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STR #377

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STR #377

Application:FLTK Library
Status:4 - Pending
Priority:1 - Request for Enhancement, e.g. asking for a feature
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Subsystem:Core Library
Summary:Improve Fl_Int/Float_input input method
Created By:ariock.skynet
Assigned To:mike
Fix Version:Unassigned
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Trouble Report Files:

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Name/Time/Date Filename/Size  
#1 ariock.skynet
04:12 May 04, 2004
#2 ariock.skynet
23:52 May 16, 2004
#3 ariock.skynet
02:55 May 25, 2004
#4 ariock.skynet
23:00 Jul 27, 2004
#5 ariock.skynet
23:00 Jul 27, 2004

Trouble Report Comments:

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Name/Time/Date Text  
#1 ariock.skynet
04:12 May 04, 2004
Ok, I don't like the idea to work on my own so:
Here is a little diff patch to implement what I've done so far.
(patch is simple, just replace the handle function with this one)

What is not done:
- Hexa input
- Scientific input for floating point number input

For the hexa feature, I think it might be interesting to make a special Hexa_Input as usually there cannot be a '-' sign in front of them, and I doubt someone want to input a float value manually in hexa...
But I believe it breaks compatibility...?

#2 mike
15:05 May 15, 2004
Can you post in the form of a unified diff against the current Fl_Input code?  
#3 ariock.skynet
23:58 May 16, 2004
Ok here is the same, more looking like a diff patch thought I'm not sure if it's ok as I don't know exactly the syntax for that kind of path...

Don't bother integrating this as it is (any other than for testing), I just would like you to tell me if the current work is ok and if I shoud go on on that vein...
And also what about a new Fl_hexa_Input?

While this might be a bit complicated I think it might be interesting to 'copy' the java implementation of a second class dedicated to check the user input, that way we would have:
Fl_Input --> the graphical view
Fl_Document (java name) --> a class that do the real inserting en removing, and Fltk could provide 4 implementations, a normal one, and the int/float/hexa implementations... this way if somebody wants a different behaviour there is less to re-code?
#4 ariock.skynet
02:58 May 25, 2004
Ok, I proof-read my code and found different input-issue that I didn't catch...

Here is some kind of final patch that will insure that any input is always a numeric value (for Flot_input and Int_Input) as long as there is a default value present before the user inputs anything.

#5 mike
08:11 Jul 27, 2004
Can you provide your updated Fl_Input.cxx?  Your hand-generated diff doesn't work, and there are enough changes that I'd like to get it right.

#6 ariock.skynet
23:04 Jul 27, 2004
Here you are, as the STR didn't change for a while, I just made a personnal widget to do the work. This is my personnal widget, but you'll recognise easily the parts that "should" be changed/added to the Fl_Input to do the same.
As I stated before, I did'nt do the job for the hexa input as I beleive this should be separete widget.

Thanks for the work!
#7 mike
18:57 Sep 12, 2004
I'm bumping this to 2.0...  

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