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Re: [fltk/fltk] Issues with fl_overlay_rect on Linux and Mac (Issue #735)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] Issues with fl_overlay_rect on Linux and Mac (Issue #735) Albrecht Schlosser 01:31 Jun 11  

Thanks for further testing and your videos, and for your comments. I believe that fl_overlay_rect() is pretty old and not much tested in the FLTK test and demo programs. My spare time is currently rather limited and it would need some investigation (including code and documentation) to find out how it is (was) intended to be used and how it can be used correctly.

I would disagree that it could be described as a programming error.

That's why I used "could". ;-)

I think the aesthetic of an overlay rect with 3 visible edges and 1 offscreen edge (as opposed to all visible, clamped edges) should be completely valid.

Thanks for your opinion, point taken; this should be considered.

I may be too un-knowledgeable here, but isn't it strange that in the mandelbrot demo fl_overlay_rect() is being called in handle() instead of draw() or draw_overlay()?

Unfortunately the documentation is pretty sparse on how to use fl_overlay_rect(). However, it says "Using these functions is tricky." See chapter "Drawing Things in FLTK", section "Drawing Overlays".

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