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STR #825

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STR #825

Application:FLTK Library
Status:1 - Closed w/Resolution
Priority:2 - Low, e.g. a documentation error or undocumented side-effect
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Image Support
Summary:Strange colors are read from a 32-bit bitmap
Created By:Natevw
Assigned To:mike
Fix Version:1.1-current (SVN: v4336)
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Trouble Report Files:

Name/Time/Date Filename/Size  
#1 Natevw
05:45 Apr 21, 2005
#2 Portale
06:38 Apr 21, 2005
#3 Portale
13:11 Apr 21, 2005
#4 Portale
09:44 Apr 22, 2005
#5 Portale
09:44 Apr 22, 2005
#6 Portale
09:45 Apr 22, 2005
#7 Portale
11:14 Apr 22, 2005
#8 Portale
12:33 Apr 22, 2005
#9 Portale
12:42 Apr 22, 2005
#10 mike
08:20 May 12, 2005

Trouble Report Comments:

Name/Time/Date Text  
#1 Natevw
05:45 Apr 21, 2005
The attached bitmap can be loaded, but the colors are not correct.
#2 Portale
06:43 Apr 21, 2005
It looks as if your BMP is in reality 16 bit. The file size (320x240pixel * 2Bytes = 153600 Bytes) suggests it. Or maybe it has some kind of compression?
The .bmp file which I posted has 24 bits (320x240pixel * 3Bytes = 230400 Bytes). This should work.
#3 Natevw
07:14 Apr 21, 2005
Hmm....I did notice strange file size comparisons when I saved it as a 24 bit using Windows Paint. Windows Explorer properties say it's 32 bit. Explorer couldn't possibly be wrong, could it!

I can convert files in whatever flavor this is to a format FLTK can read, the problem is that the image libraries _do_ attempt to read it, but then proceed to read it incorrectly.

#4 Portale
10:43 Apr 21, 2005
The Windows Explorer properties seem to be wrong. A test showed me that this .BMP file is 16 bit.

There are two different ways of using the 16 bits for the RGB channels. One is 5:5:5, where each channel has 5 bits and one bit is wasted. This way of interpreting 16 bit .BMPs is the default in Fl_BMP_Image.
The second variant is 5:6:5 where green has 6 bits. This is #deffed out via "USE_5_6_5". The image you posted has the 5:6:5 variant.

Now, the question is: Is the information "5:5:5" or "5:6:5" for 16 bit images written in the .BMP header? If yes, the reading routine could switch dynamically.
#5 Portale
11:00 Apr 21, 2005
The in formation could be in the header.
From the .BMP spec:
"If the /Compression/ field of the bitmap file is set to /BI_BITFIELDS/, the /Palette/ field contains three dword color masks that specify the red, green, and blue components, respectively, of each pixel. Each word in the bitmap array represents a single pixel."
"When the /Compression/ field is set to /BI_BITFIELDS/, Windows 95 supports only the following 16bpp color masks: A 5-5-5 16-bit image, where the blue mask is 0x001F, the green mask is 0x03E0, and the red mask is 0x7C00; and a 5-6-5 16-bit image, where the blue mask is 0x001F, the green mask is 0x07E0, and the red mask is 0xF800."

Does anyone habe a 5:5:5 16 bit bmp image somewhere, for testing?
#6 Portale
13:15 Apr 21, 2005
The patch proposal "bmp_16_bit_565_fix.patch" should make the "USE_5_6_5" preprocessor symbol obsolete.  
#7 Portale
09:51 Apr 22, 2005
The color problem with the 16bpp .bmp types 555 and 565 is solved. But there seems to be another issue with 16bpp .bmp images whose width is not a multiple of 4 (or another padding).  
#8 Portale
12:46 Apr 22, 2005
There is also an issue with .bmp images that have a flipped row order. Those images have a negative height and FLTK doesn't handle that.
Example image:
Patch proposal:
I am not happy with the patch proposal, since in order not to add too many new variables and not to change too many things, introduces one line of spaghetti code (the grown "if" statement). For sure, it can be done in a smarter way.
#9 mike
08:20 May 12, 2005
Fixed in Subversion repository.

I've attached the final, combined patch.  Instead of the ? operator stuff, I added start and end variables to track things.  Also, I changed bool to int (FLTK 1.1.x is not supposed to use bool, 2.0 will) and fixed the 32-bit alignment check at the end of your 16-bit code (&2 is incorrect).

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