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Re: [fltk/fltk] FLTK multi-touch gesture support (Issue #733)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] FLTK multi-touch gesture support (Issue #733) jinjin-Helen 22:09 Jun 11  

@Albrecht-S , Thank you for sharing this information. You said correctly it is only supporting the basic events (like touch points' down, up, motion and etc.) in Wayland protocols. We should compose these events to implement more complex events (like zoom, swipe). Currently, we have implemented the basic events and are waiting for the testing. Hope we have good news.

BTW, I also have read the libinput doc, and it mentioned libinput supports [Pinch gestures] and [Swipe gestures] on most modern touchpads and other indirect touch devices. Note that libinput does not support gestures on touchscreens. If I am not misunderstanding, it won't be suitable for my intended.

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