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STR #926

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STR #926

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:3 - Moderate, e.g. unable to compile the software
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Build Files
Summary:Cannot compile if another version of libfltk is installed
Created By:dmacks.netspace
Assigned To:mike
Fix Version:1.1-current (SVN: v4472)
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#1 dmacks.netspace
00:34 Jul 02, 2005
The linking of libfltk_images.1.1.dylib fails if a non-binary-compatible  libfltk.dylib exists in -L search paths that user may need to add in order to compile at all (for example, LDFLAGS). That's because "-L.", which should make "-lfltk" find the just-compiled libfltk.dylib, comes after LDLIBS, which contains -L inserted during ./configure. Solution is to patch src/Makefile line 306:

-               $(IMGOBJECTS) $(LDLIBS) -L. $(IMAGELIBS) -lfltk
+               $(IMGOBJECTS) -L. $(LDLIBS) $(IMAGELIBS) -lfltk

or else to just hardcode the filename (./libfltk.dylib) since you know exactly where it is, instead of using -L and -l to have the linker search for it.

This appears similarly-broken in fltk-1.2 and 2.0 in svn. I assume other-platforms' linker lines for libfltk_images.* need a similar adjustment.
#2 dmacks.netspace
01:17 Jul 02, 2005
Linking of fluid is similarly broken. The -l are being resolved by an existing installed lib*.dylib, not the lib*.a in -L../lib. My linker's search routine is "look for shared lib in any search dir, then look for static lib in any search dir "for each search dir, look for shared then static lib".

It appears it's desired that fluid be linked staticly (its Makefile dependencies are ../lib/lib*.a), so need to either pass -search_paths_first or specify pathnames to those .a instead of using -l flags. Or should it be linked dynamically? Then need to pass -L.. or copy (or symlink) lib*.dylib into ../lib
#3 mike
17:44 Aug 07, 2005
Fixed in Subversion repository.  

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