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STR #1804

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STR #1804

Application:FLTK Library
Status:5 - New
Priority:4 - High, e.g. key functionality not working
Scope:3 - Applies to all machines and operating systems
Summary:"MOVE" in handle(int event) broken
Created By:Joe
Assigned To:Unassigned
Fix Version:Unassigned
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#1 Joe
21:43 Oct 07, 2007
Op System Ubuntu
Compiler gcc

In my handle(int event) routine, ENTER, LEAVE, PUSH, DRAG, RELEASE, work fine, but not MOVE.  In r5555 MOVE works fine, and that version is what I continue to use.  In r5940 and r5941 it is broken.  Hope you can restore it in a later release

#2 gga
16:02 Oct 16, 2007
Move definitively works on those releases as I'm using it.
What widgets are you seeing the problem with?
#3 Joe
17:21 Oct 16, 2007
Move is used to report the position of a mouse over a bitmap of a photograph so that the color values can be reported in a status bar.  The structure is:

     Widget --drawing
       method -- handle(event)
   PackedGroup  -- status bar

The handle(event) method sends new positions of the mouse back to the status bar routines after factoring in the scroll position and magnification.
#4 spitzak
13:14 Oct 17, 2007
Make sure your handle() method returns non-zero for ENTER.

This is likely the bug, but if it isn't your widget, it may be one of the fltk widgets surrounding it.
#5 Joe
19:35 Oct 17, 2007
Here is my handle routine - which works, but not with current versions:

int Drawing::handle(int event){
    case fltk::ENTER:  //sent when mouse is in widget
      return true;  //to get fltk::MOVE & fltk::LEAVE events
    case fltk::LEAVE:
      return true;
    case fltk::MOVE:
          de->find_center(mouse_x, mouse_y);
        if(de->ff_line_dir[0].on || de->ff_line_dir[1].on)
          de->find_line_direc(mouse_x, mouse_y);
        return true;
    case fltk::PUSH:{
        int button=fltk::event_key();
        return true;  //to get fltk::DRAG & fltk::RELEASE events
    case fltk::DRAG:{
        int button=fltk::event_key();
        return true;
    case fltk::RELEASE:{
        int button=fltk::event_key();     //same as event_button()
            uint flag=fltk::event_state();
        return true;
  return false;
#6 gga
20:50 Oct 17, 2007
MOVE as described works fine for me (I'm using it for the same thing you are).

What's mouse_active?  My guess that's your bug.

Also, you are incorrectly returning bools instead of ints in your function (albeit that should be okay, except for warnings).
#7 Joe
22:39 Oct 17, 2007
I wrote this routine several years ago - I do not know what "mouse_active" was for.  Taking it out -- and returning ints -- does not change things in r5555, where the code works perfectly.  Unfortunately my computer is running a neural net right now that should be finished tomorrow, but since it uses the fltk libs also, I can't try the newer fltk revision until the net train is finished.  I may also try compiling the fltk with debug enabled and see if I can tell what the difference is between r5555 and the newer versions as far as MOVE is concerned.
Thanks for your attention to this matter!
#8 Joe
14:50 Oct 18, 2007
Back to it.  I tried the revised handle with r5941 - still does not work, as expected.  I forgot to mention one fact though - the MOVE does work with r5941 but only in a narrow band along the right and bottom edges of the drawing.

I also did as I said I would, compiled r5555 in debug, broke on my MOVE handler, and discovered the source was in Widget.cxx.  Comparing the code with the r5941 version revealed two changes since r5555.  Restoring four lines of code from the r5555 version makes everything work fine - (for me anyway, I assume those changes were for a reason.  Here are the changes starting at Line 740 of the r5941 Widget.cxx:

if(ret){    //added
    // Set belowmouse only if handle() did not set it to some child:
    if (!contains(fltk::belowmouse())) fltk::belowmouse(this);
}           //added

  case LEAVE:
  case DND_LEAVE:
    ret = handle(event);

  case DND_ENTER:
  case DND_DRAG:
    if (!takesevents()) break;
    // figure out correct type of event:
    event = (contains(fltk::belowmouse())) ? DND_DRAG : DND_ENTER;
    // see if it wants the event:
    ret = handle(event);
if(ret){    //added
    // Set belowmouse only if handle() did not set it to some child:
    if (!contains(fltk::belowmouse())) fltk::belowmouse(this);
}           //added

#9 gga
15:05 Oct 18, 2007
One possible cause is that fltk2 has a bug in the move routine with widgets at the same level.
If you have:

     Widget3  --- move handle here

Widget3 is currently incorrectly getting the fltk::event_x() and fltk::event_y() offset by the position and space used by the previous widgets (widget1 and 2 in the example).
Try printing the values of fltk::event_x()/y() in your move routine.
#10 Joe
16:36 Oct 18, 2007
Without the "fix" there is nothing coming into the move routine, so no eventx/y.  With the fix, the number is displayed (after scaling) in the status bar.  It tracks perfectly.  It also tracks perfectly with the middle button held down with or without the fix.  

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