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Re: [fltk.general] Re: FLUID: how can I have SVG icons embedded in the code?

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Re: Re: FLUID: how can I have SVG icons embedded in the code? Ian MacArthur 01:09 Apr 18  
So, looking at the fluid from fltk-1.4 ( from a very recent git pull...) I see that what used to be the "Binary Data" blob is now called "Inline Data" and supports not just a binary chunk (as I expected form the 1.3 fluid) but optionally a text chunk or a compressed chunk.
Which seems like a useful thing - it means, for example, that I can easily store an SVG file as a text inclusion, from fluid, and it just works.
Which is jolly handy...

As an aside, can the newer FL SVG class mechanism handle scaling and such if a widget resizes? 
My current SVG code was written with FL-1.3 and uses nanosvg "directly" but I have to derive widgets with a resize() method to catch the widget size changing; and then re-rasterize on size changes.
But if the fl-1.4 code can do that for me "by magic" that would be useful.

Oh! Maybe that's Gonzalo's question then? Maybe it doesn't "automatically" do the resize and he expects that it would?
That being so, I guess you'd need to do it the "old way" that I do, i.e. have a resize() method to catch the widget changing size and re-rasterize.

Is that what it is?

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