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[fltk/fltk] 1.5 tooltips and menu help callbacks. (Issue #941)

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[fltk/fltk] 1.5 tooltips and menu help callbacks. (Issue #941) Gonzalo Garramuño 12:05 Mar 20  

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Currently, FLTK supports static text tooltips on widgets, but sometimes it would be useful to have a callback to display information that changes based on, for example, other settings.
Menus, which support calling callbacks, currently lack a way to have a tooltip for them or a callback to briefly mention what they do on, say, a status bar.

I am using FLTK

Describe the solution you'd like
Add a help_callback() function to Fl_Menu_Item and to Fl_Widget.

Describe alternatives you've considered
Nothing, as there's, afaik, no way to do this in FLTK 1.4.

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