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Re: [fltk.general] Duplicated libraries

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Re: Duplicated libraries "'Albrecht Schlosser' via fltk.general" 18:56 Mar 16  
  On 3/16/24 23:43 Rob McDonald wrote:
On Saturday, March 16, 2024 at 2:29:28 PM UTC-7 Albrecht-S wrote:

The earlier/obsolete FindFLTK (1.1) module allowed to select which
libraries you need by setting some variables. In modern CMake you would
select "components" but this is not implemented in our FLTK build.

OK, in old (module based) FindFLTK.cmake, the above seemed to work.

That's because none of these libs *implied* linking any other lib. You had to know which one you need(ed) to link, or FLTK had to list all dependencies in this variable. The new, modern CMake approach is that every single lib "knows" its own dependencies (aka linkage requirements) and provides you (i.e. your build procedure) with all required include directories and other compiler flags etc. etc. - that's what "modern CMake" does.

Thanks much for the explanation -- it seems obvious (and I nearly went down that path).  I feel stupid for not knowing this.

No problem ...

Do you see this on macOS, or on which OS?

I'm diagnosing this on MacOS, but it may happen on other platforms too.

I believe that only the macOS linker issues a warning about this. Generally this should be harmless anyway.

Modern CMake adds linkage requirements to each library and
it should - IMHO - avoid duplicating libs. However, if you add libs more
than once, then I assume that CMake does it in the linker commandline as
well. That said,

- you should *never* add fltk::z, fltk::png, or fltk::jpeg explicitly
because they will be linked indirectly by fltk::images.

Where is this documented?

Good question. Thanks for asking. If this is not clearly documented I need to improve the docs. [see below]

I had assumed that fltk::images contained some common image-related code and that the other three just contained format specific code.  I did not expect that the linker targets would be cumulative like this (to create the possibility of this mistake).

I understand "cumulative" but I'm not sure what you mean. Let me rephrase this: The term used in CMake is that each library *target* contains its own linkage requirements. Hence fltk::images has the linkage requirements that it needs fltk::fltk, fltk:jpeg and fltk::png. fltk::png requires fltk::z, fltk::fltk requires X11 and/or Wayland libs, libcairo, libfontconfig, ... All this adds libs recursively to the linkage requirements that result in the linker commandline generated by CMake.

Also -- how can I be sure that it is safe to leave these out?

You can be sure that every library target brings its own linkage requirements with it. So the only question is: which library do you really use, i.e. whose library's functions do you call directly?

I probably can (I don't explicitly use any of the FLTK image code), but how can I be sure?

Simple answer: trial and error. Try the minimal list and build your project. If it works you're done, otherwise the linker will spit out undefined symbols that give you a clue which other library you need.

More detailed answers: for instance, if you call fl_register_images() you request functions of the image library fltk::images. If you use any of the Fl::xxx_Image classes (except Fl_RGB_Image and maybe a few others) you need fltk::images, etc.

Is setting the operating system icon enough to require this?  Custom widget decorations?  I know I don't use FLTK to open and display images, but there might be some unintended use.

As said above, if you don't know what you need, just try without fltk::images and you'll see.

- if you need one or more of fltk::forms, fltk::images, or fltk::gl then
add them to your target_link_libraries() but not fltk::fltk because it
will be included implicitly. Using all three of these libs should be

Again, where is this documented?  Is fltk::forms only needed for old  Forms compatibility?

Basically yes, but if you happen to use e.g. Fl_Timer (an old Forms compatibility widget) you need fltk::forms which is not that obvious but also not very likely (the docs discourage its usage). There may be more unexpected things that are in the forms library but usually you won't use such code in "normal" FLTK applications. Again, the linker will tell you.

OK, I've gone searching more and have found this stuff documented in section 3.1 of README.CMake.txt

OK, I see. I thought I documented it but wasn't 100% sure. This looks pretty complete, are there any more questions?

It is super interesting that fltk::forms, fltk::images, and fltk::gl will all implicitly add fltk::fltk -- such that adding all three is harmless and adding any of them makes fltk::fltk unnecessary.  However, there are the other prohibitions against multiple adds...

Note that multiple adds should never be harmful. A warning (as from the macOS linker) can indicate something but you can certainly live with it (I would try to eliminate the warning though, same as what I see you doing).

From reading all this, I think I should be able to get away with just 


And nothing else...

Yep, if you are using OpenGL (Fl_Gl_Window). If you need more the linker will tell you.

BTW, the 'old' FindFLTK.cmake Module approach would implicitly 'Find(OpenGL)' (unless it was explicitly skipped) and would add the resulting OpenGL libraries to the FLTK libraries.

This does not appear to be what fltk::gl does at all -- which is fine, but I guess this is just another implied difference between the old and Modern way.

Hmm, I'm not sure I understand you. If you link your program with fltk::gl this *should* imply all required OpenGL libs to satisfy the linker. If this is not happening then this is a bug in FLTK's CMake support. I'll check this ... tomorrow.

Or, if I misunderstood you, please clarify what you mean. Do you need to link OpenGL system libs in your project's CMake files explicitly?

...  this does not tell me that fltk::images includes all of fltk::jpeg and fltk::png  -- and other implied rules like that.

Simply put, there's only one rule: every CMake library target contains all of its linkage requirements (recursively) - and again, if this is not the case then it's a bug, please let me know.

Thanks for the help,

Thanks for testing and feedback, I appreciate your constructive help very much.


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