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Article #977: New Visual Studio IDE files for MSWindows (1.3.0svn)

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Article #977: New Visual Studio IDE files for MSWindows (1.3.0svn)

Created at 08:27 Feb 26, 2010 by matt

We have added new IDE files for all users of Visual Studio. The files are in format 6.0 and can be converted by all newer versions of Visual Studion (tested up to 2008).

Please use "ide/VisualC6/fltk.dsw" and let us know if you have any issues with the system. We will eventually remove "ide/visualc" and "ide/vc2005" to avoid confusion.

CHANGES: fltkdll does not contain the entire set of libraries anymore. Instead, a dynamically linking counterpart is created for every static library in the project.

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