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[fltk.general] crosscompiling to macos 10 linker issues

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crosscompiling to macos 10 linker issues Mo_Al_ 14:30 May 01  

Currently FLTK uses UniformTypeIdentifiers on macos >= 11.
This is done using both CMake by checking the CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION >= 20 for the linking and  MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED (in src/Fl_Native_File_Chooser_MAC.mm ) during the compilation.

According to the discussion here:
this leads to issues when targeting macos 10 via cross-compilation.

The following Dockerfile would reproduce the issue. It uses a container which installs the osxcross toolchain:

FROM juanplopes/crossbuild

RUN git clone https://github.com/fltk/fltk --depth=1

ENV CROSS_TRIPLE=x86_64-apple-darwin

WORKDIR /workdir/fltk



RUN crossbuild cmake --build bin --parallel

removing the CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION breaks the build because CMake/setup.cmake relies on it being set. Using CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION 19 would cause a linker error. 
I haven't tried targeting macos 10 using an actual macos system, so I can't tell if this would also cause a build error there.

Thank you for your insights.

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