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STR #875

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STR #875

Application:FLTK Library
Status:5 - New
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Summary:fluid option to shrinkwrap window around contents
Created By:duncan.gibson
Assigned To:Unassigned
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 duncan.gibson
09:10 May 19, 2005
In fluid the user can set the size of the top level window.
However, the OS is then free to adjust the window size to
satisfy its own requirements. (This is my experience with
fluid 1.1.6 under WindowsXP/Cygwin)

It would be useful if you could just create a "large" window
and adjust all of the contents independently, and then get
fluid to shrinkwrap the top level window to fit the contents.
This shrinking would take the OS requirements into account.

The user would be able to see the required size of the window
and adjust contents to fit. At the moment the user has to
guess and this can be a hit and miss afair. The wrong size
also affects resizing behaviour.

Work flow:
user creates top level window
user adds widget(s) to top level window (total width and height
of widget(s) is 550x250)
user clicks on 'shrink to fit' button
fluid adjusts top level window to OS required size, eg 553x252
user can see this in properties window and adjusts contents

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