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[fltk.general] Unicode input problem under wayland

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Unicode input problem under wayland Mo_Al_ 18:32 Apr 20  

I would appreciate insight regarding the following issue, which was reported at fltk-rs, but I think the issue lies in the IME support under wayland:
The link contains a video showing the behavior. 
The fltk-rs version this was reported against is 1.4.28, which corresponds to FTLK revision 1bc568047250a39dc5cd60eac49f40d36fe82201(from 2 weeks ago).

When I input ASCII characters, as long as the frequency is a little faster, repeated characters will appear.
For example, "hello world" will become: "heeellllllooo wwooorrrlld".

When I input Unicode characters, there is a high probability that the characters will be garbled, and sometimes the input characters will disappear.

The most outrageous thing is that sometimes it triggers the string to "flicker".

In the video above, it looks like I’m constantly deleting text, but I’m not. I just typed emo.

Note: Only wayland triggers this issue, x11 does not.

This issue has rendered the input method of Wayland basically unusable, I hope it can be fixed.

  • OS: Debian Sid GNU/Linux (x86_64)
  • Display: Wayland
  • Desktop: KDE Plasma 5.27.10-1+b2

  • (process:160445): Pango-WARNING **: 22:53:29.310: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()

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