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Re: [fltk.general] OT:Matthias Melcher's emails, thunderbird and fltkgeneral.

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Re: OT:Matthias Melcher's emails, thunderbird and fltkgeneral. Greg Ercolano 15:23 Mar 15  

On 3/15/24 14:38, Gonzalo Garramuño wrote:
I have a question for Matthias regarding fltkgeneral, thunderbird and google groups.

Under thunderbird at least, I find that on fltkgeneral, Mathias emails are marked as that address (and thunderbird adds his contact information to that address), instead of his personal address like on fltkcore.  I am not sure if I reply the email will go to fltkgeneral instead.  Also, sometimes I see other users posting to fltkgeneral and the sender gets marked as Matthias when in fact was another user.  That just happened to some emails on the Drop configure thread.

Am I the only one seeing this and is there any way to fix this?

I'm probably the best one to answer this, as I manage the FLTK google groups
and the interfaces to the seriss.com
usenet server and web forum interface.

I use thunderbird too, receiving the google group via the mailing list
which I have filtered to a separate folder.

I do remember having to play around with Thunderbird's config to disable
the confusing "Reply" button that would sometimes reply to the group and
sometimes reply via private email.

I found I could disable that confusing button, so that the only one I see
is the "Reply List" button at the top/right of messages, and I've been using
that for a while now and not had trouble since.

So for instance when I'm replying to your message, I use the "Reply List"
(red arrow in this screenshot), which always replies to the list:

    I can try to find the Thunderbird config info I used, as I believe I was working on this
    with Albrecht some time ago..

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