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Re: [fltk.general] Widget alignment based on external label

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Re: Widget alignment based on external label Gonzalo Garramuño 17:17 Apr 10  

On 4/10/2024 7:15 PM, supsm17 wrote:
Let's say I have a Fl_Input with an external label "Input". How can I align the widget such that the labels are aligned with other widgets, rather than just the box?

There are several ways, depending on what you prefer:

1) Create an Fl_Group and place two widgets Box for label, Input without label. and position them using X and W coordinates.  If you use fluid, it can help. 2) Create a Fl_Pack, with similar widgets as Fl_Group.  Fl_Pack will pack the two widgets next to each other if you set the pack horizontally.  You just need to set the widget of the Fl_Group's widgets and the Fl_Pack's height. 3) If you are using fltk1.4, use Fl_Flex.  Similar to Fl_Pack (it is its default behavior).  But you can set the size of one widget (say the label) and let the other resize as you will.

Gonzalo Garramuño

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