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Re: [fltk/fltk] Issues with fl_overlay_rect on Linux and Mac (Issue #735)

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Re: [fltk/fltk] Issues with fl_overlay_rect on Linux and Mac (Issue #735) dannye 15:59 Jun 10  

Reproducing the crash on Mac in 1.3

The crash can easily be reproduced in 1.3 using the mandelbrot demo by simply commenting out the two if statements which perform the clamping of x2 and y2:


The crash does not happen in 1.4:


However, you can see in that video that 1.4 on Mac has a weird smearing issue (different from the smearing issue I noticed in 1.3 on Mac):
Of course, the smearing outside the mandelbrot drawing area is pretty much expected and not a real problem. But notice all the seemingly random smearing inside the mandelbrot drawing area.

You said:

If your program uses coordinates beyond the window borders then this could be called a programming error but I agree that FLTK should not crash.

I would disagree that it could be described as a programming error.
I think the aesthetic of an overlay rect with 3 visible edges and 1 offscreen edge (as opposed to all visible, clamped edges) should be completely valid.
Additionally, in my own application's case (not mandelbrot), the call to fl_overlay_rect() is inside the draw() of a Fl_Group, and the group is a child of a Fl_Scroll, so the group shouldn't be too concerned if certain parts of itself are visible or not, since most of the group is usually scrolled way off screen and not within the presently-visible region of the Fl_Scroll.
Obviously we're in agreement that FLTK shouldn't crash, so no issue, just adding my 2 cents.

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