ()
void maybe_do_callback ()

Protected Attributes

bool insert_mode_
Key_Binding * key_bindings
Key_Func default_key_function_

Static Protected Attributes

Key_Binding * global_key_bindings

Detailed Description


Member Function Documentation

bool TextEditor::insert_mode  )  const [inline]

Return current insert mode

void TextEditor::insert_mode bool  b  )  [inline]

Set new insert mode. true=insert, false=overstrike

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Sun Jan 7 00:55:18 2007. FLTK ©2006 Bill Spitzak and others.
Permission is granted to reproduce this manual or any portion for any purpose, provided this copyright and permission notice are preserved.