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[fltk.bugs] [MOD] STR #1599: fl_alert (and maybe related) windows sometimes don't show

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[MOD] STR #1599: fl_alert (and maybe related) windows sometimes don't show Albrecht Schlosser Feb 12, 2007  

[STR New]

The problem is related to the dual monitor setup that I'm testing right
now. AFAIK, fl_ask, fl_message and friends windows should appear near the
cursor (hot spot). However, they seem to be shown at some random position
on one OR the other monitor (when I had that problem for the first time,
the second monitor was switched off, and I couldn't see the fl_alert
message at all).

Moving the primary window around seems to modify the position of the
fl_xxx window somehow, but I couldn't see any rule :-(

It can be reproduced e.g. with sudoku.exe. Enter some numbers and then
select Game/New Game. The (fl_ask) message appears _completely_ on one or
the other monitor, but not necessary on the same monitor as the primary

My setup is such that the primary monitor is at coords (0,0), and the
secondary monitor is at (-1280,0) - i.e. at the left side.

After investigating some more, it seems that the fl_ask window appears on
the secondary monitor, whenever the left edge of the fl_ask message would
appear on the left monitor, except when the primary window is near the top
of the window (and thus the mouse, too), and the fl_ask window appears
some pixels further down (increasing y coords).

It's somewhat strange and at least annoying, but maybe not even a bug?

I would suggest, that the fl_alert and other windows should always appear
on the same monitor where the mouse (the "hot spot") is positioned.


Link: http://www.fltk.org/str.php?L1599
Version: 1.1-current

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