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STR #851

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STR #851

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Summary:Fluid: set_size, a too hidden feature
Created By:Portale
Assigned To:matt
Fix Version:1.1.7
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#1 Portale
10:06 May 26, 2005

Trouble Report Comments:

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#1 Portale
05:45 May 12, 2005
The set_size feature of Fl_Window is used too seldom. Maybe it would be used more if there were two fields for minimal width and height in the Properties dialog.

See: http://www.fltk.org/newsgroups.php?gfltk.general+v:13802
#2 mike
11:28 May 12, 2005
I assume you mean Fl_Window::size_range()?

We could easily add another button called "Set Minimum Size" for windows that are resizable.  The effect would be to call size_range(w(), h(), Fl::w(), Fl::h()), so that the FLUID size is the minimum size for the window in question.

#3 Portale
12:34 May 12, 2005
Oh.. yes, I meant set_range :)

And the feature would be great like you explained it.
#4 Portale
12:41 May 12, 2005
... I must have the short time memory of a goldfish ...
I meant: "Yes, I mean -->size_range<--"   :)
#5 Portale
10:08 May 26, 2005
I added the screenshot "interface_builder_min_max_dialog_size.png", which shows how it is done on OSX, XCode. (See on the middle of the dialog)

Min and Max sizes of the window are optional, if 0 then ignored. There are buttons to set the current size to minimum and/or maximum... IMO very nice :)
#6 matt
16:09 Aug 15, 2005
OK, I have implemented min size and max size, plus two 'set' buttons. Unless we really really need that, I'd like to skip the width increment, height increment and aspect ration parameters of that function. Just because it is a lot of work and it is 1 am in Germany - yawn.  
#7 Portale
14:46 Aug 16, 2005
Yipeee!! :) Thanky you so much! I am sure you had a very good sleep after that. This feature will be the end of dialogs that are squeezed beyond recognition...
I was only thinking of minimum. Now, you did minimum and maximum.. So my feature request is at least gone true doubly :)
Personally, I think that the min/max size parameters are enough for the FLUID UI. From now on, the dialog creating people will know about FLTKs cool dialog resizing features. And if their appetite is whettend and they want something more fancy like increments and aspect ratios they will look into the documentation.

Thank you,
#8 matt
04:38 Aug 17, 2005
My pleasure  

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