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Re: [fltk.bugs] [LOW] STR #1536: a thread-related helper

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Re: [LOW] STR #1536: a thread-related helper Michael Sweet Feb 12, 2007  
Yuri D'Elia wrote:
In article <5405-fltk.bugs-+FT6Wyec2gCDR8wcTNDzOQ@public.gmane.org>,
 Michael Sweet <mike-B9D8k9nSxTHQT0dZR+AlfA@public.gmane.org> wrote:

Yes, we can revisit this for FLTK 2, at least from the standpoint of
changing the awake() function to return a boolean, and perhaps for
extending this to a true RPC (rather than IPC) mechanism.  However,
like I've said before I'm not keen on adding a complex, guaranteed
delivery system unless you can show it can be generally useful to
a broad range of multi-threaded apps.

I don't want anything complex either. In fact, I would prefer either to: - change awake() to not accept any message at all and remove thread_message/set_awake_cb() so that awake() is just a way to awake the main thread;

What use is that?  The current API already provide this sort of
functionality *as well as* simple message passing.

- change the current semantics in a way that allows the system queue to be guaranteed

You'll have a hard time of doing this without getting deadlocked at
some point...

(if we have a system queue, let's take the best out of it or not expose it at all).

No queue is infinite in size/length.

On top of that, support a minimalist RPC, so that Fl::lock/unlock become totally unnecessary (less functions exposed, less internal complexity, less side cases for the application).

I don't see how you can avoid Fl::lock/unlock without mutexes on
everything.  At some level, we need to limit access to widgets and
other stuff in FLTK to a single thread, or have suitable interfaces
that are atomic (and/or protected by mutexes) that can be called by
multiple threads.  That can get really tricky, as anyone who has
worked on operating systems, databases, or real-time software can
tell you.

Implementing an RPC system so that all FLTK calls are directed from
the main thread is one way to avoid explicit Fl::lock/unlock calls,
however not all code can be easily refactored this way - try doing
multiple operations atomically via RPC...  Also, how do you plan on
calling class methods?

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Document Software          http://www.easysw.com

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