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Re: [fltk/fltk] CMake: Use imported targets for PkgConfig packages (PR #954)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] CMake: Use imported targets for PkgConfig packages (PR #954) Jordan Williams 07:50 Apr 21  

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean with this statement. It's clear that we can't simply export an imported target like PkgConfig::* (I tried that in a "naïve" first test just to be sure). I could try to create a separate INTERFACE library with all the PkgConfig::* details (either targets or explicit link libraries and include directories) instead of collecting them in variables like OPTIONAL_LIBS.

I'd need to look into it more to find how other projects accomplish this, but I'd guess that they incorporate the necessary find_package / pkg_check_modules calls in the CMake config to make the imported targets available. I think this would end up being more portable than using hard-coded paths or assuming everything can be found in system include and library directories.

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