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Poll #21

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Poll #21

FLTK is fast and light and very well suited to run on embedded devices. Are you interested in supporting PDA's, cell phones and industrial consoles?
not interested 93 / 14%
yes, for WindowsCE 250 / 38%
yes, for Embedded Linux and X11 346 / 52%
yes, for direct framebuffer access 238 / 36%
based on FLTK 1 132 / 20%
based on FLTK 2 260 / 39%
I can not contribute 122 / 18%
I can contribute work 103 / 15%
I would contribute financially 33 / 5%
657 total votes.
This poll is closed.

User Comments

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From matt, 03:24 May 20, 2007 (score=3)

Thanks everybody for voting and posting to this poll. I find the result very exciting. There seems to be a big enough demand for an embedded version, but what's even better, it seems to be easily done using the existing source code. No branching required means best support and up-to-date source code.

Thank you all!

Reply ]

From MTeixeira, 12:01 May 07, 2007 (score=3)

Well, I am also interested  to the collaboration @ CE porting. Can i receive the base of Ce porting theat you ave tested ? Best Regards, Manoel Teixeira
Reply ]

From Sadysta, 07:59 Mar 30, 2007 (score=3)

What more can I say... I did it. It works. FLTK is a great piece of software. Porting it was nothing but pleasure. It still needs some fine-tuning but basically... IT WORKS!

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
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From leehc0121, 20:43 Oct 28, 2007 (score=3)

I have been working on porting FLTK to WINCE for some days,but I find it is really hard for me who just have a simple knowlage about WINCE to finish the porting job.I really need your help in order to solve the problems more quickly.So,can I have you email address for getting your help?Thanks very much! My email address is:lhc0121@126.com,waiting for your revert.
Reply ]

From leehc0121, 20:35 Oct 28, 2007 (score=3)

I have been working on porting FLTK to WINCE for some days,but I find it is really hard for me who just have a simple knowlage about WINCE to finish the porting job.I really need your help in order to solve the problems more quickly.So,can I have you email address for getting your help?Thanks very much!
Reply ]

From MTeixeira, 09:57 May 15, 2007 (score=3)

Hi, Now it's running fine, too. The next step is to test all the objects. I don't know why anybody that was testing FLTKCE did not want to help me, together we could solve the problems more quickly. Any way, after that I intend to port it to Symbian/OS.

Best Regards,


Manoel Teixeira

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
Reply ]

From tizianotomasini, 03:36 May 05, 2007 (score=3)

Whell, i am interested to the collaboration @ CE porting. Can i receive the base of Ce porting theat you ave tested ? Best regards Tiziano Tomasini
Reply ]

From Sadysta, 13:27 Mar 28, 2007 (score=3)

Now, I'm trying another approach using CEgcc for MinGW because I realized that there is some fundamental funtionality in default WinCE C library missing (i.e. current working directory, environmental variables). Errors remain basically the same, although of course there are now no complaints about getcwd(), getenv() and so on.
Reply ]

From nfr2, 02:00 Mar 30, 2007 (score=3)

May I help you in the windowsCE port and test, I use evc3. Some problem may come from the unicode only nature of windowsCE, a conversion may fix that. There is no notion of current directory, so a work around must be found. There is no real cursor (mouse pointer). Some gdi call are missing (eg MovetO/Lineto to be replaced by Polyline)
Reply ]

From Sadysta, 03:51 Mar 30, 2007 (score=3)

OK, now this is the list of functions which need to be implemented or removed in order to run the 'hello' test from FLTK:

RegisterClassEx (-> replace w/RegisterClass)
OleInitialize (-> dunno)
RegisterDragDrop (-> dunno)
IsIconic (-> doesn't apply in WinCE)
OpenIcon (-> doesn't apply in WinCE)
GdiFlush (-> doesn't apply in WinCE)
UpdateColors (-> dunno)
GlobalAlloc (-> replace w/LocalAlloc)
GlobalLock (-> replace w/LocalLock)
GlobalUnlock (-> replace w/LocalUnlock)
CreateFont (-> replace w/CreateFontIndirect)
TextOut (-> replace w/DrawText or ExtTextOut)
ReleaseStgMedium (-> dunno)
DragQueryFile (-> dunno)
Arc (-> replace w/Ellipse() and clipping region)
Pie (-> same as Arc())
PolyPolygon (-> replace w/multiple Polygon() calls)
ExtCreatePen (-> replace w/CreatePen)

I have already patched the sources so that Unicode is not a problem any more. Also the working directory and environmental variables are not problems any more as I've decided to use CEgcc with its newlib standard C library which implements both of the aforementioned functionalities.

Circumventing lack of CWD without writing part of the C library is not that simple because not only chdir() and getcwd() are the functions that matter. What about all fopen()'s with relative paths... not that simple.

So what I've done so far is:

  • FLTK compiles
  • Samples compile
  • Samples don't link due to the lack of listed functions

I don't really know why the library got compiled in the first place, I guess it has something to do with the Win CE headers provided with CEgcc, they must be somewhat different from the original ones (i.e. functions declared in them but not defined in any library).
Reply ]

From Sadysta, 23:47 Mar 26, 2007 (score=3)

As a matter of act, soon I'm going to prepare a Window CE-version of FLTK anyway as I need to port my application to Pocket PC. So should there be a way to do it properly (i.e. with main developers' acknowledgment and support) I'm eager to do it.

Yesterday I've tried to compile FLTK from CVS under Embedded Visual C++ 4.0 + SP4 + Windows CE 5.0 SDK and there were quite a lot of errors, where the most repetitive ones were:

  • unknown identifier MINMAXINFO
  • conversion from unsigned short* to char* not allowed (I suppose it has sth to do with Unicode)
  • some drawing functions (i.e. Arc, Pie) not present in WinCE
  • some constants not present in WinCE (i.e. SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE)

A total of 109 errors. It doesn't look really scary, but these issues certainly need to be resolved. The question is: should there be a separate version of FLTK for WinCE (i.e. create Fl_wince.cxx, Fl_font_wince.cxx and so on) or should the Win32 port prevail and only some functionality missing in Win CE be implemented by hand...
Reply ]

From dejan, 16:10 Mar 30, 2007 (score=3)

IMHO it should go into the current FLTK2 source tree. WinCE code should reside inside src/wince (i would rather have src/platform/wince). Common,  platform-specific files should be inside this directory (font, run, etc).
Reply ]

From Weinga-Unity, 08:15 Mar 08, 2007 (score=3)

What about PalmOS and FLTK? Are there any solutions or ideas to do that?
Reply ]

From matt, 03:27 May 20, 2007 (score=3)

It seems taht PalmOS in its old form is stuck and does not receive any attention by the developers anymore. I understand that the current owners of the sources are trying to port the PalmOS interface to Linux devices. If that is so, it would be a waste to set FLTK on top of a PalmOS emulator and instead simply use the Embedded Linux interface directly.
Reply ]

From bernhard_s, 09:04 Feb 28, 2007 (score=3)

Just found http://www.ssv-embedded.de/trm/021203gui.htm

Seems like they have done a lot of work in this direction.
Reply ]

From bluekid, 00:22 Feb 28, 2007 (score=3)

Do you see OpenMoko.  may be more easier

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From matt, 03:30 May 20, 2007 (score=3)

OpenMoko is a very nice concept that deserves its space on mobile devices. The advantage of an embedded FLTK version would be the reusability of most source code of a cross-platform desktop version of the same application.
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